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User Experience Design Principles

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

We want users to love using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012. We are building a RoleTailored user experience based on customer feedback. We want to make Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 a tool that fits the needs of users, and a tool that they will thoroughly enjoy working with.

The RoleTailored design approach

Based on customer feedback, we have built a RoleTailored user experience. A user experience tailored to a specific role makes Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 easier to use because it hides features and information not relevant to a particular role. It is all about reducing complexity for your users so that you can:

  • Help them understand the information that they have.

  • Give them the ability to focus, prioritize, and apply their expertise.

  • Reduce the time that they spend dealing with an information-rich environment.

  • Provide a pleasurable, contemporary user experience that feels as if it was designed just for them.

The RoleTailored user interface features in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 support you in these efforts. To gain an understanding of how they benefit your users, please read the following sections.

For the Microsoft Dynamics AX client:

For Enterprise Portal:

Microsoft Experience Principles

As Microsoft moves to a shared set of Experience Principles across all products, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 will incorporate those principles as well! The following Experience Principles will empower each organization, team, and individual to align decision making toward a shared set of values.

  • Put people first

    I'm optimizing my experience for people's scenarios, expectations, and desires.

  • Pride in craftsmanship

    I’m engineering my experience to be complete, thorough, and polished at every stage.

  • Be fast and fluid

    My experience makes people faster and smoothly connects to what comes before and after.

  • Change is bad, unless it’s great

    I respect the past and make sure that any changes are noticeably better.

  • Solve distractions, not discoverability

    I'm making the hard choices to let my experience be great at something and trust people to explore the rest.

  • Reduce concepts to increase confidence

    I'm taking advantage of what people already know and introduce new concepts only when necessary.

  • Win or lose as one

    I'm optimizing for the overall experience even when that requires sacrifices in my own experience.