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CatalogToVendorAssociation.GetVendorList Method (PIA)

Use this method to retrieve a list of vendors associated with the passed alias qualifier and value, and associated with the input document name.


[Visual Basic .NET]

Imports Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog
Imports ADODB26Lib     ‘ for _Recordset
Public Function GetVendorList(szSourceAliasQualifier As String,
  szSourceAliasValue As String,
  szInputDocumentName As String) As _Recordset


using Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog;
using ADODB26Lib;                              //For _Recordset
public _Recordset GetVendorList(stringszSourceAliasQualifier,


[Visual Basic .NET]

  • szSourceAliasQualifier
    A String that contains the source alias qualifier.
  • szSourceAliasValue
    A String that contains the source alias value.
  • szInputDocumentName
    A String that contains the input document name.


  • szSourceAliasQualifier
    A string that contains the source alias qualifier.
  • szSourceAliasValue
    A string that contains the source alias value.
  • szInputDocumentName
    A string that contains the input document name.

Return Values

[Visual Basic .NET] If this method completes successfully, it returns the _Recordset interface to a Recordset object containing the requested list of vendors.

[C#] This method returns an ADO ADODB26Lib._Recordset interface to a Recordset object containing the requested list of vendors.


This method may throw one of many mapped exceptions or an exception of type COMException. See Standard COM Errors for additional details.


Ee785597.note(en-US,CS.20).gif Note

  • This method is only available when BizTalk Server is installed. It requires the BizTalKDBInternal object.

[Visual Basic .NET]


rsVendorList = _
  myCatalogToVendorAssociation.GetVendorList( _
    szSourceAliasQualifier, szSourceAliasValue, _


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Interop.Catalog

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: cs_ctlgvndr (in cs_ctlgvndr.dll)

See Also

CatalogToVendorAssociation Class

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