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OrderContext.GetShippingMethods (String, String, String[]) Method (BCL)

Use this method to get the list of configured shipping methods as specified by the input parameters.


[Visual Basic .NET]

Public Function GetShippingMethods( _ByValsqlFilter As System.String, _
  ByValorderBy As System.String _
  ByValcolumnsToReturnAs System.String[] _
) As System.Data.Dataset


public System.Data.Dataset GetShippingMethods(System.StringsqlFilter,


[Visual Basic .NET]

  • sqlFilter
    The SQL WHERE clause to apply. Can be null.
  • orderBy
    The SQL ORDER BY clause to apply. Can be null.
  • columnsToReturn
    The list of columns to return. Can be an empty array but cannot be null.


  • sqlFilter
    The SQL WHERE clause to apply. Can be null.
  • orderBy
    The SQL ORDER BY clause to apply. Can be null.
  • columnsToReturn
    The list of columns to return. Can be an empty array but cannot be null.

Return Value

The data set containing a data table containing the requested information about the required shipping methods.


Namespace: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders

Platforms: Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003

Assembly: Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.dll

See Also

Example Code for the Microsoft.CommerceServer.Runtime.Orders Namespace

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