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ReleaseUpdateDB60_Payroll.updatePayrollWorkerAccrualDetails Method [AX 2012]

Inserts records into the PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual table from the PRLBenefitEntitled table.

and sets the intial Accrued and Usages values in the PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual table for the accrual.


public void updatePayrollWorkerAccrualDetails()

Run On



The records in the PRLBenefitEntitled table need to be upgraded into the PayrollWorkerEnrolledAccrual table.

To prevent the upgrading of orphaned records only PRLBenefitEntitled table records with a valid relationship to the PRLPayElements table and the DEL_EmplTable table will be upgraded.

See Also


ReleaseUpdateDB60_Payroll Class