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Connection Pooling for the .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB

Pooling connections can significantly enhance the performance and scalability of your application. The .NET Framework Data Provider for OLE DB automatically pools connections using OLE DB session pooling. Connection string arguments can be used to enable or disable OLE DB services including pooling. For example, the following connection string will disable OLE DB session pooling and automatic transaction enlistment.

Provider=SQLOLEDB;OLE DB Services=-4;Data Source=localhost;Integrated Security=SSPI;

For more information about OLE DB session pooling or resource pooling, as well as how to disable pooling by overriding OLE DB provider service defaults, see the OLE DB Programmer's Reference in the MSDN library located at

**CAUTION   **It is recommended that you always close the Connection when you are finished using it, in order for the connection to be returned to the pool. This can be done using either the Close or Dispose methods of the Connection object. Connections that are not explicitly closed might not be added or returned to the pool. For example, a connection that has gone out of scope but that has not been explicitly closed will only be returned to the connection pool if the maximum pool size has been reached and the connection is still valid.

See Also

Connecting to a Data Source Using ADO.NET | Using .NET Framework Data Providers to Access Data | OleDbConnection Class