SysOperationServiceController Class [AX 2012]
The SysOperationsServiceController class is the base controller class for working with service operations.
class SysOperationServiceController extends SysOperationController
Run On
Method | Description | |
afterOperation | Called after a service operation is executed. | |
asyncCallbackReturnValue | Microsoft internal use only. | |
asyncCallbackVoid | Microsoft internal use only. | |
batchAsyncCallback | Microsoft internal use only. (Overrides the batchAsyncCallback Method.) | |
batchInfo | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
beforeOperation | Executed before a service operation is executed. | |
callContractInterfaceMethod | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
cancelTimeOut | Cancels a previous method call to the setTimeOut method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
canGoBatch | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
caption | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
checkAccess | Determines the permissions to the service operation that is being called. (Overrides the checkAccess Method.) | |
checkAllowedServiceParameterType | Microsoft internal use only. | |
checkCloseDialog | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
checkIfAnyContractImplementsInterface | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
defaultCaption | Determines the service operation name. (Overrides the defaultCaption Method.) | |
dialog | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogClose | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogInit | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogMake | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogPostBuild | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogPostRun | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogRun | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogSelectCtrl | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogShow | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
dialogTask | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
doBatch | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
equal | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current one. (Inherited from Object.) | |
executeOperationWithRunAs | Determines whether a call should be run on the server by using the CLR runtime.If marshaling is required the call is packed into a container and marshaled with the RunAs API. | |
generateMaxParameterError | ||
getBaseDataContract | (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getCachedUIBuilderForDataContractInfo | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getDataContractInfoObject | Gets the metadata that is associated with a particular data contract parameter. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getDataContractInfoObjects | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getDataContractInfoObjectsInternal | Microsoft internal use only. (Overrides the getDataContractInfoObjectsInternal Method.) | |
getDataContractInfoObjectsRecursively | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getDataContractObject | Gets a data contract instance for reading or writing. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getFrameworkService | Microsoft internal use only. (Overrides the getFrameworkService Method.) | |
getFromDialog | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getOriginalQuery | Gets the original query that can be used in the SysQuery form. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getServiceClass | Microsoft internal use only. | |
getServiceOperation | Microsoft internal use only. | |
getTimeOutTimerHandle | Returns the timer handle for the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
getUIBuilderForContractObject | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getUIBuilderForDataContractInfo | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
getUIBuilderForParameterPath | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
handle | Retrieves the handle of the class of the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
initializeDataContractInfoMaps | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
initializeFromArgs | Initializes an overridden service controller from an args menu item. | |
initializeParameters | Called after parameters are initialized by the framework. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
initializeServiceParameter | Initializes an instance of the SysDictClass class for each data contract found in a service operation contract. | |
initParmDefault | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
isInBatch | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
lastValueDataAreaId | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
lastValueDesignName | Microsoft internal use only. (Overrides the lastValueDesignName Method.) | |
lastValueUserId | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
loadFromSysLastValue | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
loadingOrSavingFromLastValue | Checks whether the current execution loads from or saves to the syslastvalue table. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
new | Creates a new instance of the SysOperationServiceController class. (Overrides the new Method.) | |
notify | Releases the hold on an object that has called the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
notifyAll | Releases a lock on the object that was issued by the wait method on this object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
objectOnServer | Determines whether the object is on a server. (Inherited from Object.) | |
operationReturnValue | Gets the service return value. | |
owner | Returns the instance that owns the object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
pack | Serializes the current instance of the SysOperationServiceController class. (Overrides the pack Method.) | |
packDataContractInfoObjects | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
packServiceReturnValue | ||
parmAlwaysInitializeAndValidateOnServer | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmArgs | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmClassName | Gets or sets the ClassName parameter. | |
parmCurrentBatch | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmDialogCaption | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmExecutionMode | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmFrameworkService | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmHelpKeyword | Gets or sets the HelpKeyword parameter. (Overrides the parmHelpKeyword Method.) | |
parmLoadFromSysLastValue | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmMethodName | Gets or sets the MethodName parameter. | |
parmRegisterCallbackForReliableAsyncCall | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmReliableAsyncBatchGroupId | Gets or sets the ReliableAsyncBatchGroupId parameter. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmShowDialog | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
parmShowProgressForm | Gets or sets the ShowProgressForm parameter. | |
prompt | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
putToDialog | Moves data from the data contract into dialog box controls. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
queryChanged | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
queryHelper | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
querySelectButtonClicked | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
run | Executes the service operation. (Overrides the run Method.) | |
runOperation | ||
runOperationWithRunAs | ||
runsImpersonated | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
saveLast | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
setTimeOut | Sets up the scheduled execution of a specified method. (Inherited from Object.) | |
showBatchTab | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
showProgressBar | ||
showQuerySelectButton | Determines whether a Select button will be added to the dialog box. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
showQueryValues | Determines whether the query values will be added to the dialog box. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
startOperation | Executes the service operation associated with the controller. (Overrides the startOperation Method.) | |
templateForm | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
toString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
unpack | Deserializes the packedState parameter value to an instance of the SysOperationServiceController class. (Overrides the unpack Method.) | |
unpackDataContractInfoObjects | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
unPackServiceReturnValue | ||
usageCount | Returns the current number of references, that is, the value of the reference counter, that the object has. (Inherited from Object.) | |
validate | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
validateParameters | Microsoft internal use only. (Inherited from SysOperationController.) | |
wait | Pauses a process. (Inherited from Object.) | |
xml | Returns an XML string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
::main | Provides an entry point for the SysOperationServiceController class when it is called from a menu item. | |
::parseServiceInfo | Microsoft internal use only. | |
::runServiceOperation | ||
::translateParam |
Business operation framework users should derive custom controllers from this class and create a main method patterned after the one found on this class. Various parameters can be set in the main method to customize controller operation.
Inheritance Hierarchy
Object Class
SysOperationController Class
SysOperationServiceController Class
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