LedgerDimensionAccountController Class [AX 2012]
The LedgerDimensionAccountController class provides control interaction logic for any use of the account number control in the UI.
class LedgerDimensionAccountController extends LedgerDimensionController
Run On
Method | Description | |
addExcludedDimensionValues | Adds the provided dimension value exclusion set to the existing set. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
addHierarchyCombinationToMRU | Adds the specified combination of values to the most recently used list for the specified hierarchy. (Overrides the addHierarchyCombinationToMRU Method.) | |
addHierarchyToControl | Adds the specified hierarchy to the control. | |
addSegmentToControl | Adds the specified segment to the control. (Overrides the addSegmentToControl Method.) | |
applyAlias | Applies a DimensionAlias record to the control. | |
applyDimensionAttributeValuesRestriction | Restricts dimension attribute values based on the total, suspended and inactive date range. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
applyRules | Applies the rules to the current combination. | |
buildExcludedDimensionValues | Builds the excluded dimension values set. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
cancelTimeOut | Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
checkForBlockedValue | Determines whether the specified value is blocked and cannot be entered. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
clearInvalidSegment | Clears the specified control segment, marks it as invalid, and prevents the user from leaving the segment. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
clearReference | Clears the record ID of the DimensionAttributeValueCombination record that is referenced by the dialog field or the table field and reloads a blank control. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
control_segmentEntered | Explicitly implemented segmented entry control segmentEntered method not to require the method to be specified at design time on all uptake forms. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
DimensionLinkAllowFieldEdit | Rises when a field is being made editable for a specified dimension attribute. (Inherited from DimensionControllerObject.) | |
DimensionLinkMarkFieldOptional | Rises when a field is being made optional for a specified dimension attribute. (Inherited from DimensionControllerObject.) | |
DimensionLinkSetFieldValue | Rises when a field value is being set for a specified dimension attribute. (Inherited from DimensionControllerObject.) | |
DimensionLinkShowField | Rises when a field is being shown for a specified dimension attribute. (Inherited from DimensionControllerObject.) | |
displayStructureChangedMessage | Displays the message to inform the user that the structure has changed. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
doIncludeSuspendedDimAttributeValues | Determines whether the suspended dimension attribute values are included in the lookup. (Overrides the doIncludeSuspendedDimAttributeValues Method.) | |
doIncludeTotalDimAttributeValues | Determines whether total dimension attribute values are included in the lookup. (Overrides the doIncludeTotalDimAttributeValues Method.) | |
equal | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.) | |
getAccountStructure | Retrieves the current account structure. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
getAttributeValueSet | Gets a container of all dimension attribute values and backing entity instances for the specified value set. (Inherited from DimensionControllerObject.) | |
getAutoCompleteAliasData | Retrieves the alias AutoComplete data and passes it back to the kernel through the LoadAutoCompleteDataEventArgs object. | |
getAutoCompleteAllQuery | Adds the appropriate restrictions to get all of the autocomplete data from the database. (Overrides the getAutoCompleteAllQuery Method.) | |
getAutoCompleteDataFromDatabase | Retrieves the appropriate the AutoComplete from the database. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
getAutoCompleteDataFromMRU | Retrieves the appropriate the AutoComplete field from the most recently used provider. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
getAutoCompleteValidQuery | Adds the appropriate restrictions to get all of the valid auto-complete data from the database. (Overrides the getAutoCompleteValidQuery Method.) | |
getControlIndexByDimensionAttribute | Retrieves the index in the control of the specified dimension attribute. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
getDimAttributeValueRestrictionDate | The date by which the dimension attribute values are restricted to. (Overrides the getDimAttributeValueRestrictionDate Method.) | |
getDimAttributeViewContract | Gets an instance of the DimensionAttributeViewContract class for the specified dimension attribute record ID. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
getDimensionAttributeByControlIndex | Retrieves the dimension attribute ID of the specified index in the control. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
getDimensionAttributeByStorageIndex | Retrieves the dimension attribute ID of the specified index in the DimensionStorage object. | |
getExistingValuesMap | ||
getMainAccount | ||
getOwningHierarchyId | Retrieves the owning dimension hierarchy ID of the specified dimension attribute. | |
getReference | Gets the record ID of the DimensionAttributeValueCombination record that is referenced by the dialog field or the table field. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
getSegmentNames | Retrieves an array of the dimension attribute names for each segment that is displayed in the control. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
getStorageIndexArrayByDimensionAttribute | Retrieves an array that contains the indexes where the specified dimension attribute is used in the DimensionStorage object. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
getTimeOutTimerHandle | Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
getValue | Gets the value of the specified dimension attribute. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
getValuesForHierarchyFromMRU | Gets the most recently used values for a specified segment by using the segment values that have been entered. (Overrides the getValuesForHierarchyFromMRU Method.) | |
handle | Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
isAccountStructureForced | Indicates whether to only search for values for the current account structure before the point of disambiguation. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
isControlEmpty | Indicates whether the control is empty. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
jumpRef | Uses the currently selected segment to provide functionality to go to main table to start the correct backing form in edit mode. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
jumpRefDialogField | Jumps to the dialog field when the dialog fields are dynamically added at runtime. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
loadAutoCompleteData | Retrieves the appropriate AutoComplete data and passes it back to the kernel through the LoadAutoCompleteDataEventArgs object. (Overrides the loadAutoCompleteData Method.) | |
loadAutoCompleteDataDialogField | Jumps to the dialog field when the dialog fields are dynamically added at runtime. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
loadEmptySegments | Defines the behavior of the account entry control when a DimensionAttributeValueComination record is not loaded into the control. (Overrides the loadEmptySegments Method.) | |
loadFromDimensionStorage | Loads an instance of the DimensionStorage class into the control. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
loadSegments | Loads a previously stored DimensionAttributeValueComination record into the control. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
loadSegmentsDialogField | Loads the segments from the specified FormSegmentedEntryControl object. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
new | Initializes a new instance of the LedgerDimensionAccountController class. (Overrides the new Method.) | |
notify | Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notifyAll | Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
objectOnServer | Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.) | |
owner | Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
parmControl | Gets or sets the Control parameter. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
parmCurrency | Gets or sets the Currency parameter. | |
parmDataAreaId | Gets or sets the DataAreaId parameter. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
parmDataSource | Sets a reference to the data source and field name that link to a DimensionAttributeValueCombination table. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
parmDate | Gets or sets the Date parameter. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
parmDialogField | Sets a reference to and initializes the override methods on the DialogField class that contain a value reference to a DimensionAttributeValueCombination record. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
parmDimensionAccountStorageUsage | Gets or sets the DimensionAccountStorageUsage parameter. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
parmDimensionAutocompleteFilter | Gets or sets the DimensionAutocompleteFilter parameter. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
parmDisableMRU | Gets or sets the DisableMRU parameter. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
parmIsChildController | Checks whether the controller is a root-level controller or a child-level controller. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
parmJournalName | Gets or sets the JournalName parameter. | |
parmLockMainAccountSegment | Gets or sets the LockMainAccountSegment parameter. | |
parmPostingType | Gets or sets the PostingType parameter. | |
parmProcessExcludedDAVLedgerOverrides | Gets or sets the ProcessExcludedDAVLedgerOverrides parameter. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
parmSkipSuspendedAndActiveDateValidation | Gets or sets the SkipSuspendedAndActiveDateValidation parameter. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
parmTaxCode | Gets or sets the TaxCode parameter. | |
parmUser | Gets or sets the User parameter. | |
parmValidateBlockedForManualEntry | Gets or sets the ValidateBlockedForManualEntry parameter. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
removeHierarchyCombinationFromMRU | Removes the specified combination of values from the most recently used list for the specified hierarchy. (Overrides the removeHierarchyCombinationFromMRU Method.) | |
removeRuleHierarchies | Removes all currently applied rule hierarchies. | |
removeSegmentFromControl | Removes the specified segment from the control. | |
removeSingleHierarchy | Removes the last hierarchy from the control. | |
resolveReference | Saves the current combination. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
resolveReferenceDialogField | Saves the segmented value combination. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
restrictQueryForJournalControl | ||
retrieveDimensionHierarchy | Loads a dimension hierarchy into the control when the exact hierarchy to use is not known. (Overrides the retrieveDimensionHierarchy Method.) | |
segmentValueChanged | Updates the cached combination information when the value of a segment has changed. (Overrides the segmentValueChanged Method.) | |
segmentValueChangedDialogField | Updates the controller when the value of a segment changes. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
setAccountStructure | Sets the account structure for the control and loads the control with empty segments for this account structure. | |
setDataAreaId | Sets an instance of the DataAreaId class that is used by the controller. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
setDimensionSpecifierValues | Sets the current dimension values that are based on the specified values. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
setDimensionStorageSegments | Sets the DimensionStorageSegment object that backs the specified control segment with the specified value. (Overrides the setDimensionStorageSegments Method.) | |
setReference | Sets the record ID of the DimensionAttributeValueCombination referenced by the dialog field or table field. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
setTimeOut | Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
setValue | Sets the value of the specified control segment by using the specified DimensionAttributeValue record. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
setValues | Sets the current dimension values, depending on the specified set. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
toString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
updateStructure | Updates the structure by using the current values. | |
updateStructureDisambiguation | Updates the structure by using the current values to check for changes in the disambiguation section. | |
usageCount | Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.) | |
validate | Validates the current combination. (Inherited from LedgerDimensionController.) | |
validateCombination | Calls into the DimensionValidation class to determine the DimensionValidationStatus value for the dimension values entered into the control. (Overrides the validateCombination Method.) | |
validateDialogField | Validates the fields. (Inherited from DimensionController.) | |
validateMainAccountType | Validates the provided main account type. | |
validateUsedDimensionAttributeValue | Validates the specified dimension attribute value. (Overrides the validateUsedDimensionAttributeValue Method.) | |
wait | Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.) | |
xml | Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
::construct | Creates an instance of the LedgerDimensionAccountController class. | |
::constructForDialog | Creates an instance of the LedgerDimensionAccountController class. | |
::getDimensionAttributeValueServer | ||
::getHierarchiesToAddToControl | Adds the specified hierarchies to the control. | |
::getLastPagedValue | Retrieves the last paged value from the tag on the specified tag. | |
::restrictQueryForJournalControlTree | Restricts the query to dimension attribute values by using the dimension journal control. | |
::restrictQueryForMainAccounts | Restricts the query for the MainAccounts. | |
::validateCombinationStatic | Calls into the DimensionValidation class to determine the DimensionValidationStatus value for the dimension values entered into the control. |
This class exists to reduce the amount of business logic that must exist on forms that use dimensions.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Object Class
DimensionControllerObject Class
DimensionController Class
LedgerDimensionController Class
LedgerDimensionAccountController Class
BudgetPlanningLedgerDimensionController Class