Build queries with LINQ (.NET language-integrated query)
Applies To: Dynamics 365 (online), Dynamics 365 (on-premises), Dynamics CRM 2016, Dynamics CRM Online
You can use .NET Language-Integrated Query (LINQ) to write queries in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (online & on-premises). You can use the OrganizationServiceContext class or a deriving class created by the CrmSvcUtil tool to write LINQ queries that access the SOAP endpoint (Organization.svc). The OrganizationServiceContext class contains an underlying LINQ query provider that translates LINQ queries from Microsoft Visual C# or Microsoft Visual Basic .NET syntax into the query API used by Microsoft Dynamics 365.
When you use early-bound programming classes you can generate a class derived from the OrganizationServiceContext class if you specify the name of the class using the servicecontextname parameter when using the Code Generation Tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe). Use of this class allows for referencing an IQueryable entity set using the pattern <entity schema name>+Set, for example AccountSet to reference the collection of Account entity records. All samples in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 SDK use ServiceContext as the name for this class but your code may use a different name. More information: Create early bound entity classes with the code generation tool (CrmSvcUtil.exe)
Use late-bound entity class with a LINQ query
Order results using entity attributes with LINQ
Order results using entity attributes with LINQ
Page large result sets with LINQ
Sample: Retrieve multiple with condition operators using LINQ
Sample: More LINQ query examples
Sample: Create a LINQ query with late binding
Microsoft Dynamics 365
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