SysAutoRun.execCompanyAccounts Method [AX 2012]

Enables creating Microsoft Dynamics AX company accounts.


protected boolean execCompanyAccounts(XmlNode _command)

Run On



  • _command
    Type: XmlNode Class
    The XML node to get the value from.

Return Value

Type: boolean
true if execution is successful; otherwise, false.


The execCompanyAccounts method is called when the <CompanyAccounts> tag is used in the configuration file when Microsoft Dynamics AX is started. For more information, see the SysAutoRun class.

Execution of this method is controlled by the SysAutoRun.execCommand method.

The <CompanyAccounts> tag has the following attributes:

  • id, the company ID; the maximum length of id is three characters.

  • name, the name of the company account.

  • overwrite, specifies whether any existing data for the account should be overwritten.


The following example shows a possible use of the <CompanyAccounts> tag in the configuration file.

 <Company id="NWT" name="Northwind Traders" overwrite="true" /> 

See Also


SysAutoRun Class