Workflow Manager 1.0 Data Type Support and Expressions Activities


Updated: July 12, 2012

Workflow Manager 1.0 provides activities that fall under two categories: activities for working with expressions and data types, and activities for messaging, communications, and building the logic of your workflow applications. The first category of activities are most frequently used behind the scenes as expressions are translated into activity trees composed of activities from the trusted surface. This topic provides an overview of these activities.

  • String Activities

  • Date Support Activities

    • DateTime Activities

    • TimeSpan Activities

  • Numeric Type Activities

  • Boolean Activities

  • Guid Activities

  • Collection Activities

    • ICollection

    • IDictionary

  • Exception Activities

  • Uri Activities

String Activities

The following activities provide support for working with strings.

Activity Description Arguments
CompareString Compares two strings (similar to IComparable). Supports regular expressions and ignore casing.

Does not support passing an explicit culture (all comparison are done using invariant culture)
InArgument<string> Left

InArgument<string> Right

InArgument<bool> IgnoreCase

OutArgument<int> Result
ConcatString Concatenate a set of strings.

All inputs must to be string data types and not object.
Collection<InArgument<string> Inputs

OutArgument<bool> Result
ContainsString Returns true if a string is contained into another string

Contains is always case sensitive.
InArgument<string> Input

InArgument<string> SearchValue

OutArgument<bool> Result
EndsWithString Return true if a string ends with another string. Case insensitive operations are supported.

Does not support passing an explicit culture (all comparison are done using invariant culture by design)
InArgument<string> Left

InArgument<string> Right

InArgument<bool> IgnoreCase

OutArgument<bool> Result
FormatString Format a string passing a set of arguments. Arguments can be of any type (as the arguments collection is of type InArgument).

Does not support passing an explicit culture (all comparison are done using invariant culture by design)

Custom IFormatProviders are not supported
InArgument<string> Format

Collection<InArgument> Arguments
IndexOfString Returns the index in which a string occurs in another string.

Does not support passing an explicit culture (all comparison are done using invariant culture by design)

IgnoreCase flag to support case insensitive operations is not supported.
InArgument<string> Input

InArgument<string> SearchValue

InArgument<int> StartIndex

InArgument<int> Count

OutArgument<int> Index
IsEmptyString Returns true if a string is empty or white space InArgument<string> Input

InArgument<bool> CheckForWhiteSpace

OutArgument<bool> Result
IsEqualString Returns true if two strings are equal. Also supports comparison using RegEx - supports ignoring casing.

Does not support passing an explicit culture (all comparison are done using invariant culture by design)
InArgument<string> Input

InArgument<string> Pattern

InArgument<string> Text

InArgument<bool> IgnoreCase

OutArgument<bool> Result
ReplaceString Replace one string with another. Supports RegEx replacements. InArgument<string> Input

InArgument<string> Pattern

InArgument<string> ExistingValue

InArgument<string> Replacement

OutArgument<string> Result
SplitString Returns an array of strings based on an existing string. InArgument<string> Input

InArgument<string> Separator

InArgument<StringSplitOptions> StringSplitOptions

OutArgument<string[]> Result
StartsWithString Return true if a string starts with another string. Case insensitive operations are supported.

Does not support passing an explicit culture (all comparison are done using invariant culture by design).
InArgument<string> Left

InArgument<string> Right

bool IgnoreCase

OutArgument<bool> Result
StringLength Returns the length of a string. InArgument<string> Input

OutArgument<int> Result
Substring Returns a substring from an existing string. Users can specify a start and a length. InArgument<string> Input

InArgument<int> StartIndex

InArgument<int> Length

OutArgument<string> Result
ToLowerCase Converts an input string to lower case

Does not support passing an explicit culture (all comparison are done using invariant culture by design).
InArgument<string> Input

OutArgument<string> Result
ToString Converts an input value into a string. Supports passing a valid .NET format string and a culture name to do be used during the transformation

Does not support passing IFormatProviders (only culture name can be specified)
InArgument Object

InArgument<string> Format

InArgument<string> CultureName

OutArgument<string> Result
ToUpperCase Converts an input string to upper case

Does not support passing an explicit culture (all comparison are done using invariant culture by design).
InArgument<string> Input

OutArgument<string> Result
Trim Trims the contents of a string

Does not support passing the set of characters to be trimmed.
InArgument<string> Input

OutArgument<string> Result

Date Support Activities

The following activities are used when working with DateTime and TimeSpan types.

  • DateTime Activities

  • TimeSpan Activities

DateTime Activities

Activity Description Arguments
AddToDate Adds to an existing date. Customers can add one or multiple date fragments (e.g. day, minute, month, and so on.) or a timeSpan InArgument<DateTime> Input

InArgument<int> Days

InArgument<int> Months

InArgument<int> Hours

InArgument<int> Minutes

InArgument<int> Milliseconds

InArgument<TimeSpan> TimeSpan

OutArgument<DateTime> Result
CompareDate Compares two dates (similar to IComparable) InArgument<DateTime> Left

InArgument<DateTime> Right

OutArgument<int> Result
ConvertTimeZone Converts a date between two given time zones InArgument<DateTime> Input

InArgument<DateTime> SourceTimeZone

InArgument<DateTime> DestinationTimeZone

OutArgument<DateTime> Result
CreateDate Create an instance of a new DateTime passing the components of the date. Dates can be local or UTC.

Does not support create a date out of the number of ticks.
InArgument<int> Day

InArgument<int> Month

InArgument<int> Year

InArgument<int> Hour

InArgument<int> Minute

InArgument<int> Second

InArgument<DateTimeKind> Kind

OutArgument<DateTime> Result
CurrentDate Returns the current date from the server in UTC time. OutArgument<Result> DateTime
DateInRange Returns true if a date is within other two dates InArgument<DateTime> Input

InArgument<DateTime> Start

InArgument<DateTime> End

OutArgument<bool> Result
DelayUntil Waits until a given date InArgument<DateTime> Date
GetDateField Returns the fields of DateTime instance InArgument<DateTime> Input

DateField DateField

OutArgument<int> Result
GetDateFields Returns a field of a DateTimeInstance InArgument<DateTime> Input

OutArgument<int> Year

OutArgument<int> Month

OutArgument<int> Day

OutArgument<int> Hour

OutArgument<int> Minute

OutArgument<int> Second
GetElapsedDays Get the days elapsed between two dates. Users can exclude weekends and holidays InArgument<DateTime> Start

InArgument<DateTime> End

InArgument<bool> ExcludeWeekends

InArgument<IEnumerable<DateTime>> ExcludedDates

OutArgument<int> Result
GetElapsedTime Returns the time elapsed between two dates InArgument<DateTime> Start

InArgument<DateTime> End

OutArgument<TimeSpan> Result
SubtractFromDate Subtracts from a Date. Users can pass a date fragment (e.g. hours or days) or a TimeSpan. InArgument<DateTime> Input

InArgument<int> Days

InArgument<int> Hours

InArgument<int> Minutes

InArgument<int> Seconds

InArgument<TimeSpan> TimeSpan

OutArgument<DateTime> Result
ParseDate Parses a string into a DateTime. Supports passing the CultureName (the culture is created within the activity) and the DateTimeStyle InArgument<string> Value

InArgument<DateTimeStyles> DateTimeStyles

InArgument<string> CultureName

TimeSpan Activities

Activity Description Signature
CreateTimeSpan Creates an instance of a TimeSpan InArgument<int> Days

InArgument<int> Minutes

InArgument<int> Hours

InArgument<int> Seconds

OutArgument<TimeSpan> Result
Delay Waits for a given TimeSpan InArgument<TimeSpan> Duration
GetTimeSpanFields Gets different fields of a TimeSpan InArgument<TimeSpan> Input

OutArgument<int> Days

OutArgument<int> Hours

OutArgument<int> Minutes

OutArgument<int> Seconds

OutArgument<int> TotalDays

OutArgument<int> TotalHours

OutArgument<int> TotalMinutes

OutArgument<int> TotalSeconds

Numeric Type Activities

The following activities provide support for working with Int32 and Double data types.

Activity Description Arguments
Add<T> Adds two numbers InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<T> Result
Divide<T> Divides two numbers InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<T> Result
IsEqualNumber<T> Returns true if two numbers are equal InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result
IsGreaterThan<T> Returns true if a number is greater than another InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result
IsGreaterThanOrEqual<T> Returns true if a number is greater or equal than another InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result
IsLessThan<T> Returns true if a number is smaller than another InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result
IsLessThanOrEqual<T> Returns true if a number is smaller or equal than another InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result
Mod<T> Mod operation InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result
Multiply<T> Multiplies two numbers InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result
ParseNumber<T> Parses a number InArgument<string> Value

InArgument<string> CultureName

InArgument<NumberStyles> NumberStyles

OutArgument<bool> Result
Subtract<T> Subtracts two numbers InArgument<T> Left

InArgument<T> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result

Boolean Activities

The following activities provide support for working with Boolean values.

Activity Description Arguments
And Logical and operation InArgument<bool> Left

InArgument<bool> Right

InArgument<bool> Result
IsEqualBoolean Logical equality between two boolean values InArgument<bool> Left

InArgument<bool> Right

InArgument<bool> Result
IsFalse Returns true if a boolean is False InArgument<bool> Input

InArgument<bool> Result
IsTrue Returns true if a boolean is True InArgument<bool> Input

InArgument<bool> Result
Not Negation InArgument<bool> Input

InArgument<bool> Result
Or Logical Or InArgument<bool> Left

InArgument<bool> Right

InArgument<bool> Result
ParseBoolean Parses a Boolean InArgument<string> Input

InArgument<bool> Result

Guid Activities

The following activites provide support for working with Guids.

Activity Description Arguments
IsEmptyGuid Returns true if a Guid is empty InArgument<Guid> Value

OutArgument<bool> Result
IsEqualGuid Returns true if two Guids are equal InArgument<Guid> Left

InArgument<Guid> Right

OutArgument<bool> Result
NewGuid Creates and return a new Guid OutArgument<Guid> Result
ParseGuid Parse a guid from a string InArgument<string> Value

OutArgument<Guid> Result

Collection Activities

The following activities provide support for working with collections. The ICollection activities are useful for working with collections of items that can be accessed by index, and the IDictionary activites are useful for working with collections of key/value pairs.

  • ICollection

  • IDictionary


Activity Description Arguments
AddToCollection<T> Adds an item to a collection (from System.Activities) InArgument<ICollection<T>> Collection

InArgument<T> Item
RemoveFromCollection<T> Removed an item to a collection (from System.Activities) InArgument<ICollection<T>> Collection

InArgument<T> Item

OutArgument<bool> Result
ExistsInCollection<T> Returns true if an item exists in a collection (from System.Activities) InArgument<ICollection<T>> Collection

InArgument<T> Item

OutArgument<bool> Result
ClearCollection<T> Clears a collection (from System.Activities) InArgument<ICollection<T>> Collection
BuildCollection<T> Creates and initializes a collection InArgument<IEnumerable<T>> Collection

ICollection<InArgument<T>> ValuesOutArgument<Collection<T>> Result
CountCollection<T> Counts the item in a collection InArgument<ICollection<T>> Collection

OutArgument<int> Result
GetItemFromCollection<T> Gets an item from a collection InArgument<ICollection<T>> Collection

InArgument<int> Index

OutArgument<T> Result


Activity Description Arguments
AddToDictionary<K,V> Adds an item to a collection (from System.Activities) InArgument<IDictionary<K,V>> Dictionary

InArgument<K> Key

InArgument<V> Value
RemoveFromDictionary<T> Removed an item to a dictionary (from System.Activities) InArgument<IDictionary<K,V>> Dictionary

InArgument<K> Key
DictionaryContains<K,V> Returns true if an item exists in a dictionary (from System.Activities) InArgument<IDictionary<K,V>> Dictionary

InArgument<K> Key

InArgument<V> Value

OutArgument<bool> Result
ClearDictionary<K,V> Clears a collection (from System.Activities) InArgument<IDictionary<K,V>> Dictionary
BuildDictionary<K,V> Creates and initializes a collection InArgument<IDictionary<K,V>> Dictionary

IDictionary<TKey, InArgument<TValue>> Values

OutArgument<IDictionary<K,V>> Result
CountDictionary<K,V> Counts the item in a collection InArgument<IDictionary<K,V>> Dictionary

OutArgument<int> Result
SplitKeyValuePair<K,V> Split the key and the value out of a KeyValuePair InArgument<KeyValuePair<K,V>> Dictionary

OutArgument<K> Key

OutArgument<V> Value
GetDictionaryValue<K,V> Gets a value from a dictionary InArgument<IDictionary<K,V>> Dictionary

InArgument<K> Key

OutArgument<V> Result

Exception Activities

The following activities provide support for exception handling.

Activity Description Arguments
TryCatch Exception handling in workflows

This activity is from WF4
Throw Throws an exception

This activity is from WF4
InArgument<Exception> Exception
Rethrow Rethrows an exception (similar to “throw” without arguments in c#)

This activity is from WF4
CreateException<T> Creates an instance of an exception InArgument<string> Message

InArgument<Exception> InnerException

Uri Activities

The Uri data type is supported by the trusted list and may be used by other activities that take a Uri as a parameter. It can be created by using the New<Uri> activity, and by the CreateUriFromDynamicValue activity.