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IDiagram Members

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[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Represents any type of UML diagram.

The IDiagram type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method Delete (Inherited from IShape.)
Public method GetObject<T> (Inherited from IShape.)
Public method Move Move shape to (x, y) position relative to its parent IShape. Change the size of the shape, unless width or height are -1.0f. Move will not be performed on connectors. (Inherited from IShape.)
Public method SelectShapes Select the given shapes on this diagram.
Public method ToIShape<T> (Inherited from IShape.)


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Public Extension Method GetChildShapes<T> Get child shapes that display UML model elements of the given type. Empty enumeration if none found. (Defined by PresentationHelpers.)
Public Extension Method GetSelectedShapes<T> Get all selected shapes that display elements of the specified type. (Defined by PresentationHelpers.)
Public Extension Method SelectShapes (Defined by PresentationHelpers.)



  Name Description
Public property ChildShapes The collection of shapes owned by this shape, for example ports on a component or operations in a class. (Inherited from IShape.)
Public property Color The color of the shape. (Inherited from IShape.)
Public property Diagram The diagram that owns this shape. (Inherited from IShape.)
Public property Element The UML model element that this shape represents. (Inherited from IShape.)
Public property FileName File name of the diagram.
Public property Height The shape's height in inches. (Inherited from IShape.)
Public property ModelStore The IModelStore that contains all the elements being displayed on this diagram.
Public property Name Name of the diagram.
Public property ParentShape The focusable shape or diagram that owns this. (Inherited from IShape.)
Public property SelectedShapes Returns all shapes currently selected on this diagram. Empty enumeration if no shape is selected.
Public property TypeName Type name of the diagram.
Public property Width The shape's width in inches. (Inherited from IShape.)
Public property XPosition The shape's x-axis position (inches) (Inherited from IShape.)
Public property YPosition The shape's y-axis position (inches) (Inherited from IShape.)


See Also


IDiagram Interface

Microsoft.VisualStudio.Uml.Presentation Namespace