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RenderStateManager.ReferenceAlpha Property

Specifies a reference alpha value against which pixels are tested when alpha testing is enabled.

Namespace: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DirectX.Direct3D
Assembly: Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DirectX (in microsoft.windowsmobile.directx.dll)


Public Property ReferenceAlpha As Integer
Dim instance As RenderStateManager
Dim value As Integer

value = instance.ReferenceAlpha

instance.ReferenceAlpha = value
public int ReferenceAlpha { get; set; }
property int ReferenceAlpha {
    int get ();
    void set (int value);
/** @property */
public int get_ReferenceAlpha ()

/** @property */
public void set_ReferenceAlpha (int value)
public function get ReferenceAlpha () : int

public function set ReferenceAlpha (value : int)

Property Value

Integer that specifies the reference alpha value to set or retrieve.

.NET Framework Security

  • Full trust for the immediate caller. This member cannot be used by partially trusted code. For more information, see .


Windows CE, Windows Mobile for Pocket PC, Windows Mobile for Smartphone

The .NET Framework does not support all versions of every platform. For a list of the supported versions, see System Requirements.

Version Information

.NET Compact Framework

Supported in: 2.0

See Also


RenderStateManager Class
RenderStateManager Members
Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DirectX.Direct3D Namespace