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XmlEditingScope.Revert Method ()


Reverts all the changes made while this XmlEditingScope object was active and sets the parse tree back to the state it was in before this XmlEditingScope began. The XmlEditingScopeStatus is set to Reverted. If this XmlEditingScope is the top-most parent, an EditingScopeCompleted event will be raised on the associated XmlStore. You can tell whether the XmlEditingScope was reverted in your EditingScopeCompleted event handler by checking the XmlEditingScopeStatus.

Namespace:   Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor
Assembly:  Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor (in Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor.dll)


public abstract void Revert()
virtual void Revert() abstract
abstract Revert : unit -> unit
Public MustOverride Sub Revert

See Also

XmlEditingScope Class
Microsoft.VisualStudio.XmlEditor Namespace

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