.NET Samples - Windows Forms: Control Authoring
This section includes the following samples:
UserControl Sample
LicensedControl Sample
SimpleControl Sample
Hello World Control Sample
CustomUITypeEditor Sample
HelpLabel Sample
UserControl Sample
This sample demonstrates the creation of a user control by extending System.Windows.Forms.UserControl. User controls provide more innate functionality than a normal control would so that the user doesn't have to program as much logic for various functions like scrolling and functioning as a control container.
Link to the online sample documentation
Link to the online sample source code
Namespaces used in this sample:
Classes used in this sample:
LicensedControl Sample
This sample demonstrates the use of a License object to protect a user control from being run in an unlicensed host container.
Link to the online sample documentation
Link to the online sample source code
Namespaces used in this sample:
System; System.Drawing; System.ComponentModel; System.Windows.Forms
Classes used in this sample:
License; Control; Form; Component; Container; LicenseProvider; Font; LicFileLicenseProvider; Style; Application; Thread; Brush; Graphics; PaintEventArgs; LicenseProviderAttribute; SolidBrush; File; EventArgs; String; LicenseManager; Attribute
SimpleControl Sample
This sample demonstrates the use of control-authoring attributes in order to interact with the Visual Studio designer. In the sample, various properties of the control are made visible to the browser, given descriptions, and given default values.
Link to the online sample documentation
Link to the online sample source code
Namespaces used in this sample:
System; System.Drawing; System.Windows.Forms; System.ComponentModel
Classes used in this sample:
Button; Control; Form; EventArgs; Font; Component; EventHandler; RadioButton; Style; MessageBox; Message; Graphics; Brush; Group; GroupBox; Container; SolidBrush; String; Thread; FontFamily; Icon; PaintEventArgs; Application
Hello World Control Sample
This sample shows code required for a basic Windows Forms control. The code is derived from System.Windows.Forms.Control and overrides the OnPaint event so that the control can custom paint its client area.
Link to the online sample documentation
Link to the online sample source code
Namespaces used in this sample:
System; System.Drawing; System.Windows.Forms; System.ComponentModel
Classes used in this sample:
Control; Form; Font; Component; Style; Container; Application; String; EventArgs; Brush; Thread; Icon; Graphics; SolidBrush; PaintEventArgs; FontFamily
CustomUITypeEditor Sample
This sample demonstrates the code needed to implement a custom UI type editor. This sample creates a type editor for the FlashTrackBar
control to provide a better view to the user when they are editing various properties for the FlashTrackBar
Link to the online sample documentation
Link to the online sample source code
Namespaces used in this sample:
System; System.Drawing; System.Windows.Forms; System.ComponentModel; System.Drawing.Design; System.Diagnostics; System.ComponentModel.Design; System.Drawing.Drawing2D; System.Windows.Forms.Design
Classes used in this sample:
TrackBar; Font; Form; Component; EventArgs; Style; String; Instance; Type; Control; Graphics; Brush; Convert; UITypeEditor; Service; Container; Capture; Image; MouseEventArgs; EventHandler; SolidBrush; Context; Math; TypeDescriptor; Application; Icon; Thread; LinearGradientBrush; PaintEventArgs; TextureBrush; Debug
HelpLabel Sample
This sample demonstrates a simple extender provider. When an extender provider is added to a Form, all other controls gain properties from the extender provider. This sample adds a HelpText property to every control and provides a Help pop-up window when you move the pointer over the control.
Link to the online sample documentation
Link to the online sample source code
Namespaces used in this sample:
System; System.Drawing; System.Windows.Forms; System.ComponentModel; System.Windows.Forms.Design; System.ComponentModel.Design; System.Collections
Classes used in this sample:
Label; Control; Help; Form; Service; Component; EventHandler; Style; EventArgs; DesignerVerb; Pen; Button; SystemColors; Container; Type; TextBox; TypeDescriptor; Hashtable; Hash; Graphics; DesignerVerbCollection; Brush; Attribute; SolidBrush; Thread; Message; Font; MessageBox; PaintEventArgs; String; Icon; CategoryAttribute; Application