Windows Server Protocols Documentation
Windows Server Protocol Documentation includes protocols that are implemented in the Windows Server operating system and are used to communicate with other Microsoft server software products.
Overview and Reference Materials
Specification | Description |
[MS-DOCO]: Windows Protocols Documentation Roadmap | Provides an overview of the Windows protocols documentation set. It provides a high-level roadmap for finding and navigating the documentation set and describes the content for each type of document. |
[MS-NETOD]: Microsoft .NET Framework Protocols Overview Document | Provides an overview of the .NET Framework protocols that map to the .NET Framework distributed technologies that enable network communications. This includes the protocols implemented in the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), identity and directory services, data access, ASP.NET, and .NET Remoting technologies of the .NET Framework. |
[MS-WMOD]: Windows Management Protocols Overview | Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the Windows Management protocols, which are specified in [MS-WMI], [MS-WSMAN], [MS-WSMV], and [MS-PSRP]. The Windows Management protocols provide the ability to control settings and to collect data for a set of client and server computers. These protocols enable a computer to query another system or computer and to perform administrative operations to monitor, troubleshoot, and conduct hardware and software inventories in remote computers. The Windows Management Instrumentation Encoding Version 1.0 [MS-WMIO] is an integral part of the capabilities of the Windows Management Instrumentation Protocol; it specifies a binary data encoding format that is used by this protocol for network communication. |
[MS-WPO]: Windows Protocols Overview | Provides a conceptual overview of the protocols implemented in Windows and a roadmap to their protocol specifications. It provides conceptual background on Windows concepts and relationships across technology-specific protocol sets as appropriate. |
Technical Specifications
Specification | Description |
[MC-FPSEWM]: FrontPage Server Extensions: Website Management Specification | Specifies the FrontPage Server Protocol Extensions, which is a set of server extensions that can be used to augment a basic HTTP server. These extensions provide file server functionality similar to WebDAV, enabling a Web site to be presented as a file share. |
[MC-SMP]: Session Multiplex Protocol Specification | Specifies the Session Multiplex Protocol, which provides session management capabilities between a database client and a database server. This protocol enables multiple logical client connections to connect to a single server over a single physical connection. |
[MC-SQLR]: SQL Server Resolution Protocol Specification | Specifies the SQL Server Resolution Protocol, which facilitates connectivity to a database server. |
[MS-ASAIRS]: Exchange ActiveSync: AirSyncBase Namespace Protocol | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: AirSyncBase Namespace Protocol, which is used by the Exchange ActiveSync commands to identify the size, type, and content of the data sent by and returned to the client. |
[MS-ASCAL]: Exchange ActiveSync: Calendar Class Protocol | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Calendar Class Protocol, which is used for the interchange of calendar data. |
[MS-ASCMD]: Exchange ActiveSync: Command Reference Protocol | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Command Reference Protocol, which enables the synchronization of email, Short Message Service (SMS) messages, attachments, folders, contact information, meetings, calendar data, tasks, notes, and documents. |
[MS-ASCNTC]: Exchange ActiveSync: Contact Class Protocol | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Contact Class Protocol, which is used for the interchange of contact data. |
[MS-ASCON]: Exchange ActiveSync: Conversations Protocol | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Conversations Protocol, which is an XML-based format that is used to improve the ways in which email messages are triaged when they are displayed in conversation view. |
[MS-ASDTYPE]: Exchange ActiveSync: Data Types | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync data types that are used by the Exchange ActiveSync Protocol XML schema definitions (XSDs). |
[MS-ASEMAIL]: Exchange ActiveSync: Email Class Protocol | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Email Class Protocol, which provides an XML representation of email data that is sent or received by mobile devices. |
[MS-ASHTTP]: Exchange ActiveSync: HTTP Protocol | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: HTTP Protocol, which enables a client device to synchronize data with the data that is stored on the server. |
[MS-ASPROV]: Exchange ActiveSync: Provisioning Protocol | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Provisioning Protocol, which is an XML-based format that servers use to communicate security policy settings to client devices. |
[MS-ASWBXML]: Exchange ActiveSync: WAP Binary XML (WBXML) Algorithm | Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Binary XML (WBXML) Algorithm, which is used for WBXML encoding. |
[MS-AZMP]: Authorization Manager (AzMan) Policy File Format | Specifies the structure of the XML file format used to preserve policy settings for Microsoft Authorization Manager (AzMan). The structure of the AzMan XML policy format is documented in order to enable interoperability by implementers. |
[MS-CER2]: Corporate Error Reporting V.2 Protocol | Specifies the Corporate Error Reporting V.2 Protocol, which enables enterprise computing sites to manage all error reporting information within the organization. |
[MS-COPYS]: Copy Web Service Protocol | Specifies the Copy Web Service Protocol, which is used to copy files, including file metadata such as creation date and author, to one or more locations on a single protocol server or between different protocol servers. |
[MS-DTMF]: RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones, and Telephony Signals Extensions | Specifies the RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones, and Telephony Signals Extensions, which is a set of extensions used to carry DTMF digits, tones, and signals in Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets over a network transport. |
[MS-DWSS]: Document Workspace (DWS) Service Protocol | Specifies the Document Workspace Web Service Protocol. This protocol is used to create, edit, and delete workspaces and folders for a SharePoint site configured as a Document Workspace. |
[MS-FORMS]: Forms Service Protocol | Specifies the Forms Service protocol. This protocol enables a client to get a list of forms from a protocol server and to get individual forms from that list. |
[MS-FPSE]: FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol Specification | Specifies the FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol, which describes a set of server extensions that can be used to augment a basic HTTP server. |
[MS-FSSHTTP]: File Synchronization via SOAP over HTTP Protocol | Specifies the File Synchronization via SOAP over HTTP Protocol, which enables one or more protocol clients to synchronize changes done on shared files stored on a server. |
[MS-FSSHTTPB]: Binary Requests for File Synchronization via SOAP Protocol | Specifies the Binary Requests for File Synchronization via SOAP Protocol, which enables protocol clients to synchronize the state of a structured file hosted by a protocol server. |
[MS-FSSHTTPD]: Binary Data Format for File Synchronization via SOAP Structure | Specifies the MS-FSSHTTP schema for representing file data. This schema represents a traditional file, which is an array of bytes, efficiently in the MS-FSSHTTP storage model. A typical scenario for this schema is a client or server application transmitting a traditional file to or from an MS-FSSHTTP protocol server. |
[MS-H264PF]: RTP Payload Format for H.264 Video Streams Extensions | Specifies the RTP Payload Format for H264 Streams Extensions protocol, which is the payload format used to carry real-time video streams in the payload of the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP). |
[MS-ICE2]: Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) Extensions 2.0 | Specifies the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) Extensions 2.0, which are used to set up Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) streams in a manner where the streams can traverse Network Address Translators (NAT) and firewalls. |
[MS-LISTSWS]: Lists Service Protocol | Specifies the Lists Web Service Protocol, which enables a protocol client to perform tasks related to list-based content on a protocol server. |
[MS-NCNBI]: Network Controller Northbound Interface | Specifies the Network Controller Protocol, which is used by tenants and network administrators to control data center networking. Common tasks that would use these APIs include designing and monitoring a virtual network in a data center. |
[MS-NSPI]: Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) Protocol Specification | Specifies the Name Service Provider Interface (NSPI) Protocol, which provides messaging clients with a way to access and manipulate addressing data stored by a server. This protocol consists of an abstract data model and a single RPC call interface to manipulate data in that model. |
[MS-OFBA]: Office Forms Based Authentication Protocol | Specifies the Office Forms Based Authentication Protocol, which enables HTTP-based, forms authentication when other authentication mechanisms are not available. |
[MS-ONESTORE]: OneNote Revision Store File Format | Specifies the OneNote Revision Store File Format (.one and .onetoc2). This file format is a collection of structures that specify a revision store organized into cross-referenced object spaces, containing objects with property sets, and containing a transaction log to ensure file integrity across asynchronous writes. |
[MS-OXSMTP]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Mail Submission Extensions | Specifies extensions to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (STMP) Mail Submission protocol, which are used to submit mail from a client to a server. |
[MS-POP3]: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (POP3) Extension | Specifies the Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (POP3) Extension by describing the use of NTLM Authentication (see [MS-NLMP]) by the Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) to facilitate client authentication to a Windows POP3 server. POP3 specifies a protocol for the inquiry and retrieval of electronic mail. |
[MS-RMSI]: Rights Management Services (RMS): ISV Extension Protocol Specification | Specifies the Rights Management Services (RMS): ISV Extension Protocol, a SOAP protocol that is used to communicate information between applications and RMS servers directly without using the RMS client. |
[MS-RTP]: Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Extensions | Specifies the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Extensions, which describes a set of extensions to Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). This extension provides a set of network transport functions suitable for applications transmitting real-time data, such as audio and video, across multimedia endpoints. This extension also provides bandwidth estimation, dominant speaker notification, video-packet loss recovery, and enhanced robustness for receivers. |
[MS-RTPRADEX]: RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data Extensions | Specifies the RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data Extensions, which is a set of extensions that describe a Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) payload format for encoding redundant audio data that provides redundancy when transmitting audio frames across a lossy network transport. |
[MS-SHDACCWS]: Shared Access Web Service Protocol | Specifies the interface of the Shared Access Web Service protocol that is used for determining whether a document is being co-authored. |
[MS-SMTPNTLM]: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Extension | Specifies the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Extension, which uses NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication (as specified in [MS-NLMP]) by the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to facilitate client authentication to a Windows SMTP server. |
[MS-SPNG]: Simple and Protected Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) Protocol Extensions | Specifies the Simple and Protected Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) Protocol Extensions. SPNEGO is a security protocol that uses a GSS-API authentication mechanism. GSS-API is a literal set of functions that include both an API and a methodology for approaching authentication. |
[MS-SRTP]: Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) Extensions | Specifies the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) Extensions, which is a set of extensions to the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP). SRTP can provide confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) traffic and to the RTP control traffic. Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Service Pack 1 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Service Pack 1 use this protocol to secure RTP streams. |
[MS-SSEAN]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) AUTH Extension for SPNEGO | Specifies the SMTP Service Extension for Negotiate Authentication, which enables SMTP clients to authenticate to SMTP servers by using the Simple and Protected Negotiate (SPNEGO) mechanism. |
[MS-TDS]: Tabular Data Stream Protocol Specification | Specifies the Tabular Data Stream Protocol, which facilitates interaction with a database server and provides for authentication and channel encryption negotiation; specification of requests in SQL (including Bulk Insert); invocation of a stored procedure, also known as a Remote Procedure Call (RPC); returning of data; and Transaction Manager Requests. It is an application layer request/response protocol. |
[MS-TURN]: Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) Extensions | Specifies the Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) Extensions, which is a set of extensions used to enable an endpoint behind a Network Address Translator (NAT) to acquire a globally routable transport address that the endpoint can use to receive data from a peer. |
[MS-VAPR]: Virtual Application Publishing and Reporting (App-V) Protocol | Specifies the virtual applications that a user is entitled to so that these applications can be downloaded and installed on the user's machine. It is also used to report virtual application usage information to the server so that usage information across multiple users can be aggregated to infer broad virtual application usage patterns across an organization. |
[MS-WDV]: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol: Client Extensions | Specifies the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol: Client Extensions, which extends WebDAV by introducing new headers that both enable the file types that are not currently manageable and optimize protocol interactions for file system clients. These extensions do not introduce new functionality into WebDAV, but instead optimize processing and eliminate the need for special-case processing. |
[MS-WDVMODUU]: Office Document Update Utility Extensions | Specifies the Office Document Update Utility Extensions, which is an extended protocol for synchronization management between a WebDAV client and a Document Workspace site on a WebDAV server. |
[MS-WEBSS]: Webs Service Protocol | Specifies the Webs Web Service Protocol, which provides methods for modifying SharePoint sites in the site collection. |
[MS-WSSCAML]: Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) Structure | Specifies the Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) Structure, which are XML-based formats for queries, lists, and content types in Windows SharePoint Services, as used by other protocols. |
[MS-WSSCAP]: Windows SharePoint Services Collaborative Application Protocol | Specifies the Windows SharePoint Services Collaborative Application Protocol, which is the communication between the client and front-end Web server to get and manipulate lists, list views, and Web discussions on the server. This protocol allows the client to manage the schema and properties of the lists, create, and modify fields, and render list views. This protocol also allows for retrieving the schemas of sites on the server. |
[MS-WSSHP]: HTTP Windows SharePoint Services Headers Protocol Specification | Specifies the HTTP Windows SharePoint Services Headers Protocol, which extends the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) mechanisms to include new headers and messages that enable previously undefined behaviors, such as authenticating client connections, communicating error conditions, sending complex data, and interacting with information rights management systems, antivirus systems, and crawlers. |
[MS-WSSREST]: ListData Data Service Protocol | Specifies the ListData Data Service Protocol, which specifies extensions to the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and the Open Data Protocol (OData). The extensions specified in this document enable applications to expose list data, using common web technologies, as a data service that can be consumed by clients within corporate networks and across the Internet. |
[MS-XLOGIN]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) AUTH LOGIN Extension | Specifies the AUTH LOGIN extension to the SMTP protocol, which supports a simple, base 64-encoded authentication mechanism. |