MercatorUtility Members

This documentation is no longer available on MSDN, however it is available as a CHM download.

Contains helper methods for Mercator projection calculations.

The following tables list the members exposed by the MercatorUtility type.

Public Fields

  Name Description
public fieldstatic EarthCircumferenceInMeters Specifies the circumference of the Earth, in meters.
public fieldstatic EarthRadiusInMeters Specifies the radius of the Earth, in meters.
public fieldstatic MercatorLatitudeLimit Specifies the maximum allowed latitude in a Mercator projection.


Public Methods

  Name Description
public methodstatic DegreesToRadians Converts degrees to radians.
public methodstatic LocationToLogicalPoint Converts a location to a logical Point in a Mercator projection.
public methodstatic LogicalPointToLocation Converts a Point to a Location in a Mercator projection.
public methodstatic ScaleToZoom Calculates the zoom level of the specified location.
public methodstatic ZoomToScale Calculates the scale based on the specified location and zoom level.


See Also


MercatorUtility Class
Microsoft.Maps.MapControl.Core Namespace