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LedgerDimensionController::doRestrictQueryToTreeValuesForHierarchy Method [AX 2012]

Determines whether restrictions are to be applied from the specified hierarchy.


client server protected static boolean doRestrictQueryToTreeValuesForHierarchy(
    DimensionAttributeRecId _dimensionAttributeRecId, 
    DimensionStorage _dimensionStorage, 
    int _hierarchyStart, 
    int _maxSegments, 
    container _segmentedEntryControlDimAttributes)

Run On



  • _dimensionStorage
    Type: DimensionStorage Class
    The DimensionStorage object from which to retrieve known values.
  • _hierarchyStart
    Type: int
    The segment index the hierarchy starts at in the specified DimensionStorage object.
  • _maxSegments
    Type: int
    The maximum segments in the hierarchy if the hierarchy is known; otherwise the maximum disambiguation depth.
  • _segmentedEntryControlDimAttributes
    Type: container
    A Container with dimension attributes present in the segmented entry control.

Return Value

Type: boolean
true when the restrictions are to be applied; otherwise, false.

See Also


LedgerDimensionController Class