CartLineValidationResults |
Reprsenents a collection of validation results for the lines in a cart. |
CartValidationException |
CartValidationException class is used to indicate invalid data passed to a cart opertion. |
ChangeQueryInfo |
Encapsulates the data necessary to query for changes. |
ColumnSet |
Represents the collection of columns that should be retrieved by the query. If no columns have been specified, all columns are retrieved by default. |
ColumnSet<T> |
Represents a column set of a generic type. |
CommerceRuntime |
Encapsulates the entry point of the runtime. |
CommerceRuntimeConfiguration |
Encapsulates configuration data relevant to the runtime. |
CommerceRuntimeException |
Represents the base class for exceptions originating from the Commerce Runtime. |
CommerceValidator |
This class exposes functionality for interacting with the DataAnnotations library |
CommunicationErrors |
Class container for all errors resulting from communication operations in the runtime. |
CommunicationException |
Communication exception. |
ConfigurationErrors |
Class container for all error codes resulting from configuration of the runtime. |
ConfigurationException |
Thrown during the retrieval of configuration values. |
DataValidationErrors |
Class container for all data validation related errors in the runtime. |
DataValidationException |
DataValidationException used to indicate invalid data passed to the runtime and its components. |
DataValidationFailure |
Contains the validation results from data validation. |
DateTimeOffsetExtensions |
Encapsulates functionaltiy used to extend the DateTimeOffset type. |
DefaultSortOrderAttribute |
This class defines an attribute that can be applied to commerce entity classs to define default sort order. |
DeviceAuthenticationException |
Thrown when device authentication fails. |
FeatureNotSupportedErrors |
Class container for all errors resulting from not supported operations in the runtime. |
FeatureNotSupportedException |
DataValidationException used to indicate invalid data passed to the runtime and its components. |
HeadquarterTransactionServiceException |
Represents the class for exceptions originating from the AX head quarter. |
ICollectionExtensions |
Encapsulates functionality used to extend the ICollection<T> implementation. |
IDictionaryExtensions |
Encapsulates functionality used to extend the IDictionary<TKey, TValue> class. |
IEnumerableExtensions |
Encapsulates functionaltiy used to extend the IEnumerable<T> implementation. |
ItemAvailabilityExtension |
This class extends the ItemAvailability class. |
ItemAvailableQuantityExtension |
This class extends the ItemAvailableQuantity class. |
ItemOutOfStockException |
Represents the exception for item out of stock error which is thrown on item reservation when there are not enough items in stock to be reserved. |
ItemQuantityExtensions |
This class extends the ItemQuantity class. |
ItemUnitExtension |
This class extends the ItemUnit class. |
KitTransactionDataManager |
DataManager class for Kit transaction data manager. |
NonSaleTenderOperationDataManager |
DataManager class for Nonsale tender operation data manager. |
NotificationErrors |
Class container for all data validation related errors in the runtime. |
NotificationException |
Notification exception. |
PagedResult<TEntity> |
ParameterSet |
Encapsulates a collection of named parameters represented as key/value pairs. |
PaymentErrors |
Class container for all error codes resulting from problems processing of payments. |
PaymentException |
Throw during processing of payments. |
ProjectionDomainExtensions |
Encapsulates functionality used to extend the ProjectionDomain implementation. |
PropertyInfoExtensions |
Encapsulates functionaltiy used to extend the PropertyInfo type. |
RequestContext |
Encapsulates the execution context for a given request. |
RequestContextExtensions |
Provides a mechanism to access most commonly used parameters stored on RequestContext. |
RequiredToBeUtcAttribute |
Annotates that a property is required to be UTC datetime offset. |
SalesLineExtension |
This class extends the SalesLine class. |
SalesTransactionExtensions |
This class defines lightweight calculated properties on objects in the SalesTransaction data model. |
SecurityErrors |
Class container for all security related errors in the runtime. |
SecurityException |
Security exception. |
StorageErrors |
Class container for all errors resulting from storage operations in the runtime. |
StorageException |
Storage exception. |
TenderDropAndDeclareDataManager |
DataManager class for Nonsale tender operation data manager. |
ThrowIf |
Encapsulates helper methods used to validate arguments. |
UnitOfMeasureConversionExtension |
Encapsulates extension methods for the UnitOfMeasureConversion class. |
UserAuthenticationException |
Thrown when a user authentication error occurs. |
UserAuthorizationException |
Thrown when a user authorization error occurs. |