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ReferenceMember Complex Type Complex Type

ReferenceMember Complex Type

Defines the elements that contain paths to the source and dependent members used to set up a reference relationship.

<xs:complexType name="ReferenceMember"> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension base="RelationshipMember" > <xs:attribute name="DependentMember" type="Path" use="required" />

  • DependentMember
    The object member that depends on the source member. The object member must match the definition of the dependent object in the reference relationship.

<xs:attribute name="SourceMember" type="Path" use="required" />

  • SourceMember
    The source object member that must match the definition of the source object in the reference relationship.

</xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>

  • ReferenceMember
    Defines the elements that contain paths to the source and dependent members used to set up a reference relationship.


Name Type Description
DependentMember Path

The object member that depends on the source member. The object member must match the definition of the dependent object in the reference relationship.

SourceMember Path

The source object member that must match the definition of the source object in the reference relationship.

See Also

SystemDefinitionModel Schema Complex Types

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Build date: 10/2/2007