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RibbonGallery.ToolTipFooterImageSource Property

Gets or sets the image that is displayed in the footer of the ToolTip for this control.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon
Assembly:  RibbonControlsLibrary (in RibbonControlsLibrary.dll)


Public Property ToolTipFooterImageSource As ImageSource
public ImageSource ToolTipFooterImageSource { get; set; }
property ImageSource^ ToolTipFooterImageSource {
    ImageSource^ get ();
    void set (ImageSource^ value);
member ToolTipFooterImageSource : ImageSource with get, set
function get ToolTipFooterImageSource () : ImageSource
function set ToolTipFooterImageSource (value : ImageSource)

Property Value

Type: System.Windows.Media.ImageSource
The image to display in the footer of the ToolTip. The registered default is nulla null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic). For more information about what can influence the value, see Dependency Property Value Precedence.

Dependency Property Information

Identifier field


Metadata properties set to true



Caution noteCaution

Each ribbon control inherits a FrameworkElement.ToolTip property. If the FrameworkElement.ToolTip property is set, the ribbon’s enhanced ToolTip will not be shown; the standard ToolTip will be shown instead.

.NET Framework Security

See Also


RibbonGallery Class

Microsoft.Windows.Controls.Ribbon Namespace
