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Reset a user's password


As an administrator, you can reset passwords for users who have forgotten them. The passwords you assign are temporary, and users must change the password the next time they sign in. Only administrators can reset passwords.

To reset a user’s password, do the following:

  1. In the header, click Admin.

  2. In the left pane, under Management, click Users.

  3. On the Users page, select the check box next to the user whose password you want to change, and then click Reset password.

  4. To send the temporary password to yourself or other contacts, on the Send results in email page, select the Send email check box, and type the email addresses of the recipients. Enter email addresses separated by semicolons (;). You can enter a maximum of five email addresses.

  5. Click Reset password. Office 365 generates a password automatically and sends the password to the email addresses that you specify.

  6. On the Results page, click Finish.


    When the user’s password changes in Office 365, be sure that they also update their password on their phone and desktop email program to match the new password.

Reset your password for administrators

Administrators can reset their own passwords, but only if they have provided an alternate email address and, for some administrators, a mobile phone number that can receive text messages.


You need a mobile phone that can receive text messages for password reset only if one or both of the following applies to you:

  • Your organization has a custom domain that you’ve set up to use with Office 365.

  • Your Office 365 account is synchronized through directory synchronization.

For more information about how to reset your administrator password, see Reset your administrator password.

For more information about how to set up an administrator’s account so that the administrator can reset their own password, see Assigning administrator permissions.

See Also

Change your password