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LedgerJournalTrans.checkPaymentReferenceIS Method

Verifies whether the payment reference is required for the transaction record.


public boolean checkPaymentReferenceIS([LedgerJournalTrans_Asset _ledgerJournalTrans_Asset])

Run On



  • _ledgerJournalTrans_Asset
    Type: LedgerJournalTrans_Asset Table
    A table buffer representing the fix asset information related to the LedgerJournalTransrecord; optional.

Return Value

Type: boolean
false if the general ledger account has the Mandatory Payment Reference option selected and the Payment Reference field is empty; otherwise, true.


A check for the payment reference is executed for ledger accounts only. However, this is a public method and you can pass in a LedgerJournalTrans record together with a LedgerJournalTrans_Asset instance that has not been committed to the database.

See Also


LedgerJournalTrans Table