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Windows Client Operating System Protocols Documentation


Windows Client Operating System Protocol Documentation includes protocols that are implemented in the Windows Client Operating System and are used to communicate with Microsoft server software products.

Overview, Reference Materials,and Technical Specifications


Specification Description
[MS-ADOD]: Active Directory Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols that make up the client-server and server-to-server behavior of Active Directory. The Active Directory protocols provide directory services for the centralized storage of identity and account information, as well as storage for other forms of data such as group policies and printer location information, a foundation for authentication services in a domain environment, domain services, and directory replication services in Windows. The Active Directory protocols are specified in [LDAP], [MS-ADTS], [MS-SRPL], [MS-DRSR], [MS-SNTP], [MS-LSAD], [MS-LSAT], [MS-DSSP], [MS-SAMR], [MS-SAMS], [MS-WSDS], [WXFR], [WSENUM], [MS-WSTIM], [MS-ADDM], [MS-WSPELD], and [MS-ADCAP].
[MS-AUTHSOD]: Authentication Services Subsystem Overview Document Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols in the Authentication Services Subsystem. The Authentication Services Subsystem verifies the identity of users, computers, and services through the interactive logon and network logon authentication processes. Once authenticated, these entities can be authorized to access network resources securely. The Microsoft Windows client and server operating systems implement a set of authentication protocol standards, such as Kerberos [RFC4120], and their extensions, such as [MS-KILE], as part of an extensible architecture consisting of Security Service Provider (SSP) security packages.
[MS-AZOD]: Authorization Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the Authorization protocols, which control the process of granting access to resources once authentication has been accomplished. An authenticated request is not sufficient for access by itself; a corresponding decision must also be made to decide if a particular request is authorized. To accomplish this, several authorization models are provided under Windows. This document provides an overview of these models as implemented by [MS-PAC], [MS-AZMP], [MS-GPCAP], [MS-CAPR], [MS-CTA], [MS-DTYP], [MS-ADTS], [MS-COMA], and [MS-TDS].
[MS-CCRSOD]: Content Caching and Retrieval System Overview Document Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols implemented in the Windows Peer Content Caching and Retrieval framework, which includes the protocols specified in [MS-FSCC], [MS-PCCRC], [MS-PCCRD], [MS-PCCRR], [MS-PCHC], [MS-PCCRTP], and [MS-SMB2]. This framework is based on a peer-to-peer discovery and distribution model designed to reduce wide-area-network (WAN) link bandwidth utilization and provide faster content downloads from a local area network (LAN) in a branch office. The Content Caching and Retrieval protocols support scenarios such as accessing content from a file server or a Web server where storing content locally from all locations in a distributed environment is not practical. If the Content Caching and Retrieval of data is unavailable or fails, normal file access would continue without caching using the SMB 2.1/2, HTTP, or HTTPS protocols.
[MS-CERSOD]: Certificate Services Overview Document Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols in the Certificate Services System, for both standalone and enterprise modes. The Certificate Services System consists of a set of protocols that are used for certificate enrollment, certificate policy, and remote administration of certificate services. It includes the certificate enrollment protocols [MS-WCCE], [MS-ICPR], and [MS-WSTEP], the certificate enrollment policy protocols [MS-XCEP] and [MS-CRTD], and the certificate remote administration protocol [MS-CSRA]. The Certificate Services System operates in two modes, standalone and enterprise.
[MS-DOCO]: Windows Protocols Documentation Roadmap Provides an overview of the Windows protocols documentation set. It provides a high-level roadmap for finding and navigating the documentation set and describes the content for each type of document.
[MS-FASOD]: File Access Services Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the File Access Services (FAS) protocols, which enable network file access and sharing in Windows and allow a client computer to discover, access, and share files that are hosted on, and made available by, another computer. The FAS protocols are specified in [MS-BRWS], [MS-CIFS], [MS-DFSC], [MS-FSA], [MS-FSCC], [MS-RAP], [RFC1094], [RFC1813], [RFC4918], [RFC5661], [MS-SMB], [MS-SMB2], [MS-SMBD], [MS-WDV], [MS-WDVME], and [MS-WDVSE].
[MS-FSMOD]: File Services Management Overview Document Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols used for configuring, managing, and monitoring file services in Windows over the network. The File Services Management protocols include the protocols specified in [MS-FSRM], [MS-WKST], [MS-SRVS], [MS-RAP], [MS-DFSNM], [MS-DFSRH], [MS-FRS2], and [MS-FRS1]. These protocols support scenarios such as share management, DFS namespace management, SMB Server management, SMB network redirector management , file server resource management, and file replication.
[MS-GPOD]: Group Policy Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols that implement Group Policy. The Group Policy System enables administrators to define and manage desired computer configurations or policy settings for a large number of users and computers within an Active Directory environment. Administrators can define policy settings once and rely on the Windows operating system to enforce policy. The Group Policy System enables a Group Policy Client to retrieve policy settings from a Group Policy Server and enables Administrative tools to retrieve, create, update, and delete policy settings. The Group Policy protocols are specified in [MS-GPOL], [MS-GPAC], [MS-GPCAP], [MS-GPDPC], [MS-GPEF], [MS-GPFAS], [MS-GPFR], [MS-GPIE], [MS-GPIPSEC], [MS-GPNAP], [MS-GPNRPT], [MS-GPPREF], [MS-GPREG], [MS-GPSB], [MS-GPSCR], [MS-GPSI], and [MS-GPWL].
[MS-MQOD]: Message Queuing Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols used for Message Queuing. Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is a communications service that enables reliable and secure asynchronous messaging between applications over a variety of deployment topologies. The Message Queuing protocols are specified in [MS-MQMQ], [MS-MQDMPR], [MC-MQAC], [MS-MQMP], [MS-MQQB], [MS-MQBR], [MC-MQSRM], [MS-MQCN], [MS-MQMR], [MS-MQSD], [MS-MQDS], [MS-MQDSSM], [MS-MQQP], and [MS-MQRR].
[MS-MSSOD]: Media Streaming Server Protocols Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols implemented in Media Streaming Windows technologies, which include the protocols specified in [MS-MSB], [MS-MSBD], [MS-MMSP], [MS-WMSP], [MS-RTSP], [MS-WMHTTP], and [MS-WMLOG]. Media Streaming technologies are used to convert both live and prerecorded audio format and to distribute the content over a network or the Internet. The Media Streaming Server technologies support scenarios such as publishing secure content to Media Server, streaming content from Media Server, requesting a license from License Server, and discovering Media Server URLs and log statistics to Media Server.
[MS-NAPOD] - Network Access Protection Protocols Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols required for Network Access Protection (NAP). NAP extends the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) network access architecture to provide mechanisms for verifying user identities, ensuring proper software configuration of client computers and system states through network access processes, and resolving client remediation problems. The NAP member protocols include [MS-DHCPN], [MS-DHCPM], [MS-HCEP], [MS-IKEE], [MS-PEAP], [MS-RNAP], [MS-TSGU], [MS-WSH], and [TNC-IF-TNCCSPBSoH].
[MS-NETOD]: Microsoft .NET Framework Protocols Overview Document Provides an overview of the .NET Framework protocols that map to the .NET Framework distributed technologies that enable network communications. This includes the protocols implemented in the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), identity and directory services, data access, ASP.NET, and .NET Remoting technologies of the .NET Framework.
[MS-PRSOD]: Print Services Overview Document Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols in the Print Services System. The Print Services System consists of a distributed system of print servers that manage printers and make them available to print clients. One or more servers may be used, each server independently managing one or more printers. Clients use the component protocols to submit print jobs, manage jobs, receive job notifications, obtain printer drivers, and administer print queues. The Print Services System includes the protocols specified in [MS-CIFS], [MS-EMFSPOOL], [MS-FSCC], [MS-GPDPC], [MS-PAN], [MS-PAR], [MS-RAP], [MS-RPRN], [MS-SMB], [MS-SMB2], and [MS-WPRN].
[MS-RDSOD] Remote Desktop Services Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the protocols implemented in the Remote Desktop services in Windows, which includes the protocols specified in [MS-RDPBCGR], [MS-TSGU], [MS-TSTS], [MS-TSWP], [MS-RDPEDC], [MS-RDPEGDI], [MS-RDPCR2], [MS-RDPNSC], [MS-RDPRFX], [ MS-RDPEPS], [MS-RDPELE], [MS-RDPECLIP], [MS-RDPEDYC], [MS-RDPEFS], [MS-RDPESP], [MS-RDPEPC], [MS-RDPESC], [MS-RDPEA], [MS-RDPEAI], [MS-RDPEMC], [MS-RDPEPNP], [MS-RDPEUSB], [MS-RDPERP], [MS-RDPEV], [MS-RDPEXPS], [MS-RDPERP], [MS-RDPEUDP], [MS-RDPEGFX], [MS-RDPEMT], [MS-RDPEECO], [MS-RDPEVOR], and [MS-RDPEI]. Using the Remote Desktop protocols, a user of a remote client can initiate a user session on a server and then run programs, save files, and use network resources. This supports the hosting of multiple simultaneous user sessions on servers. Remote Desktop protocols support scenarios such as redirecting keyboard, mouse, clipboard, media player content, print jobs, smart card data, and file system data between the RDP client and the server.
[MS-RMSOD]: Rights Management Services Overview Document The RMS system allows individuals and administrators to encrypt and specify access and usage restrictions on various types of data, including documents and email messages. This helps prevent sensitive information from being accessed and used by unauthorized people. This system includes persistent usage policies, and interacts with systems or applications that create or consume rights protected content.
[MS-STOROD]: Storage Services Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the storage services protocols implemented in Windows, which includes the protocols specified in [MS-DMRP], [MS-VDS], [MS-SCMP], [MS-RSMP], and [MS-EFSR]. The Storage Services protocols provide disk and volume management services, data backup and restore, removable media management, encrypted file access control, and file encryption. They support scenarios such as creating/modifying volumes, configuring HBA ports and iSCSI initiators, creating shadow copies, restoring the shadow copies, creating/deleting media pool, mounting/dismounting media, file encryption/decryption, and providing cryptographic access permissions to encrypted files.
[MS-TPSOD]: Transaction Processing Services Protocols Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the Transaction Processing protocols, which are specified in [MS-DTCO], [MS-CMOM], [MS-DTCM], [MS-TIPP], [MS-DTCLU], [WSAT10], [WSAT11], [MS-WSRVCAT], [MC-DTCXA], [MS-CMP], and [MS-CMPO]. Transaction processing is designed to maintain a computation system in a known, consistent state. It allows multiple individual operations to be linked together as a single, indivisible operation called an atomic transaction. Broadly speaking, transaction processing involves updating data, which may be distributed across multiple systems, so that either all of the changes are processed or none of the changes are processed.
[MS-WMOD]: Windows Management Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the Windows Management protocols, which are specified in [MS-WMI], [MS-WSMAN], [MS-WSMV], and [MS-PSRP]. The Windows Management protocols provide the ability to control settings and to collect data for a set of client and server computers. These protocols enable a computer to query another system or computer and to perform administrative operations to monitor, troubleshoot, and conduct hardware and software inventories in remote computers. The Windows Management Instrumentation Encoding Version 1.0 [MS-WMIO] is an integral part of the capabilities of the Windows Management Instrumentation Protocol; it specifies a binary data encoding format that is used by this protocol for network communication.
[MS-WPO]: Windows Protocols Overview Provides a conceptual overview of the protocols implemented in Windows and a roadmap to their protocol specifications. It provides conceptual background on Windows concepts and relationships across technology-specific protocol sets as appropriate.
[MS-WSUSOD]: Windows Server Update Services Overview Document Provides a system overview of the protocols in the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) system. The WSUS system implements the Windows Server Update Services: Client-Server Protocol specified in [MS-WUSP] and the Windows Server Update Services: Server-Server Protocol specified in [MS-WSUSSS]. These protocols enable communication between the Windows Server Update Services client and server to enable clients to discover software updates available on the server. They also enable communication between servers to propagate software update information, the updates, and administrative intent in a hierarchical deployment of the system.


Specification Description
[MS-DTYP]: Windows Data Types Describes the common data types used in the protocol specifications.
[MS-ERREF]: Windows Error Codes Describes the HRESULT values, Win32 error codes, and NTSTATUS values that are referenced in the protocol specifications throughout the Windows protocols documentation set.
[MS-LCID]: Windows Language Code Identifier (LCID) Reference Describes localizable information in Windows. It lists all language code identifiers (LCIDs) available in all versions of Windows.
[MS-UCODEREF]: Windows Protocols Unicode Reference Provides related Unicode processing algorithms on the Windows platform. This includes, but is not limited to, Unicode string comparison and conversion of Unicode to legacy code pages.

Technical Specifications

Specification Description
[MC-BUP]: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Upload Protocol Specifies the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Upload Protocol, which is used to upload large entities from a client to a server over networks with frequent disconnections, and to send notifications from the server to a server application about the availability of the uploaded entities.
[MC-CCFG]: Server Cluster: Configuration (ClusCfg) Protocol Specifies the Server Cluster: Configuration (ClusCfg) Protocol, which enables users to restore a node that is no longer a configured member of a failover cluster, back to its precluster installation state.
[MC-COMQC]: Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Queued Components Protocol Specifies the Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Queued Components Protocol, which is used for persisting method calls made on COM+ objects in such a way that they can later be played back and executed.
[MC-DPL4CS]: DirectPlay 4 Protocol: Core and Service Providers Specifies DirectPlay 4 Protocol: Core and Service Providers. This protocol enables the implementation of functions to enumerate hosted game sessions and players, to add and remove game players, and to interchange data between game instances.
[MC-DPL4R]: DirectPlay 4 Protocol: Reliable Specifies the DirectPlay 4 Protocol: Reliable, which describes functionality related to the reliable delivery of DirectPlay 4 messages and provides throttling for applications that use DirectPlay 4.
[MC-DPL8CS]: DirectPlay 8 Protocol: Core and Service Providers Specifies the DirectPlay 8 Protocol: Core and Service Providers, which creates and manages game sessions over existing datagram protocols such as UDP.
[MC-DPL8R]: DirectPlay 8 Protocol: Reliable Specifies the DirectPlay 8 Protocol: Reliable, which provides mixed, not reliable, and reliable messages over existing datagram protocols such as the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
[MC-DPLHP]: DirectPlay 8 Protocol: Host and Port Enumeration Specifies the DirectPlay 8 Protocol: Host and Port Enumeration, which enables a DirectPlay 8 client application to discover one or more DirectPlay 8 server applications.
[MC-DPLNAT]: DirectPlay 8 Protocol: NAT Locator Specifies the DirectPlay 8 Protocol: NAT Locator, which provides extensions to the DirectPlay 8 Core and Service Providers Protocol (as specified in [MC-DPL8CS]) to improve Network Address Translation (NAT) support.
[MC-DPLVP]: DirectPlay Voice Protocol Specifies the DirectPlay Voice Protocol, which is used to provide voice communications for applications that use the DirectPlay protocol to communicate.
[MC-DRT]: Distributed Routing Table (DRT) Version 1.0 Specifies the Distributed Routing Table (DRT) Version 1.0 protocol, which is used to maintain a network of nodes (referred to as a cloud) and to resolve keys to their endpoint information when requested by a node within the cloud.
[MC-DTCXA]: MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx XA Protocol Specifies the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transaction Protocol, which describes the extensions that support XA [XOPEN-DTP]-compliant software components in an OleTx distributed transaction processing environment.
[MC-FPSEWM]: FrontPage Server Extensions: Website Management Specifies the FrontPage Server Protocol Extensions, which is a set of server extensions that can be used to augment a basic HTTP server. These extensions provide file server functionality similar to WebDAV, enabling a Web site to be presented as a file share.
[MC-IISA]: Internet Information Services (IIS) Application Host COM Protocol Specifies the Internet Information Services (IIS) Application Host COM Protocol, which provides read/write access to administrative configuration data that is located on a remote server.
[MC-MQAC]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): ActiveX Client Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): ActiveX Client Protocol, which is a collection of Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) [MS-DCOM] interfaces that expose message queuing functionality for use by client applications.
[MC-MQSRM]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): SOAP Reliable Messaging Protocol (SRMP) Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): SOAP Reliable Messaging Protocol (SRMP), which defines a mechanism for reliably transferring messages between two message queues that are located on two different hosts.
[MC-NBFS]: .NET Binary Format: SOAP Data Structure Specifies the SOAP data structure for the .NET Binary Format for XML. This structure uses the XML data structure format [MC-NBFX], but specifies the set of strings to which a producer and consumer can refer.
[MC-NBFSE]: .NET Binary Format: SOAP Extension Specifies the SOAP extension for the .NET Binary Format for XML. This SOAP extension is a new format built by extending the format specified in [MC-NBFS]; it provides a context under which strings may be transmitted once and referred to by subsequent documents in order to reduce the size of the documents.
[MC-NBFX]: .NET Binary Format: XML Data Structure Specifies the XML data structure for the .NET Binary Format for XML. This format can represent many XML documents, as specified in [XML1.0]. The purpose of the format is to reduce the processing costs associated with XML documents by encoding an XML document in fewer bytes than the same document encoded in UTF-8, as specified in [RFC2279].
[MC-NETCEX]: .NET Context Exchange Protocol Specifies the .NET Context Exchange Protocol, which defines a message syntax for identifying context that is shared between a client and a server, and a protocol for establishing that context.
[MC-NMF]: .NET Message Framing Protocol Specifies the .NET Message Framing Protocol, which defines a mechanism for framing messages. While this is primarily aimed at framing SOAP messages, the protocol can be used to frame other message types as well.
[MC-NPR]: .NET Packet Routing Protocol Specifies the .NET Packet Routing Protocol, which defines a SOAP message header to indicate that a message can safely be treated as a packet or datagram.
[MC-PRCH]: Peer Channel Protocol Specifies the Peer Channel Protocol, which is used for broadcasting messages over a virtual network of cooperating nodes.
[MC-PRCR]: Peer Channel Custom Resolver Protocol Specifies the Peer Channel Custom Resolver Protocol, which is used for storage and retrieval of endpoint information of clients with access to a known service.
[MC-SMP]: Session Multiplex Protocol Specifies the Session Multiplex Protocol, which provides session management capabilities between a database client and a database server. This protocol enables multiple logical client connections to connect to a single server over a single physical connection.
[MS-ABTP]: Automatic Bluetooth Pairing Protocol Specifies the Automatic Bluetooth Pairing Protocol, which facilitates the establishment of a secure, trusted Bluetooth pairing relationship between two devices without requiring any user interaction at the time of pairing.
[MS-ADA1]: Active Directory Schema Attributes A-L Specifies the Active Directory Schema Attributes A-L, which contains a partial list of the objects that exist in the Active Directory schema (attributes beginning with A - L).
[MS-ADA2]: Active Directory Schema Attributes M Specifies the Active Directory Schema Attributes M, which contains a partial list of the objects that exist in the Active Directory schema (attributes beginning with M).
[MS-ADA3]: Active Directory Schema Attributes N-Z Specifies the Active Directory Schema Attributes N-Z, which contains a partial list of the objects that exist in the Active Directory schema (attributes beginning with N through Z).
[MS-ADCAP]: Active Directory Web Services: Custom Action Protocol Specifies the Active Directory Web Services: Custom Action Protocol, used for directory access in identity management and topology management. This protocol enables the transition of client applications that are currently using non-Web services protocols for managing information held in directory services to instead use Web services protocols.
[MS-ADDM]: Active Directory Web Services: Data Model and Common Elements Specifies the Active Directory Web Services: Data Model and Common Elements. This protocol contains an XML data model and other protocol components (such as the definition of an XPath 1.0-derived selection language) that are used in various protocols that belong to the set of Active Directory Web Services protocols.
[MS-ADLS]: Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Schema Specifies the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services Schema, which contains a list of the objects that exist in the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services schema.
[MS-ADSC]: Active Directory Schema Classes Specifies the Active Directory Schema Classes, which contains a partial list of objects that exist in the Active Directory schema.
[MS-ADTG]: Remote Data Services (RDS) Transport Protocol Specifies the Remote Data Services (RDS) Transport Protocol, an HTTP request/response protocol that facilitates remote method definition and invocation, method definitions for executing database commands and for synchronizing database results, and that defines a record format for encoding of database results.
[MS-ADTS]: Active Directory Technical Specification Specifies the Active Directory Technical protocol. This protocol describes the state model for Active Directory.
[MS-AIPS]: Authenticated Internet Protocol Specifies the Authenticated Internet Protocol. This protocol supports a more generalized authentication exchange than the Internet Key Exchange Protocol and provides the optimizations in key exchange and policy discoverability.
[MS-APDS]: Authentication Protocol Domain Support Specifies Authentication Protocol Domain Support, which is the communication process between a server and a domain controller that uses Netlogon interfaces to complete an authentication sequence.
[MS-ASAIRS]: Exchange ActiveSync: AirSyncBase Namespace Protocol Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: AirSyncBase Namespace Protocol, which is used by the Exchange ActiveSync commands to identify the size, type, and content of the data sent by and returned to the client.
[MS-ASCAL]: Exchange ActiveSync: Calendar Class Protocol Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Calendar Class Protocol, which is used for the interchange of calendar data.
[MS-ASCMD]: Exchange ActiveSync: Command Reference Protocol Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Command Reference Protocol, which enables the synchronization of email, Short Message Service (SMS) messages, attachments, folders, contact information, meetings, calendar data, tasks, notes, and documents.
[MS-ASCNTC]: Exchange ActiveSync: Contact Class Protocol Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Contact Class Protocol, which is used for the interchange of contact data.
[MS-ASCON]: Exchange ActiveSync: Conversations Protocol Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Conversations Protocol, which is an XML-based format that is used to improve the ways in which email messages are triaged when they are displayed in conversation view.
[MS-ASDTYPE]: Exchange ActiveSync: Data Types Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync data types that are used by the Exchange ActiveSync Protocol XML schema definitions (XSDs).
[MS-ASEMAIL]: Exchange ActiveSync: Email Class Protocol Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Email Class Protocol, which provides an XML representation of email data that is sent or received by mobile devices.
[MS-ASHTTP]: Exchange ActiveSync HTTP Protocol Specifies the ActiveSync HTTP Protocol, which enables a client device to synchronize data with the data that is stored on the server.
[MS-ASP]: ASP.NET State Server Protocol Specifies the ASP.NET State Server Protocol, which is a contract for transmitting session state data between a client and a state server.
[MS-ASPROV]: Exchange ActiveSync: Provisioning Protocol Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Provisioning Protocol, which is an XML-based format that servers use to communicate security policy settings to client devices.
[MS-ASWBXML]: Exchange ActiveSync: WAP Binary XML (WBXML) Algorithm Specifies the Exchange ActiveSync: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) Binary XML (WBXML) Algorithm, which is used for WBXML encoding.
[MS-BDSRR]: Business Document Scanning: Scan Repository Capabilities and Status Retrieval Protocol Specifies the Business Document Scanning: Scan Repository Capabilities and Status Retrieval Protocol, which is used to query a server for the capabilities and status of the scan repository.
[MS-BKRP]: BackupKey Remote Protocol Specifies the BackupKey Remote Protocol. This protocol encrypts secret values (such as cryptographic keys) so they can be backed up to storage that is not specially protected, and enables decryption of such values if recovery is necessary.
[MS-BPAU]: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Peer-Caching: Peer Authentication Protocol Specifies the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Peer-Caching: Peer Authentication Protocol. This protocol provides authentication for computers in an Active Directory domain in support of the BITS Peer-Caching Content Retrieval Protocol ([MS-BPCR]).
[MS-BPCR]: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Peer-Caching: Content Retrieval Protocol Specifies the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Peer-Caching: Content Retrieval Protocol, which is one of the family of protocols that implements a distributed URL cache known as "BITS peer-caching". Other protocols in the family are used to discover potential peers and to authenticate them.
[MS-BPDP]: Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Peer-Caching: Peer Discovery Protocol Specifies the Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) Peer-Caching: Peer Discovery Protocol, which is used to locate hosts in a domain that supports the URL-caching protocol implemented by BITS.
[MS-BRWS]: Common Internet File System (CIFS) Browser Protocol Specifies the Common Internet File System (CIFS) Browser Protocol, which updates all backup browser servers with the contents of the response to a NetServerEnum2 request and shares the processing load of enumerating the services available in the network across different servers.
[MS-BRWSA]: Common Internet File System (CIFS) Browser Auxiliary Protocol Specifies the Common Internet File System (CIFS) Browser Auxiliary Protocol, which is used by the master browser server to query configuration information for the domains from the domain master browser server.
[MS-CAPR]: Central Access Policy Identifier (ID) Retrieval Protocol Specifies the Central Access Policy ID Retrieval Protocol, which allows administrative applications to retrieve the set of central access policies deployed on remote computers.
[MS-CBCP]: Callback Control Protocol Specifies the Callback Control Protocol, which provides a standard method for transporting multi-protocol datagrams over point-to-point links.
[MS-CDP]: Connected Devices Platform Protocol Version Specifies the Connected Devices Platform Protocol Version 3. This protocol provides a discovery system to authenticate and verify users and devices, as well as providing a message exchange between devices. It provides a transport-agnostic means of building connections among all of a user's devices, whether available through the cloud or through direct physical presence.
[MS-CER]: Corporate Error Reporting Version 1.0 Protocol Specifies the Corporate Error Reporting Version 1.0 Protocol, which enables an organization to copy error reports from a set of client machines to a CER file share on a specified Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol file server with additional configuration options.
[MS-CER2]: Corporate Error Reporting V.2 Protocol Specifies the Corporate Error Reporting V.2 Protocol, which enables enterprise computing sites to manage all error reporting information within the organization.
[MS-CHAP]: Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) Specifies the Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). This protocol enables extensible authentication for network access.
[MS-CIFS]: Common Internet File System (CIFS) Protocol Specifies the Common Internet File System (CIFS) Protocol, a cross-platform, transport-independent protocol that provides a mechanism for client systems to use file and print services made available by server systems over a network.
[MS-CMOM]: MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Management Protocol Specifies the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Management Protocol. This protocol enables the remote management of an OleTx Transaction Manager and its extensions.
[MS-CMP]: MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Multiplexing Protocol Specifies the MSDTC Connection Manager Protocol: Connection Multiplexing Protocol, which enables partners to multiplex any number of two-way connections over the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transports Protocol session.
[MS-CMPO]: MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transports Protocol Specifies the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transports Protocol, a peer-to-peer messaging protocol layered over a bidirectional pair of RPC connections.
[MS-CMRP]: Failover Cluster: Management API (ClusAPI) Protocol Specifies the Failover Cluster: Management API (ClusAPI) Protocol, an RPC-based protocol that is used for remotely managing a cluster.
[MS-COM]: Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Protocol Specifies the Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Protocol, which consists of a DCOM interface (and DCOM protocol extensions) that is used for adding transactions, implementing synchronization, managing multiple object class configurations, enforcing security, and providing additional functionality and attributes to DCOM-based distributed object applications.
[MS-COMA]: Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Remote Administration Protocol Specifies the Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Remote Administration Protocol, which enables remote clients to register, import, remove, configure, control, and monitor components and conglomerations for an Object Request Broker (ORB).
[MS-COMEV]: Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Event System Protocol Specifies the Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Event System Protocol, which is a protocol that exposes DCOM interfaces for storing and managing configuration data for publishers of events and their respective subscribers on remote computers. This protocol also specifies how to get specific information about a publisher and its subscribers.
[MS-COMT]: Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Tracker Service Protocol Specifies the Component Object Model Plus (COM+) Tracker Service Protocol, which enables clients to monitor running instances of components.
[MS-COPYS]: Copy Web Service Protocol Specification Specifies the Copy Web Service Protocol, which is used to copy files, including file metadata such as creation date and author, to one or more locations on a single protocol server or between different protocol servers.
[MS-CRTD]: Certificate Templates Structure Specifies the Certificate Templates Structure. This structure describes the syntax and interpretation of certificate templates, which forms the basis of certificate management for the Certificate Templates Protocol.
[MS-CSRA]: Certificate Services Remote Administration Protocol Specifies the Certificate Services Remote Administration Protocol, which consists of a set of Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) interfaces that enable administrative tools to configure the state and policy of a certification authority (CA) on a server.
[MS-CSSP]: Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) Protocol Specifies the Credential Security Support Provider (CredSSP) Protocol, which enables an application to securely delegate a user's credentials from a client to a target server.
[MS-CSVP]: Failover Cluster: Setup and Validation Protocol (ClusPrep) Specifies the Failover Cluster: Setup and Validation Protocol (ClusPrep), which remotely configures cluster nodes, cleans up cluster nodes, and validates that hardware and software settings are compatible with Failover Clustering.
[MS-CTA]: Claims Transformation Algorithm Specifies the Claims Transformation Algorithm (CTA), which consists of two components: a grammar describing a transformation rules language and an algorithm for transforming input claims into output claims. A claim is an assertion about a user identity in the form of a name-value tuple. Sets of claims are transformed from sending authority formats to receiving authority formats at authentication trust traversal boundaries.
[MS-DCHT]: Desktop Chat Protocol Specifies the Desktop Chat Protocol, which is the mechanism by which the Windows Chat application in Windows communicates information between remote users.
[MS-DCLB]: Desktop Clipboard Protocol Specifies the Desktop Clipboard Protocol, which uses the Network Dynamic Data Exchange (NetDDE) Protocol to implement a distributed store for graphical user interface (GUI) objects for desktop cut-and-paste operations.
[MS-DCOM]: Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Remote Protocol Specifies the Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) Remote Protocol, which exposes application objects via remote procedure calls (RPCs) and consists of a set of extensions layered on the Microsoft Remote Procedure Call Extensions.
[MS-DFSC]: Distributed File System (DFS): Referral Protocol Specifies the Distributed File System (DFS): Referral Protocol, which enables file system clients to resolve names from a namespace distributed across many servers and geographies into local names on specific file servers.
[MS-DFSNM]: Distributed File System (DFS): Namespace Management Protocol Specifies the Distributed File System (DFS): Namespace Management Protocol, which provides an RPC interface for administering DFS configurations. The client is an application that issues method calls on the RPC interface to administer DFS. The server is a DFS service that implements support for this RPC interface for administering DFS.
[MS-DFSRH]: DFS Replication Helper Protocol Specifies the DFS Replication Helper Protocol, which is made up of a set of distributed component object model (DCOM) interfaces for configuring and monitoring DFS Replication Helper Protocols on a server.
[MS-DHA]: Device Health Attestation Protocol Specifies the Device Health Attestation (DHA) Protocol, which enables devices to submit information about the code/programs that were loaded and executed during boot to a remote reporting service called Device Health Attestation Service (DHA-Service), and get an encrypted BLOB back that is cached on the device or made available to a MDM service provider.
[MS-DHCPE]: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Extensions Specifies the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), which describes the Microsoft specific vendor-class options included in the Microsoft implementation of DHCP.
[MS-DHCPM]: Microsoft Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server Management Protocol Specifies the Microsoft Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Server Management Protocol, which defines the RPC interfaces that provide methods for remotely accessing and administering the DHCP server. This protocol is a client and server protocol based on RPC that is used in the configuration, management, and monitoring of a DHCP server.
[MS-DHCPN]: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Extensions for Network Access Protection (NAP) Specifies the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) Extensions for Network Access Protection (NAP), which is designed to reduce the administrative burden and complexity of configuring hosts on a TCP/IP-based network, such as a private intranet, and is one enforcement method supported by Network Access Protection (NAP).
[MS-DLNHND]: Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) Networked Device Interoperability Guidelines: Microsoft Extensions Specifies Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) Home Networked Device Interoperability Guidelines: Microsoft Extensions. The DLNA Guidelines define protocol extensions to protocols related to streaming of content.
[MS-DLTM]: Distributed Link Tracking: Central Manager Protocol Specifies the Distributed Link Tracking: Central Manager Protocol, which works with the Distributed Link Tracking (DLT) Workstation Protocol to discover the new location of a file that has moved. DLT can determine whether the file has moved on a mass-storage device, within a computer, or between computers in a network. The DLT Central Manager Protocol keeps track of file and volume moves and other relevant information from participating computers in order to provide this information in response to workstation queries.
[MS-DLTW]: Distributed Link Tracking: Workstation Protocol Specifies the Distributed Link Tracking: Workstation Protocol, which works with the Distributed Link Tracking (DLT) Central Manager Protocol to discover the new location of a file that has moved. DLT can determine whether the file has moved on a mass-storage device, within a computer, or between computers in a network.
[MS-DMRP]: Disk Management Remote Protocol Specifies the Disk Management Remote Protocol, a set of Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) interfaces that manages storage objects on a machine.
[MS-DNSP]: Domain Name Service (DNS) Server Management Protocol Specifies the Domain Name Service (DNS) Server Management Protocol, which defines the RPC interfaces that provide methods for remotely accessing and administering a DNS server. It is a client and server protocol based on RPC that is used in the configuration, management, and monitoring of a DNS server.
[MS-DPDX]: DirectPlay DXDiag Usage Protocol Specifies the DirectPlay DXDiag Usage Protocol, intended for peer-to-peer network video gaming and used by the DXDiag application.
[MS-DPSP]: Digest Protocol Extensions Specifies the Digest Protocol Extensions, which describes the variations in the Windows implementation of the Digest Authentication protocol from the standard, as specified in [RFC2617].
[MS-DPWSSN]: Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS): Size Negotiation Extension Specifies the Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS): Size Negotiation Extension. This is an extension to the Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS) and enables the negotiation of message sizes between a client and a service for a specific message transaction.
[MS-DRM]: Digital Rights Management License Protocol Specifies the Digital Rights Management License Protocol, which provides secure distribution, promotion, and sale of digital media content.
[MS-DRMND]: Windows Media Digital Rights Management (WMDRM): Network Devices Protocol Specifies the Windows Media Digital Rights Management (WMDRM): Network Devices Protocol. This protocol enables consumers to experience multimedia content on multiple devices in the home, while protecting the rights of the content owner.
[MS-DRSR]: Directory Replication Service (DRS) Remote Protocol Specifies the Directory Replication Service (DRS) Remote Protocol, an RPC protocol for replication and management of data in Active Directory.
[MS-DSCPM]: Desired State Configuration Pull Model Protocol Specifies the Desired State Configuration Pull Model Protocol, which is used to get a client's configuration and modules from the server and to report the client's status back to the server. The protocol depends on HTTP for the transfer of all protocol messages. With the Desired State Configuration Pull Model Protocol, binary data flows from the server to the client.
[MS-DSML]: Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) 2.0 Protocol Extensions Specifies the Directory Services Markup Language (DSML) 2.0 Protocol Extensions. The SOAP session extensions (SSE) make it possible to maintain state information across multiple request/response operations.
[MS-DSSP]: Directory Services Setup Remote Protocol Specifies the Directory Services Setup Remote Protocol, which exposes an RPC interface that a client can call to obtain domain-related computer state and configuration information.
[MS-DTCLU]: MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transaction Protocol Logical Unit Mainframe Extension Specifies the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transaction Protocol Logical Unit Mainframe Extension, which provides concrete mechanisms for associating an Atomic Transaction and an LU type 6.2 Logical Unit of Work.
[MS-DTCM]: MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transaction Internet Protocol Specifies the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transaction Internet Protocol, which extends the OleTx protocol (see [MS-DTCO]) to enable its interoperation with the open-standard Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP).
[MS-DTCO]: MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transaction Protocol Specifies the MSDTC Connection Manager: OleTx Transaction Protocol, which provides concrete mechanisms for beginning, propagating, and completing atomic transactions. This protocol also provides mechanisms for coordinating agreement on a single atomic outcome for each transaction, and for reliably distributing that outcome to all participants in the transaction.
[MS-DTMF]: RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones, and Telephony Signals Extensions Specifies the RTP Payload for DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones, and Telephony Signals Extensions, which is a set of extensions used to carry DTMF digits, tones, and signals in Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) packets over a network transport.
[MS-DVRD]: Device Registration Discovery Protocol Specifies the Device Registration Discovery Protocol, which is used to discover information about servers that can register corporate-owned and personal devices with a corporate network.
[MS-DVRE]: Device Registration Enrollment Protocol Specifies the Device Registration Enrollment Protocol, which is used to register corporate-owned and personal devices with a corporate network.
[MS-DVRJ]: Device Registration Join Protocol Specifies the Device Registration Join Protocol, which establishes a device identity between the physical device and a directory service. The identity is used at the system level to identify the device only.
[MS-DWSS]: Document Workspace Web Service Protocol Specification Specifies the Document Workspace Web Service Protocol. This protocol is used to create, edit, and delete workspaces and folders for a SharePoint site configured as a Document Workspace.
[MS-ECS]: Enterprise Client Synchronization Protocol Specifies the Enterprise Client Sync protocol, which enables devices (such as tablets, PCs, or laptops) to synchronize files to and from a file server in a REST-based manner.
[MS-EERR]: ExtendedError Remote Data Structure Specifies the ExtendedError Remote Data Structure, which encodes extended error information. This data structure assumes that the reader has familiarity with the concepts and the requirements that are detailed in [MS-RPCE] and [C706].
[MS-EFSR]: Encrypting File System Remote (EFSRPC) Protocol Specifies the Encrypting File System Remote (EFSRPC) Protocol, which performs maintenance and management operations on encrypted data that is stored remotely and accessed over a network.
[MS-EMF]: Enhanced Metafile Format Specifies the Enhanced Metafile Format (EMF) structure, which can store a picture in device-independent form.
[MS-EMFSPOOL]: Enhanced Metafile Spool Format Specifies the Enhanced Metafile Spool Format. This structure specifies a metafile format that can store a print job in portable form .
[MS-EVEN]: EventLog Remoting Protocol Specifies the EventLog Remoting Protocol, which exposes the RPC methods for reading events in both live and backup event logs on remote computers.
[MS-EVEN6]: EventLog Remoting Protocol Version 6.0 Specifies the EventLog Remoting Protocol Version 6.0 protocol, which exposes RPC methods for reading events in both live and backup event logs on remote computers. This protocol was originally made available for Windows Vista.
[MS-FASP]: Firewall and Advanced Security Protocol Specifies the Firewall and Advanced Security Protocol. The protocol manages firewall and advanced security components on remote computers.
[MS-FAX]: Fax Server and Client Remote Protocol Specifies the Fax Server and Client Remote Protocol. It is an RPC-based, client-server protocol, and is used to send faxes and to manage the fax server and its queues.
[MS-FCIADS]: File Classification Infrastructure Alternate Data Stream (ADS) File Format This document specifies the File Classification Infrastructure Alternate Data Stream (ADS) File Format, which consists of structures for persisting file metadata information into NTFS alternate data streams.
[MS-FORMS]: Forms Service Protocol Specification Specifies the Forms Service protocol. This protocol enables a client to get a list of forms from a protocol server and to get individual forms from that list.
[MS-FPSE]: FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol Specifies the FrontPage Server Extensions Remote Protocol, which describes a set of server extensions that can be used to augment a basic HTTP server.
[MS-FSA]: File System Algorithms Specifies File System Algorithms in terms of an abstract model for how an object store can be implemented to support the Server Message Block (SMB) Version 1.0 Protocol [MS-SMB] and the Server Message Block (SMB) Version 2.0 Protocol [MS-SMB2].
[MS-FSCC]: File System Control Codes Specifies the File System Control Codes that define the network format of native Windows structures that may be used within other protocols.
[MS-FSRM]: File Server Resource Manager Protocol Specifies the File Server Resource Manager Protocol, which implements a set of a Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) interfaces for managing the configuration of directory quotas, file screens, and storage report jobs on a machine.
[MS-FSRVP]: File Server Remote VSS Provider Protocol Specifies the File Server Remote VSS Protocol, an RPC-based protocol used for creating shadow copies of file shares on a remote computer, and for facilitating backup applications in performing application-consistent backup and restore of data on SMB2 shares.
[MS-FSSHTTP]: File Synchronization via SOAP over HTTP Protocol Specification Specifies the File Synchronization via SOAP over HTTP Protocol, which enables one or more protocol clients to synchronize changes done on shared files stored on a server.
[MS-FSSHTTPB]: Binary Requests for File Synchronization via SOAP Protocol Specification Specifies the Binary Requests for File Synchronization via SOAP Protocol, which enables protocol clients to synchronize the state of a structured file hosted by a protocol server.
[MS-FSSHTTPD]: Binary Data Format for File Synchronization via SOAP Specifies the MS-FSSHTTP schema for representing file data. This schema represents a traditional file, which is an array of bytes, efficiently in the MS-FSSHTTP storage model. A typical scenario for this schema is a client or server application transmitting a traditional file to or from an MS-FSSHTTP protocol server.
[MS-FSVCA]: File Set Version Comparison Algorithms Specifies the File Set Version Comparison Algorithms, which is used by the Enterprise Client Synchronization Protocol to build and serialize a compact representation of version state across a data set consisting of files and directories.
[MS-GKDI]: Group Key Distribution Protocol This document specifies the Group Key Distribution Protocol, which enables clients to obtain cryptographic keys associated with Active Directory security principals.
[MS-GPAC]: Group Policy: Audit Configuration Extension Specifies the Group Policy: Audit Configuration Extension, which provides a mechanism for an administrator to control audit policies on clients.
[MS-GPDPC]: Group Policy: Deployed Printer Connections Extension Specifies the Group Policy: Deployed Printer Connections Extension, which supports the use of preconfigured collections of shared printer connections.
[MS-GPFR]: Group Policy: Folder Redirection Protocol Extension Specifies the Group Policy: Folder Redirection Protocol Extension, which provides a mechanism to relocate specific user folders to server disk volumes. The protocol extension describes how file system access requests to a user's folders are automatically redirected to a newly created folder for each user.
[MS-GPIE]: Group Policy: Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension Specifies the Group Policy: Internet Explorer Maintenance Extension, which enables administrators to apply custom settings to the Internet Explorer configuration on one or more computers to enforce Internet-related security standards and provide a common browser interface within the organization.
[MS-GPIPSEC]: Group Policy: IP Security (IPsec) Protocol Extension Specifies the IP Security (IPSec) Protocol Extension to the Group Policy: Core Protocol. This extension enables administrators to arbitrarily instruct large groups of client machines to configure their local IPsec/IKE components to provide basic IP traffic filtering, IP data integrity, and (optionally) IP data encryption.
[MS-GPNRPT]: Group Policy: Name Resolution Policy Table (NRPT) Data Extension Specifies the Name Resolution Policy Table (NRPT) Group Policy Data Extension, an extension to Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding [MS-GPREG]. The NRPT Group Policy Data Extension provides a mechanism for an administrator to control any Name Resolution Policy behavior on a client by using group policy-based settings.
[MS-GPOL]: Group Policy: Core Protocol Specifies the Group Policy: Core Protocol, which enables clients to discover and retrieve policy settings that administrators of a domain create.
[MS-GPPREF]: Group Policy: Preferences Extension Data Structure Specifies the Group Policy: Preferences Extension. This extension to the Group Policy: Core Protocol provides a mechanism to manage and deploy policy preferences.
[MS-GPREG]: Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding Specifies the Group Policy: Registry Extension Encoding, an extension to the Group Policy: Core Protocol. This mechanism enables an administrator to control any behavior on a client that depends on registry-based settings.
[MS-GPSCR]: Group Policy: Scripts Extension Encoding Specifies the Group Policy: Scripts Extension Encoding, an extension to the Group Policy: Core Protocol that provides a mechanism for an administrator to instruct an arbitrarily large group of clients to execute administrator-specified code at computer startup, computer shutdown, user logon, and user logoff.
[MS-GPSI]: Group Policy: Software Installation Protocol Extension Specifies the Group Policy: Software Installation Protocol Extension, which enables an administrator to install and remove software applications on client computers.
[MS-GPWL]: Group Policy: Wireless/Wired Protocol Extension Specifies the Group Policy: Wireless/Wired Protocol Extension, an extension to the Group Policy: Core Protocol that specifies the behaviors of the Wireless/Wired Group Policy administrative-side and client-side plug-in extensions.
[MS-GSSA]: Generic Security Service Algorithm for Secret Key Transaction Authentication for DNS (GSS-TSIG) Protocol Extension Specifies the Generic Security Service Algorithm for Secret Key Transaction Authentication for DNS (GSS-TSIG) Protocol Extension, which identifies one possible extension to TSIG based on the Generic Security Service Application Program Interface (GSS-API).
[MS-H245]: H.245 Protocol: Microsoft Extensions Specifies the H.245 Protocol: Microsoft Extensions, which describes Microsoft extensions for the H.323 protocol.
[MS-H264PF]: RTP Payload Format for H.264 Video Streams Extensions Specifies the RTP Payload Format for H264 Streams Extensions protocol, which is the payload format used to carry real-time video streams in the payload of the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP).
[MS-H26XPF]: Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP/RTCP): H.261 and H.263 Video Streams Extensions Specifies the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP/RTCP): H.261 and H.263 Video Streams Extensions, which are used to transmit and receive H.261 or H.263 video streams in a two-party, peer-to-peer call.
[MS-HCEP]: Health Certificate Enrollment Protocol Specifies the Health Certificate Enrollment Protocol, which enables a network endpoint to obtain digital certificates.
[MS-HNDS]: Host Name Data Structure Extension Specifies the Host Name Data Structure Extension, which defines the allowable host names that may be assigned to a computer.
[MS-HGRP]: HomeGroup Protocol Specifies the HomeGroup Protocol, which is used to create a trust relationship that facilitates the advertising and publishing of content between machines via a peer-to-peer (P2P) infrastructure.
[MS-HTTP2E]: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Version 2 (HTTP/2) Extension This document specifies a profile of and an extension to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) version 2, which is defined by [IETFDRAFT-HTTP2].The profile relaxes certain requirements of the base protocol in the interests of improved interoperability. The accompanying extension permits implementations to negotiate further relaxation when both sides agree.
[MS-HTTPE]: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Extensions Specifies the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Extensions, which extend the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and deal with internationalization of host names and query strings.
[MS-HVRS]: Hyper-V Remote Storage Profile Specifies information regarding the implementation for hosting Hyper-V virtual machine files on Server Message Block (SMB) Version 3 shares.
[MS-ICE2]: Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) Extensions 2.0 Specifies the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) Extensions 2.0, which are used to set up Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) streams in a manner where the streams can traverse Network Address Translators (NAT) and firewalls.
[MS-ICPR]: ICertPassage Remote Protocol Specifies the ICertPassage Remote Protocol, a subset of the Windows Client Certificate Enrollment Protocol, as specified in [MS-WCCE]. This protocol only enables the client to enroll certificates, whereas [MS-WCCE] provides enrollment and additional functionality.
[MS-IISS]: Internet Information Services (IIS) ServiceControl Protocol Specifies the Internet Information Services (IIS) ServiceControl Protocol, a client-to-server protocol that enables remote control of Internet services as a single unit.
[MS-IKEE]: Internet Key Exchange Protocol Extensions Specifies the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Protocol Extensions, which describe the extensions specified in [RFC2409].
[MS-IMSA]: Internet Information Services (IIS) IMSAdminBaseW Remote Protocol Specifies the Internet Information Services (IIS) IMSAdminBaseW Remote Protocol, which defines interfaces that provide Unicode-compliant methods for remotely accessing and administering the IIS metabase associated with an application that manages IIS configuration, such as the IIS snap-in for Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
[MS-IOI]: IManagedObject Interface Protocol Specifies the IManagedObject Interface Protocol. The IManagedObject interface is a COM interface used by the common language runtime (CLR) to identify managed objects (objects created by the CLR) that are exported for interoperability with the Component Object Model (COM).
[MS-IPAMM]: IP Address Management (IPAM) Management Protocol Specifies the IP Address Management (IPAM) Management Protocol. This protocol is used to remotely retrieve and manage the data in the IPAM data store. The IPAM data store consists of the data pertaining to address space management, which includes the configuration data available with the DHCP and DNS server instances in the network.
[MS-IPAMM2]: IP Address Management (IPAM) Management Protocol Version 2 Specifies the IP Address Management (IPAM) Management Protocol Version 2 for Windows Server vNext. This protocol is used to remotely retrieve and manage the data in the IPAM data store. The IPAM data store consists of the data pertaining to the address space management, which includes the configuration data available with the DHCP and DNS server instances in the network.
[MS-IPHTTPS]: IP over HTTPS (IP-HTTPS) Tunneling Protocol Specifies the IP over HTTPS (IP-HTTPS) Tunneling Protocol, a mechanism to transport IPv6 packets on an HTTPS connection.
[MS-IRP]: Internet Information Services (IIS) Inetinfo Remote Protocol Specifies the Internet Information Services (IIS) Inetinfo Remote Protocol, an RPC-based client/server protocol that is used for managing Internet protocol servers such as those hosted by IIS.
[MS-KILE]: Kerberos Protocol Extensions Specifies the Microsoft implementation of the Kerberos Protocol Extensions, as specified in [RFC4120], by specifying any Windows behaviors that differ from the Kerberos Protocol, in addition to Windows extensions for interactive logon and the inclusion of authorization information expressed as group memberships and related information.
[MS-KKDCP]: Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) Proxy Protocol Specifies the Kerberos Key Distribution Center (KDC) Proxy Protocol, which provides a mechanism for a client to use a KKDCP server to change passwords and securely obtain Kerberos service tickets from a Kerberos V5 server.
[MS-KPP]: Key Provisioning Protocol Specifies the Key Provisioning Protocol, which defines a mechanism for a client to register a set of cryptographic keys on a user and device pair.
[MS-L2TPIE]: Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) IPsec Extensions Specifies the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) IPsec Extensions, which allows IP, IPX, or NetBEUI traffic to be encrypted and then sent over any medium that supports point-to-point (PPP) (Point to Point Protocol [RFC1661]) datagram delivery, such as IP, X.25, Frame Relay, or ATM.
[MS-LISTSWS]: Lists Web Service Protocol Specification Specifies the Lists Web Service Protocol, which enables a protocol client to perform tasks related to list-based content on a protocol server.
[MS-LLMNRP]: Link Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) Profile Specifies the Link Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) Profile, which describes the differences between this profile and the one defined in [RFC4795].
[MS-LLTD]: Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) Protocol Specifies the Link Layer Topology Discovery (LLTD) Protocol, which an application or a higher-layer protocol can use to facilitate discovery of link-layer topology and diagnose various problems associated with a network's signal strength and bandwidth.
[MS-LSAD]: Local Security Authority (Domain Policy) Remote Protocol Specifies the Local Security Authority (Domain Policy) Remote Protocol. This protocol provides an RPC interface used for providing remote management for policy settings related to account objects, secret objects, trusted domain objects (TDOs), and other security-related policy settings.
[MS-LSAT]: Local Security Authority (Translation Methods) Remote Protocol Specifies the Local Security Authority (Translation Methods) Remote Protocol, which is implemented in Windows-based products to translate identifiers for security principal between human-readable and machine-readable forms.
[MS-LWSSP]: Lightweight Web Services Security Profile Specifies the Lightweight Web Services Security Profile. This profile specifies how to perform lightweight client authentication and security token exchange based on set of security-related Web services protocols.
[MS-MAIL]: Remote Mailslot Protocol Specifies the Remote Mailslot Protocol. This protocol is a simple, nonsecure, and unidirectional interprocess communications (IPC) protocol between a client and server.
[MS-MCIS]: Content Indexing Services Protocol Specifies the Content Indexing Services Protocol, which enables a client to communicate with a server hosting an indexing service to issue queries.
[MS-MDE]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol Specifies the Mobile Device Management Enrollment Protocol, which provides a mechanism for discovering devices and enrolling them into a management system. After enrollment, devices can be managed through the Microsoft Mobile Device Management Protocol [MS-MDM].
[MS-MDE2]: Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol Specifies version 2 of the Mobile Device Enrollment Protocol (MDE), which enables enrolling a device with the DMS through an Enrollment Service (ES). The protocol includes the discovery of the Management Enrollment Service (MES) and enrollment with the ES.
[MS-MDM]: Mobile Device Management Protocol Specifies the Mobile Device Management Protocol (MDM), a subset of the Open Mobile Association (OMA) standard protocol, which provides a mechanism for managing devices previously enrolled into a management system through the Microsoft Mobile Device Management Enrollment Protocol [MS-MDE].
[MS-MMSP]: Microsoft Media Server (MMS) Protocol Specifies the Microsoft Media Server (MMS) Protocol, which defines how MMS streams multimedia from Windows Media Services to Windows Media Player, or to another instance of Windows Media Services. MMS uses TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol).
[MS-MNPR]: Microsoft NetMeeting Protocol Specifies the Microsoft NetMeeting Protocol, which implements a method of application sharing over the T.120 Multipoint Communication Service (MCS) layer, using the S20 MCS Channel.
[MS-MQBR]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Binary Reliable Message Routing Algorithm Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Binary Reliable Message Routing Algorithm, which is used by MSMQ to communicate across both connected networks and heterogeneous networks.
[MS-MQCN]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Directory Service Change Notification Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Directory Service Change Notification Protocol. It defines a mechanism used by the MSMQ Directory Service or a queue manager to notify a queue manager of changes to its owned objects.
[MS-MQDS]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Directory Service Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Directory Service Protocol, an RPC-based protocol that is used by MSMQ clients and Message Queuing servers to remotely access and maintain MSMQ directory objects.
[MS-MQMP]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Client Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Client Protocol, which enables communication between message queuing client applications and an MSMQ Queue Manager.
[MS-MQMR]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Management Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Management Protocol that is used for management operations on the MSMQ server, including monitoring the MSMQ installation and the queues.
[MS-MQQB]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Message Queuing Binary Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Binary Reliable Messaging Protocol, which defines a mechanism for reliably transferring messages between two message queues located on two different hosts.
[MS-MQQP]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager to Queue Manager Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager to Queue Manager Protocol, an RPC-based protocol used by the queue manager and runtime library to read and purge messages from a remote queue.
[MS-MQRR]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Remote Read Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Remote Read Protocol, an RPC-based protocol that is used by MSMQ clients to read or reject a message from a queue, move a message between queues, and purge messages from a queue.
[MS-MQSD]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Directory Service Discovery Protocol Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Directory Service Discovery Protocol, which is used by MSMQ clients to discover an accessible executing instance of an MSMQ Directory Service server.
[MS-MSB]: Media Stream Broadcast (MSB) Protocol Specifies the Media Stream Broadcast (MSB) Protocol, which enables distribution of Advanced Systems Format (ASF) packets over a network for which Internet Protocol (IP) multicasting is enabled.
[MS-MSRP]: Messenger Service Remote Protocol Specifies the Messenger Service Remote Protocol, a set of RPC interfaces that instructs a server to display short text messages to a console user, to deliver messages to a local or remote server for display to a console user, and to manage the names for which the server receives messages.
[MS-N2HT]: Negotiate and Nego2 HTTP Authentication Protocol Specifies the Negotiate and Nego2 HTTP Authentication Protocol, which describes support for SPNEGO authentication as specified in [RFC4559]. The tokens are transmitted using base64-encoding. This protocol calls out the differences in the Microsoft implementation from what is specified in [RFC4559], where applicable.
[MS-NBTE]: NetBIOS over TCP (NBT) Extensions Specifies the NetBIOS over TCP (NetBT) Extensions, as specified in [RFC1001] and [RFC1002]. These extensions modify the syntax of allowable NetBIOS names and the behavior of timers, and add support for multihomed hosts.
[MS-NCNBI]: Network Controller Northbound Interface Specifies the Network Controller Protocol, which is used by tenants and network administrators to control data center networking. Common tasks that would use these APIs include designing and monitoring a virtual network in a data center.
[MS-NETTR]: .NET Tracing Protocol Specifies the .NET Tracing Protocol, which provides a method for correlating call traces in a .NET remoting application.
[MS-NFPB]: Near Field Proximity: Bidirectional Services Protocol Specifies the Near Field Proximity: Bidirectional Services Protocol, which provides a way for devices to discover services and versions from one device to another. The protocol uses the "Proximity Publication Subscription" transport to exchange messages between peers.
[MS-NFPS]: Near Field Proximity: Sharing Protocol Specifies the Near Field Proximity: Sharing Protocol, which provides a way for devices to share files over an already established single-purpose channel. A client can use this protocol to send a set of files packaged in an Open Packaging Convention (OPC) file and encrypted over the channel.
[MS-NKPU]: Network Key Protector Unlock Protocol This document specifies the Network Key Protector Unlock Protocol, which enables a client to send an encrypted package of key material along with a session key to a remote server and to receive the decrypted key material protected by the session key.
[MS-NLMP]: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication Protocol Specifies the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication Protocol, used in Windows for authentication between clients and servers. NTLM is used by application protocols to authenticate remote users and, optionally, to provide session security when requested by the application.
[MS-NMFMB]: .NET Message Framing MSMQ Binding Protocol Specifies the .NET Message Framing MSMQ Binding Protocol, which defines how the mechanism described in [MC-NMF] for framing messages over any transport protocol can be applied over Message Queue (MSMQ). This protocol also defines how to indicate the use of .NET Message Framing over MSMQ as a SOAP transport in Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
[MS-NMFTB] .NET Message Framing TCP Binding Protocol Specifies how the .NET Message Framing Protocol [MC-NMF] is bound to a TCP connection, including the initiation of the stream by using the net.tcp URI scheme and the application of .NET Message Framing over TCP as a SOAP transport in WSDL.
[MS-NNS]: .NET NegotiateStream Protocol Specifies the .NET NegotiateStream Protocol, which provides mutually authenticated and confidential communication over a TCP connection. It uses the Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation mechanism (SPNEGO) for security services (authentication, key derivation, and data encryption and decryption).
[MS-NNTP]: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension Specifies the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Network News Transfer Protocol (NNTP) Extension, which defines the use of NTLM authentication by NNTP to facilitate client authentication to a Windows-based NNTP server.
[MS-NRBF]: .NET Remoting: Binary Format Data Structure Specifies the .NET Remoting: Binary Format Data Structure protocol, which defines a set of structures for representing object graph or method invocation information as an octet stream.
[MS-NRLS]: .NET Remoting: Lifetime Services Extension Specifies the .NET Remoting: Lifetime Services Extension, which adds lifetime and remote activation capabilities to the .NET Remoting Core Protocol (specified in [MS-NRTP]).
[MS-NRPC]: Netlogon Remote Protocol Specifies the Netlogon Remote Protocol, an RPC interface that is used for user and machine authentication on domain-based networks; to replicate the user account database for operating systems earlier than Windows 2000 backup domain controllers; to maintain domain relationships from the members of a domain to the domain controller, among domain controllers for a domain, and between domain controllers across domains; and to discover and manage these relationships.
[MS-NRTP]: .NET Remoting: Core Protocol Specifies the .NET Remoting: Core Protocol, a mechanism by which a calling program can invoke a method in a different address space over the network. Arguments are passed along as part of the invocation message, and return values are sent in the response.
[MS-NTHT]: NTLM Over HTTP Protocol Specifies the NTLM Over HTTP Protocol, which is used to authenticate a Web client to a Web server. This protocol authentication variant works only with NTLM; the Kerberos protocol is not supported.
[MS-OAPX]: OAuth 2.0 Protocol Extensions Specifies the OAuth 2.0 Protocol Extensions, which are used to extend the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework. These extensions enable authorization features such as resource specification, request identifiers, and login hints.
[MS-OAPXBC]: OAuth 2.0 Protocol Extensions for Broker Clients Specifies the OAuth 2.0 Protocol Extensions for Broker Clients, extensions to [RFC6749] (The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework) that allow a broker client to obtain access tokens on behalf of calling clients.
[MS-OAUT]: OLE Automation Protocol Specifies the OLE Automation Protocol, which uses DCOM as its transport layer and provides support for an additional set of types as well as for a late-bound calling mechanism.
[MS-OCSP]: Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Extensions Specifies the Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Extensions, which defines the data that needs to be exchanged between an application that checks the status of a certificate and the responder that provides the status.
[MS-OCSPA]: Microsoft OCSP Administration Protocol Specifies the Microsoft OCSP Administration Protocol, which consists of a set of distributed component object model (DCOM) interfaces that allows administrative tools to configure the properties of the Online Responder.
[MS-ODATA]: Open Data Protocol (OData) Specifies the Open Data (OData) Protocol. This protocol enables applications to expose data, by using common Web technologies, and by means of a data service that can be consumed by clients within corporate networks and across the Internet.
[MS-OFBA]: Office Forms Based Authentication Protocol Specification Specifies the Office Forms Based Authentication Protocol, which enables HTTP-based, forms authentication when other authentication mechanisms are not available.
[MS-OIDCE]: OpenID Connect 1.0 Protocol Extensions Specifies the OpenID Connect 1.0 Protocol Extensions. These extensions define additional claims to carry information about the end user, including the user principal name, a locally unique identifier, a time for password expiration, and a URL for password change. These extensions also define additional provider metadata that enable the discovery of the issuer of access tokens and give additional information about provider capabilities.
[MS-ONESTORE]: OneNote Revision Store File Format Specifies the OneNote Revision Store File Format (.one and .onetoc2). This file format is a collection of structures that specify a revision store organized into cross-referenced object spaces, containing objects with property sets, and containing a transaction log to ensure file integrity across asynchronous writes.
[MS-OTPCE]: One-Time Password Certificate Enrollment Protocol Specifies the One-Time Password Certificate Enrollment Protocol, which enhances network security in remote access connections by utilizing different components, such as the one-time password (OTP) authentication mechanism as well as a short-lived smart card logon certificate.
[MS-OXDISCO]: Autodiscover HTTP Service Protocol Specifies the Autodiscover HTTP Service Protocol, which extends the domain name system (DNS) and directory services to make the location and settings of mail servers available to clients.
[MS-OXSMTP]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Extensions Specifies extensions to the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) standards to facilitate authentication negotiation between a client and a server and to enable the server to close connections that exceed configured thresholds.
[MS-PAC]: Privilege Attribute Certificate Data Structure Specifies the Privilege Attribute Certificate Data Structure, which is used to encode authorization information. The Privilege Attribute Certificate also contains memberships, additional credential information, profile and policy information, and supporting security metadata.
[MS-PAN]: Print System Asynchronous Notification Protocol Specifies the [MS-PAN]: Print System Asynchronous Notification Protocol, an asynchronous protocol that clients use to receive print status notifications from a print server and send server-requested responses to those notifications back to the server. It is based on the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) protocol, as specified in [C706].
[MS-PAR]: Print System Asynchronous Remote Protocol Specifies the Print System Asynchronous Remote Protocol, which defines the communication of print job processing and print system management information between a print client and a print server.
[MS-PASS]: Passport Server Side Include (SSI) Version 1.4 Protocol Specifies the Passport Server Side Include (SSI) Version 1.4 Protocol, which describes how messages are encapsulated on the wire.
[MS-PBSD]: Publication Services Data Structure Specifies the Publication Services Data Structure. This structure describes the data that computers use to describe themselves and the resources they offer as Web services over IP-based networks.
[MS-PCCRC]: Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: Content Identification Specifies Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: Content Identification, the content information format used by the Windows Branch Caching Framework to uniquely identify content for discovery and retrieval purposes.
[MS-PCCRD]: Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: Discovery Protocol Specifies the Peer Content Caching and Retrieval Discovery Protocol, which is based on the Web Services Dynamic Discovery (WS-Discovery) protocol. It is a content caching and retrieval framework based on a peer-to-peer discovery and distribution model.
[MS-PCCRR]: Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: Retrieval Protocol Specifies the Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: Retrieval Protocol. This protocol defines two message exchanges, one for querying the server for the availability of certain content, and the other for retrieving content from a server.
[MS-PCCRTP]: Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: HTTP Extensions Specifies the Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: HTTP Extensions, which implements a new type of content encoding, PeerDist, that can be used in HTTP/1.1. In particular, it specifies the mechanism used by an HTTP/1.1 client and an HTTP/1.1 server to communicate with each other using the PeerDist content encoding.
[MS-PCHC]: Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: Hosted Cache Protocol Specifies the Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: Hosted Cache Protocol, used by clients to offer metadata to a hosted cache server.
[MS-PCQ]: Performance Counter Query Protocol Specifies the Performance Counter Query Protocol, which is used for browsing performance counters and retrieving performance counter values from a server.
[MS-PEAP]: Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) Specifies the Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP), which adds security services to the Extensible Authentication Protocol methods.
[MS-PKAP]: Public Key Authentication Protocol Specifies the Public Key Authentication Protocol, which provides a method for HTTP clients to prove possession of a private key to a web server without having to rely on client Transport Layer Security (TLS) support from the underlying platform.
[MS-PKCA]: Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication (PKINIT) in Kerberos Protocol Specifies the Public Key Cryptography for Initial Authentication (PKINIT) in Kerberos Protocol, which enables the use of public key cryptography in the initial authentication exchange of the Kerberos Protocol and specifies the Windows implementation of PKINIT where it differs from [RFC4556].
[MS-PLA]: Performance Logs and Alerts Protocol Specifies the Performance Logs and Alerts Protocol, which provides a set of DCOM interfaces to control data collection on a remote system. The control includes starting, stopping, scheduling, and configuration of data collector objects, and the creation of alerts.
[MS-PNRP]: Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) Version 4.0 Specification Specifies the Peer Name Resolution Protocol (PNRP) Version 4.0, which is used to resolve a name to a set of information, such as IP addresses; to maintain a cloud of peer nodes; to maintain a distributed cache of endpoint information; and to transfer requests for Peer Name resolutions between nodes.
[MS-POP3]: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (POP3) Extension Specifies the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (POP3) Extension, which describes the use of NTLM Authentication (see [MS-NLMP]) by the Post Office Protocol 3 (POP3) to facilitate client authentication to a Windows POP3 server. POP3 specifies a protocol for the inquiry and retrieval of electronic mail.
[MS-PPGRH]: Peer-to-Peer Graphing Protocol Specifies the Peer-to-Peer Graphing Protocol, a peer-to-peer protocol for establishing and maintaining a connected set of nodes (referred to as a graph), and replicating data among the nodes.
[MS-PPSEC]: Peer-to-Peer Grouping Security Protocol Specifies the Peer-to-Peer Grouping Security Protocol (P2P Grouping), which layers on top of the Peer-to-Peer Graphing Protocol [MS-PPGRH] and adds security and discovery services.
[MS-PSDP]: Proximity Service Discovery Protocol Specifies the Proximity Service Discovery Protocol, which conveys service discovery information, such as service advertisements, as part of Beacon frames, as specified in [IEEE802.11-2007].
[MS-PSRDP]: PowerShell Remote Debugging Protocol Specifies the PowerShell Remote Debugging Protocol (PSRDP).This protocol extends the existing PowerShell Remoting Protocol (PSRP) specified in [MS-PSRP] to support debugging over a remote session.
[MS-PSRP]: PowerShell Remoting Protocol Specifies the Windows PowerShell Remoting Protocol, which encodes messages prior to sending them over the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for the Windows Vista [MS-WSMV] layer.
[MS-PTPT]: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) Profile Specifies the Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, which allows the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) [RFC1661] to be tunneled through an IP network.
[MS-RA]: Remote Assistance Protocol Specifies the Remote Assistance Protocol, which is used after a remote assistance connection is established between two computers.
[MS-RAA]: Remote Authorization API Protocol Specifies the Remote Authorization API Protocol, which is used to perform "what-if" authorization queries on remote computers. It allows applications to simulate an access control decision that would be made when a principal attempts to access a remote resource protected with an authorization policy.
[MS-RAI]: Remote Assistance Initiation Protocol Specifies the Remote Assistance Initiation Protocol, which enables an authorized expert to start Remote Assistance (RA) on a remote novice computer to retrieve data that is required to make a Remote Assistance connection from the expert's computer to the novice's computer.
[MS-RAIOP]: Remote Assistance Initiation over PNRP Protocol Specifies the Remote Assistance Initiation over PNRP Protocol, which is used to establish a Remote Assistance connection between two computers.
[MS-RAIW]: Remote Administrative Interface: WINS Protocol Specifies the Remote Administrative Interface: WINS Protocol, which enables local or remote administration of the Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) within the Microsoft Management Console (MMC) WINS snap-in and the NetSh command line (WINS context).
[MS-RAP]: Remote Administration Protocol Specifies the Microsoft Remote Administration Protocol (RAP), which Microsoft LAN Manager uses to perform remote administrative functions and is included in the Microsoft Windows operating system for compatibility reasons.
[MS-RASA]: Remote Access Server Advertisement (RASADV) Protocol Specifies the Remote Access Server Advertisement (RASADV) Protocol, by which Remote Access Service (RAS) Servers advertise their presence within a local network, enabling network administrators to detect nonmalicious configuration and deployment of gateways providing external access to their network.
[MS-RCMP]: Remote Certificate Mapping Protocol Specifies the Remote Certificate Mapping Protocol, which enables servers to use a directory, database, or other technology to map the user's X.509 certificate to a security principal.
[MS-RDPADRV]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Audio Level and Drive Letter Persistence Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Audio Level and Drive Letter Persistence Virtual Channel Extension, which allows an RDP (remote desktop connection) client device to mimic a Windows client PC session with respect to audio levels and drive letters.
[MS-RDPBCGR]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Basic Connectivity and Graphics Remoting Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Basic Connectivity and Graphics Remoting, designed to facilitate user interaction with a remote computer system by transferring graphics display information from the remote computer to the user and transporting input from the user to the remote computer, where it may be injected locally.
[MS-RDPCR2]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Composited Remoting V2 Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Composited Remoting V2, which displays the contents of the Windows-based desktop running on one machine on a second machine connected to the first via a network.
[MS-RDPEA]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Audio Output Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Audio Output Virtual Channel Extension, which transfers audio data from the server to the client.
[MS-RDPEAI]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Audio Input Redirection Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Audio Input Redirection Virtual Channel Extension, which transfers audio data from a client to a server.
[MS-RDPEAR]: Remote Desktop Protocol Authentication Redirection Virtual Channel Performs authentication over a Remote Desktop connection. By establishing a virtual channel between the source and the target devices, it can relay authentication requests received by the target device to the source device.
[MS-RDPECLIP]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Clipboard Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Clipboard Virtual Channel Extension, which enables users to seamlessly transfer data via the system clipboard between applications that are running on different computers.
[MS-RDPEDC]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Desktop Composition Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Desktop Composition Virtual Channel Extension, which enables a remote display client to replicate the functionality of the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) across a network boundary.
[MS-RDPEDISP]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Display Update Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Display Control Virtual Channel Extension to the Remote Desktop Protocol: Basic Connectivity and Graphics Remoting, as specified in MS-RDPBCGR. This control protocol is used to request display configuration changes in a remote session.
[MS-RDPEDYC]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Dynamic Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Dynamic Virtual Channel Extension, which supports features such as classes of priority (that may be used to implement bandwidth allocation) and individually connected endpoints using dynamic virtual channel (DVC) listeners.
[MS-RDPEECO]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Virtual Channel Echo Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Virtual Channel Echo Extension. This extension is used as a ping and echo mechanism to determine various network characteristics that are significant for RDP.
[MS-RDPEFS]: Remote Desktop Protocol: File System Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: File System Virtual Channel Extension, which runs over a static virtual channel with the name RDPDR.
[MS-RDPEGDI]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Graphics Devices Interfaces (GDI) Acceleration Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Graphics Devices Interfaces (GDI) Acceleration Extension, which reduces the bandwidth associated with graphics remoting by encoding the drawing operations that produce an image instead of encoding the actual image.
[MS-RDPEGFX]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Graphics Pipeline Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Graphics Pipeline Extension, a graphics protocol that is used to encode graphics display data generated in a remote terminal server session so that the data can be sent from the server and received, decoded, and rendered by a compatible client. The net effect is that a desktop or an application running on a remote terminal server appears as if it is running locally.
[MS-RDPEGT]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Geometry Tracking Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Geometry Tracking Virtual Channel Extension, which extends the Remote Desktop Protocol: Basic Connectivity and Graphics Remoting. This protocol facilitates graphics rendering between a desktop host and a remote desktop client in a way that the client does not need to know the origin of the graphics.
[MS-RDPEI]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Input Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Input Virtual Channel Extension, which is used to remote multitouch input frames from a terminal server client to a terminal server. Multitouch input frames are generated at the client, encoded, and sent to the server. Thereafter, these frames are received and decoded by the server and injected into the session associated with the remote user.
[MS-RDPELE]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Licensing Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Licensing Extension, which expands on the licensing protocol sequence specified in [MS-RDPBCGR] to address scenarios requiring the exchange of licensing information between the client and server.
[MS-RDPEMC]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Multiparty Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Multiparty Virtual Channel Extension, which describes the messages that are exchanged between a remote desktop host and the participants with whom it is engaging in multiparty application sharing.
[MS-RDPEMT]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Multitransport Extension This document specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Multitransport Extension, which is used to create multiple data-transport connections between an RDP client and an RDP server.
[MS-RDPEPC]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Print Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Desktop Protocol: Print Virtual Channel Extensions, which specifies the communication used to enable the redirection of printers between a terminal client and a terminal server.
[MS-RDPEPNP]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Plug and Play Devices Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Plug and Play Devices Virtual Channel Extension, which is used to redirect Plug and Play devices from a terminal client to the terminal server.
[MS-RDPEPS]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Session Selection Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Session Selection Extension, which expands upon the original connectivity options specified in [MS-RDPBCGR] to address a wide range of new scenarios.
[MS-RDPERP]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Remote Programs Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Remote Programs Virtual Channel Extension, an RDP feature that presents a remote application (running remotely on a RAIL server) as a local user application (running on the RAIL client machine).
[MS-RDPESC]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Smart Card Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Smart Card Virtual Channel Extension, an extension (including virtual channels) that supports smart card reader-like devices.
[MS-RDPESP]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Serial and Parallel Port Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Serial and Parallel Port Virtual Channel Extension, which redirects serial and parallel ports from a terminal client to the terminal server. This extension allows the server to access client ports as if the connected devices were local to the server.
[MS-RDPET]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Telemetry Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Telemetry Virtual Channel Extension, which extends the Remote Desktop Protocol: Basic Connectivity and Graphics Remoting [MS-RDPBCGR]. This extension is a telemetry protocol that is used to send client performance metrics to the server.
[MS-RDPEUDP]: Remote Desktop Protocol: UDP Transport Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: UDP Transport Extension, which extends the transport mechanisms in the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) to enable network connectivity between the user's machine and a remote computer system over the User Datagram Protocol (UDP).
[MS-RDPEUSB]: Remote Desktop Protocol: USB Devices Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: USB Devices Virtual Channel Extension, which is used to redirect USB devices from a terminal client to the terminal server. This allows the server access to devices that are physically connected to the client as if the device were local to the server.
[MS-RDPEV]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Video Redirection Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Video Redirection Virtual Channel Extension, which redirects audio/video streams from the terminal server to the terminal client.
[MS-RDPEVOR]: Remote Desktop Protocol: Video Optimized Remoting Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: Video Optimized Remoting Virtual Channel Extension. This is an extension of the Remote Desktop Protocol: Basic Connectivity and Graphics Remoting protocol [MS-RDPBCGR], which runs over a dynamic virtual channel, as specified in [MS-RDPEDYC]. The Remote Desktop Protocol: Video Optimized Remoting Virtual Channel Extension is used to redirect certain rapidly changing graphics content as a video stream from the remote desktop host to the remote desktop client. This protocol specifies the communication between a remote desktop host and a remote desktop client.
[MS-RDPEXPS]: Remote Desktop Protocol: XML Paper Specification (XPS) Print Virtual Channel Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: XML Paper Specification (XPS) Print Virtual Channel Extension, which redirects printing jobs from the terminal server to the terminal client.
[MS-RDPNSC]: Remote Desktop Protocol: NSCodec Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: NSCodec Extension, an extension to the Remote Desktop Protocol: Basic Connectivity and Graphics Remoting (as specified in [MS-RDPBCGR]). This extension specifies an image codec that can be used to encode screen images by utilizing efficient and effective compression.
[MS-RDPRFX]: Remote Desktop Protocol: RemoteFX Codec Extension Specifies the Remote Desktop Protocol: RemoteFX Codec Extension, which uses a lossy image codec to encode screen images with efficient and effective compression.
[MS-RDWR]: Remote Desktop Workspace Runtime Protocol Specifies the Remote Desktop Workspace Runtime Protocol, an HTTP-based protocol for the Remote Desktop Service to discover disconnected sessions for a user and obtain the files required to reconnect to those disconnected sessions. The protocol uses a SOAP-based payload to describe and provide the remote resources to reconnect to a user's disconnected sessions.
[MS-RMPR]: Rights Management Services (RMS): Client-to-Server Protocol Specifies the Rights Management Services (RMS) Client-to-Server Protocol, a SOAP protocol used to obtain and issue certificates and licenses used for creating and working with protected content.
[MS-RNAP]: Vendor-Specific RADIUS Attributes for Network Access Protection (NAP) Data Structure Specifies the Vendor-Specific RADIUS Attributes for Network Access Protection (NAP) Data Structure protocol, which describes the Microsoft RADIUS vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) that are implemented in the Windows operating system.
[MS-RNAS]: Vendor-Specific RADIUS Attributes for Network Policy and Access Server (NPAS) Data Structure Specifies the Vendor-Specific RADIUS Attributes for the Network Policy and Access Server (NPAS) Data Structure protocol, which describes the Microsoft RADIUS vendor-specific attributes (VSAs) that are implemented in the Windows operating system.
[MS-RPCE]: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Extensions Specifies the Remote Procedure Call Protocol Extensions, a set of extensions to the DCE Remote Procedure Call 1.1, as specified in [C706]. These extensions add new capabilities to the DCE 1.1: RPC, allow for more secure implementations to be built, and, in some cases, place additional restrictions on the DCE RPC.
[MS-RPCH]: Remote Procedure Call over HTTP Protocol Specifies the Remote Procedure Call over HTTP Protocol, which describes the use of HTTP or HTTPS as a transport for the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Protocol, as specified in [C706] and extended in [MS-RPCE].
[MS-RPCL]: Remote Procedure Call Location Services Extensions Specifies the Remote Procedure Call Location Services Extensions, a set of extensions and restrictions to the DCE Remote Procedure Call Location Services, as defined in [C706].
[MS-RPRN]: Print System Remote Protocol Specifies the Print System Remote Protocol, which defines the communication of print job processing and print system management between a print client and a print server.
[MS-RRASM]: Routing and Remote Access Server (RRAS) Management Protocol Specifies the Routing and Remote Access Server (RRAS) Management Protocol, which describes the RPC interfaces that provide methods for remotely accessing and administering the RRAS server.
[MS-RRP]: Windows Remote Registry Protocol Specifies the Windows Remote Registry Protocol, a remote procedure call (RPC)-based client/server protocol that is used to remotely manage a hierarchical data store such as the Windows registry.
[MS-RSMC]: Remote Session Monitoring and Control Protocol Specifies and provides support for client machines to monitor and manage Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) sessions on a server machine. The protocol provides a set of web service APIs that are implemented as a SOAP-based protocol that uses Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS) as its transport.
[MS-RSMP]: Removable Storage Manager (RSM) Remote Protocol Specifies the Removable Storage Manager (RSM) Remote Protocol, a set of distributed component object model (DCOM) interfaces for applications to manage robotic changers, media libraries, and tape drives. This protocol deals with detailed low-level operating system and storage concepts.
[MS-RSP]: Remote Shutdown Protocol Specifies the Remote Shutdown Protocol, which is designed for shutting down, or for terminating the shutdown, of a remote computer during the shutdown waiting period.
[MS-RSVD]: Remote Shared Virtual Disk Protocol Specifies the Remote Shared Virtual Disk Protocol, which supports accessing and manipulating virtual disks stored as files on an SMB3 file server. This protocol enables opening, querying, administering, reserving, reading, and writing the virtual disk objects, providing for flexible access by single or multiple consumers. It also provides for forwarding of SCSI operations, to be processed by the virtual disk.
[MS-RTP]: Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Extensions Specifies the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) Extensions, which describes a set of extensions to Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP). This extension provides a set of network transport functions suitable for applications transmitting real-time data, such as audio and video, across multimedia endpoints. This extension also provides bandwidth estimation, dominant speaker notification, video-packet loss recovery, and enhanced robustness for receivers.
[MS-RTPDT]: Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP/RTCP): DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones and Telephony Signals Data Extensions Specifies the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP/RTCP): DTMF Digits, Telephony Tones, and Telephony Signals Data Extensions, which describes the payload format needed to carry DTMF digits, tones, and signals in RTP packets over a network transport.
[MS-RTPME]: Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP/RTCP): Microsoft Extensions Specifies the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP/RTCP): Microsoft Extensions, which is a set of network transport functions suitable for applications transmitting real-time data, such as audio and video, across multimedia endpoints.
[MS-RTPRAD]: Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP/RTCP): Redundant Audio Data Extensions Specifies the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP/RTCP): Redundant Audio Data Extensions, which encodes redundant audio data for use with the Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) Extensions protocol.
[MS-RTPRADEX]: RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data Extensions Specifies the RTP Payload for Redundant Audio Data Extensions, which is a set of extensions that describe a Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) payload format for encoding redundant audio data that provides redundancy when transmitting audio frames across a lossy network transport.
[MS-RTSP]: Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Windows Media Extensions Specifies the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) Windows Media Extensions, which defines Windows Media extensions to the Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP).
[MS-SAMR]: Security Account Manager (SAM) Remote Protocol (Client-to-Server) Specifies the Security Account Manager (SAM) Remote Protocol (Client-to-Server), which supports printing and spooling operations that are synchronous between client and server.
[MS-SCMR]: Service Control Manager Remote Protocol Specifies the Service Control Manager Remote Protocol, which is used for remotely managing the Service Control Manager (SCM), an RPC server that enables service configuration and control of service programs.
[MS-SDP]: Session Description Protocol (SDP) Extensions Specifies the Session Description Protocol (SDP) Extensions, which describes the session description that is used to negotiate instant messaging, audio and video, and data collaboration sessions, and notes the extensions used.
[MS-SFU]: Kerberos Protocol Extensions: Service for User and Constrained Delegation Protocol Specifies the Kerberos Protocol Extensions: Service for User and Constrained Delegation Protocol, which are two extensions to the Kerberos protocol as developed by Microsoft. These two extensions, collectively known as Service for User (S4U), enable an application service to obtain a Kerberos service ticket on behalf of a user.
[MS-SHDACCWS]: Shared Access Web Service Protocol Specification Specifies the interface of the Shared Access Web Service protocol that is used for determining whether a document is being co-authored.
[MS-SIP]: Session Initiation Protocol Extensions Specifies Microsoft extensions to the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), as specified in [RFC3261], which is used by terminals to establish, modify, and terminate multimedia sessions or calls. The SIP extensions add support for privacy features and for subscription requests for offline end nodes to the SIP extensions for presence.
[MS-SMB]: Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol Specifies the Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol, which defines extensions to the existing Common Internet File System (CIFS) specification that have been implemented by Microsoft since the publication of the [CIFS] specification.
[MS-SMB2]: Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol Versions 2 and 3 Specification Specifies the Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol Versions 2 and 3, which support the sharing of file and print resources between machines and extend the concepts from the Server Message Block Protocol.
[MS-SMTPNTLM]: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Extension Specifies the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Extension, which uses NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication (as specified in [MS-NLMP]) by the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to facilitate client authentication to a Windows SMTP server.
[MS-SNTP]: Network Time Protocol (NTP) Authentication Extensions Specifies the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Authentication Extensions, which is an authentication extension to the Network Time Protocol (NTP) version 3 ([RFC1305]) and the Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) version 4 ([RFC2030]).
[MS-SPNG]: Simple and Protected Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) Protocol Extensions Specifies the Simple and Protected Generic Security Service Application Program Interface Negotiation Mechanism (SPNEGO) Protocol Extensions. SPNEGO is a security protocol that uses a GSS-API authentication mechanism. GSS-API is a literal set of functions that include both an API and a methodology for approaching authentication.
[MS-SQMCS]: Software Quality Metrics (SQM) Client-to-Service Version 1 Protocol Specifies the Software Quality Metrics (SQM) Client-to-Service Protocol V1, used to send software instrumentation metrics to the SQM service and by the client to download client-specific control data. The protocol allows applications and operating system components to collect and send instrumentation metrics to a hosted service.
[MS-SQMCS2]: Software Quality Metrics (SQM) Client-to-Service Version 2 Protocol Specifies the Software Quality Metrics (SQM) Client-to-Service Protocol V2, which is used to send software instrumentation metrics to the SQM service and for the client to download client-specific control data. The protocol extends the concepts of the Software Quality Metrics (SQM) Client-to-Service Protocol, as specified in [MS-SQMCS].
[MS-SQOS]: Storage Quality of Service Protocol Specifies the Storage Quality of Service (QoS) Protocol, which is a block-based protocol that is used to manage the Quality of Service configuration of I/O flows targeting remote files accessed over SMB3.
[MS-SRTP]: Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) Extensions Specifies the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) Extensions, which is a set of extensions to the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP). SRTP can provide confidentiality, message authentication, and replay protection to Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) traffic and to the RTP control traffic. Microsoft Office Communicator 2007 Service Pack 1 and Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007 Service Pack 1 use this protocol to secure RTP streams.
[MS-SRVS]: Server Service Remote Protocol Specifies the Server Service Remote Protocol, which remotely enables file and printer sharing and named pipe access to the server through the Server Message Block Protocol.
[MS-SSEAN]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) AUTH Extension for SPNEGO Specifies the SMTP Service Extension for Negotiate Authentication, which enables SMTP clients to authenticate to SMTP servers by using the Simple and Protected Negotiate (SPNEGO) mechanism.
[MS-SSTP]: Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP) Specifies the Secure Socket Tunneling Protocol (SSTP), which is a mechanism to transport data-link layer (L2) frames on a Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS) connection.
[MS-SWN]: Service Witness Protocol Specification Specifies the Service Witness Protocol, which enables an SMB2 clustered file server to notify SMB2 clients with prompt and explicit notifications about the failure or recovery of a network name and associated services.
[MS-SWSB]: SOAP Over WebSocket Protocol Binding Specifies the SOAP over WebSocket Protocol Binding, a binding of SOAP to the WebSocket protocol (as defined in [DRAFT-WSP]), including a WSDL transport URI and supported message exchange patterns (MEPs). It specifies how messages defined by a higher-layer protocol are formed and framed for transport over [DRAFT-WSP]. This specification also defines a WebSocket subprotocol.
[MS-TAIL]: Telephony API Internet Locator Service Protocol Specifies the Telephony API Internet Locator Service Protocol, which uses Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) requests to retrieve information stored in the Internet Locator Service (ILS) dynamic instance. It is used for communication between a client using the Telephony Application Programming Interface (TAPI) and an ILS server.
[MS-TCC]: Tethering Control Channel Protocol Specifies the Tethering Control Channel Protocol, which enables the sharing of the network connection for a server with one or more clients.
[MS-TDS]: Tabular Data Stream Protocol Specifies the Tabular Data Stream Protocol, which facilitates interaction with a database server and provides for authentication and channel encryption negotiation; specification of requests in SQL (including Bulk Insert); invocation of a stored procedure, also known as a Remote Procedure Call (RPC); returning of data; and Transaction Manager Requests. It is an application layer request/response protocol.
[MS-THCH]: Tracing HTTP Correlation Header Protocol Specifies the Tracing HTTP Correlation Header, which is used to enable correlation between client and server-side traces.
[MS-TIPP]: Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) Extensions Specifies the Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) Extensions, which is a set of extensions to the standard Transaction Internet Protocol (TIP) Version 3.0, as specified in [RFC2371]. The protocol provides concrete mechanisms for associating an OleTx transaction and a TIP transaction.
[MS-TLSP]: Transport Layer Security (TLS) Profile Specifies the Transport Layer Security (TLS) Profile, which is the authentication option to the Telnet protocol as a generic method for negotiating an authentication type and mode, including determining whether encryption should be used and whether credentials should be forwarded.
[MS-TNAP]: Telnet: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication Protocol Specifies the Telnet: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication Protocol, which is the authentication option to the Telnet protocol as a generic method for negotiating an authentication type and mode, including determining whether encryption should be used and whether credentials should be forwarded.
[MS-TPMVSC]: Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Virtual Smart Card Management Protocol Specifies the DCOM Interfaces for Trusted Platform Module (TPM) Virtual Smart Card device management, which are used to manage virtual smart cards (VSCs) on a remote machine. They provide methods for a protocol client to request creation and destruction of VSCs, and to monitor the status of these operations.
[MS-TPXS]: Telemetry Protocol XML Schema This document specifies the Telemetry Protocol XML Schema. This schema defines the message structure used by the Software Quality Metrics (SQM) Client-to-Service Protocol V2, specified in [MS-SQMCS2]. The schema is used to send software instrumentation metrics from a client to the SQM service and for the client to download client-specific control data.
[MS-TRP]: Telephony Remote Protocol Specifies the Telephony Remote Protocol, which enables implementation of communications applications ranging from voice mail to call centers with multiple agents and switches.
[MS-TSCH]: Task Scheduler Service Remoting Protocol Specifies the Task Scheduler Service Remoting Protocol, which is used to register and configure a task and to inquire about the status of tasks that are running on a remote machine.
[MS-TSGU]: Terminal Services Gateway Server Protocol Specifies the Terminal Services Gateway Server Protocol, which is a mechanism to transport data-link layer (L2) frames on a Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Sockets Layer (HTTPS) connection.
[MS-TSRAP]: Telnet Server Remote Administration Protocol Specifies the Telnet Server Remote Administration Protocol, which is a set of interfaces used for performing management tasks on a Telnet Server.
[MS-TSTS]: Terminal Services Terminal Server Runtime Interface Protocol Specifies the Terminal Services Terminal Server Runtime Interface Protocol, which is an RPC-based protocol used for remotely querying and configuring various aspects of a terminal server.
[MS-TSWP]: Terminal Services Workspace Provisioning Protocol Specifies the Terminal Services Workspace Provisioning Protocol, which is used for transferring remote resource information from a server to a client. The client can use this resource information to launch resources such as remote applications on a remote server.
[MS-TURN]: Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) Extensions Specifies the Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN) Extensions, which is a set of extensions used to enable an endpoint behind a Network Address Translator (NAT) to acquire a globally routable transport address that the endpoint can use to receive data from a peer.
[MS-UNMP]: User Name Mapping Protocol Specifies the User Name Mapping Protocol, which maps Windows domain user and group account names to the POSIX user and group identifiers used in AUTH_UNIX authentication, and vice versa. This enables the association of user names for users who have different identities in Windows-based and UNIX-based domains.
[MS-UPIGD]: UPnP Device and Service Templates: Internet Gateway Device (IGD) Extensions Specifies the UPnP: Device and Service Templates: Internet Gateway Device (IGD) Extensions. These structure extensions define extensions to the Universal Plug-n-Play (UPnP) device schema that describes an Internet gateway device.
[MS-UPMC]: UPnP Device and Service Templates: Media Property and Compatibility Extensions Specifies the Microsoft Media Property Extensions (MMPE), the Microsoft Compatibility Extension Flags (MCEF), and the Microsoft Power Management Extensions (MPME) to the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) interoperability guidelines, as specified by the UPnP Forum [UPnP] and used by the Digital Living Network Alliance (DLNA) [DLNA].
[MS-V4OF]: IPv4 Over IEEE 1394 Protocol Extensions Specifies the IPv4 Over IEEE 1394 Protocol Extension, which is the Microsoft extension to the IPv4 over IEEE 1394 protocol to support bridging and clarifies the implementation details as specified in [RFC2734] where necessary.
[MS-VAPR]: Virtual Application Publishing and Reporting (App-V) Protocol Specifies the virtual applications that a user is entitled to so that these applications can be downloaded and installed on the user's machine. It is also used to report virtual application usage information to the server so that usage information across multiple users can be aggregated to infer broad virtual application usage patterns across an organization.
[MS-VDS]: Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol Specifies the Virtual Disk Service (VDS) Protocol, a set of distributed component object model (DCOM) interfaces for managing the configuration of disk storage.
[MS-W32T]: W32Time Remote Protocol Specifies the W32Time Remote Protocol, which is used for controlling and monitoring a time service on a machine. This RPC interface supports time services that synchronize time using the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Version 3, as specified in [RFC1305], as well as platform-specific hardware time sources.
[MS-WCCE]: Windows Client Certificate Enrollment Protocol Specifies the Windows Client Certificate Enrollment Protocol, which consists of a set of DCOM interfaces that enable clients to request various services from a certification authority (CA). These services enable X.509 (as specified in [X509]) digital certificate enrollment, issuance, revocation, and property retrieval.
[MS-WDHCE]: Wi-Fi Display Protocol: Hardware Cursor Extension Specifies the Wi-Fi Display Protocol: Hardware Cursor Extension, which extends the Miracast v1.1 protocol to provide an additional, low-latency stream suitable for controlling the mouse cursor at a higher update rate.
[MS-WDV]: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol: Client Extensions Specifies the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol: Client Extensions, which extends WebDAV by introducing new headers that both enable the file types that are not currently manageable and optimize protocol interactions for file system clients. These extensions do not introduce new functionality into WebDAV, but instead optimize processing and eliminate the need for special-case processing.
[MS-WDVME]: Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol: Microsoft Extensions Specifies the Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) Protocol: Microsoft Extensions, as specified in [RFC2518], to extend the standard Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) mechanisms specified in [RFC2616] in order for providing file access and content management over the Internet.
[MS-WDVMODUU]: Office Document Update Utility Extensions Specifies the Office Document Update Utility Extensions, which is an extended protocol for synchronization management between a WebDAV client and a Document Workspace site on a WebDAV server.
[MS-WEBSS]: Webs Web Service Protocol Specification Specifies the Webs Web Service Protocol, which provides methods for modifying SharePoint sites in the site collection.
[MS-WFDAA]: Wi-Fi Direct (WFD) Application to Application Protocol Specifies the Wi-Fi Direct (WFD) Protocol: Proximity Extensions, which enable two or more devices that are running the same application to establish a direct connection without requiring an intermediary, such as an infrastructure wireless access point (WAP).
[MS-WFIM]: Workflow Instance Management Protocol Specifies the Workflow Instance Management Protocol, which defines a set of SOAP messages for the management of workflow instances, such as suspending, resuming, or canceling an instance.
[MS-WKST]: Workstation Service Remote Protocol Specifies the Workstation Service Remote Protocol, which remotely queries and configures certain aspects of a Server Message Block network redirector on a remote computer.
[MS-WMF]: Windows Metafile Format Specifies the Windows Metafile Format structure. A Windows metafile is a container for an image, which is defined by series of variable-length records, called metafile records.
[MS-WMHTTP]: Windows Media HTTP Push Distribution Protocol Specifies the Windows Media HTTP Push Distribution Protocol, which is used for transferring real-time multimedia data (for example, audio and video) from a client to a server.
[MS-WMI]: Windows Management Instrumentation Remote Protocol Specifies the Windows Management Instrumentation Remote Protocol, which uses the Common Information Model (CIM), as specified in [DMTF-DSP0004], to represent various components of the operating system. CIM is the conceptual model for storing enterprise management information.
[MS-WMIO]: Windows Management Instrumentation Encoding Version 1.0 Protocol Specifies the Windows Management Instrumentation Encoding Version 1.0 Protocol, which is a binary data encoding format used by the Windows Management Instrumentation Remote Protocol, as specified in [MS-WMI], for network communication.
[MS-WMLOG]: Windows Media Log Data Structure Specifies the Windows Media Log Data Structure, which is a syntax for logging messages. The logging messages specify information about how a client received multimedia content from a streaming server.
[MS-WMSP]: Windows Media HTTP Streaming Protocol Specifies the Windows Media HTTP Streaming Protocol, a client/server-based protocol used to stream real-time data between the client (the receiver of streaming data) and server (the sender of streaming data).
[MS-WPRN]: Web Point-and-Print Protocol Specifies the Web Point-and-Print Protocol, which is an HTTP-based protocol that clients use to download printer driver software from a server in the client network or from a Web site. This enables distribution of printer driver software using standard Web technologies.
[MS-WSDS]: WS-Enumeration: Directory Services Protocol Extensions Specifies the WS-Enumeration Directory Services Protocol Extensions, a set of extensions to the Web Services Enumeration (WS-Enumeration) [WSENUM] protocol for facilitating SOAP-based search operations against directory servers.
[MS-WSH]: Windows Security Health Agent (WSHA) and Windows Security Health Validator (WSHV) Protocol Specifies the Windows Security Health Agent (WSHA) and Windows Security Health Validator (WSHV) Protocol, which reports the system security health state.
[MS-WSMV]: Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista Specifies the Web Services Management Protocol Extensions for Windows Vista, which provides Windows Vista extensions to the WS-Management Protocol, the WS-Management Binding, and the WS-CIM Mapping Specification for accessing CIM objects as a Web service.
[MS-WSP]: Windows Search Protocol Specifies the Windows Search Protocol (WSP), which allows a client to communicate with a server hosting a Windows Search service (WSS) to issue queries.
[MS-WSPE]: WebSocket Protocol Extensions Specifies the WebSocket Protocol: Disable Masking Extension, which extends the WebSocket Protocol to improve performance by allowing developers to set a property to disable masking.
[MS-WSPELD]: WS-Transfer and WS-Enumeration Protocol Extension for Lightweight Directory Access Protocol v3 Controls Specifies the WS-Transfer: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) v3 Controls, also known as WSPELD. This protocol extends the Web Services Enumeration (WS-Enumeration) [WSENUM] and Web Services Transfer (WS-Transfer) [WXFR] protocols.
[MS-WSPOL]: Web Services: Policy Assertions and WSDL Extensions Specifies a collection of Web service policy assertions, which define domain-specific behavior for the interaction between two Web service entities.
[MS-WSRM]: Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM) Protocol Specifies the Windows System Resource Manager (WSRM) Protocol, a set of Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM) interfaces for managing the configuration of processor, memory resources, and accounting functions on a server.
[MS-WSRVCAT]: WS-AtomicTransaction (WS-AT) Version 1.0 Protocol Extensions Specifies the WS-AtomicTransaction (WS-AT) Version 1.0 Protocol Extensions, which extends the WS-AtomicTransaction protocol by enabling WS-AtomicTransaction initiators, participants, and coordinators to participate in transactions coordinated by OleTx transaction managers.
[MS-WSRVCRM]: WS-ReliableMessaging Protocol: Advanced Flow Control Extension Specifies the WS-ReliableMessaging Protocol: Advanced Flow Control Extension, which is an advanced message flow control extension to the Web Services Reliable Messaging Protocol [WSRM1-0] [WSRM1-1].
[MS-WSRVCRR]: WS-ReliableMessaging Protocol: Reliable Request-Reply Extension Specifies the WS-ReliableMessaging Protocol: Reliable Request-Reply Extension. This extension assumes the use of duplex underlying protocols in order to provide support for applications designed to interact using a request-response message exchange pattern. The request-reply extension enables these applications to communicate reliably over transfer protocols that support only SOAP Request-Response.
[MS-WSSCAML]: Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) Structure Specification Specifies the Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) Structure, which are XML-based formats for queries, lists, and content types in Windows SharePoint Services, as used by other protocols.
[MS-WSSCAP]: Windows SharePoint Services Collaborative Application Protocol Specification Specifies the Windows SharePoint Services Collaborative Application Protocol, which is the communication between the client and front-end Web server to get and manipulate lists, list views, and Web discussions on the server. This protocol allows the client to manage the schema and properties of the lists, create, and modify fields, and render list views. This protocol also allows for retrieving the schemas of sites on the server.
[MS-WSSHP]: HTTP Windows SharePoint Services Headers Protocol Specification Specifies the HTTP Windows SharePoint Services Headers Protocol, which extends the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) mechanisms to include new headers and messages that enable previously undefined behaviors, such as authenticating client connections, communicating error conditions, sending complex data, and interacting with information rights management systems, antivirus systems, and crawlers.
[MS-WSSREST]: ListData Data Service Protocol Specification Specifies the ListData Data Service Protocol extensions to the Atom Publishing Protocol (AtomPub) and its extensions specified in Atom Publishing Protocol: Data Services URI and Payload Extensions. This protocol enables applications to expose list data, using common Web technologies, as a data service that can be consumed by clients within corporate networks and across the Internet.
[MS-WSTC]: WS-Discovery: Termination Criteria Protocol Extensions Specifies the WS-Discovery: Termination Criteria Protocol Extensions. This extends the WS-Discovery protocol for sending and receiving termination criteria as part of WS-Discovery Probe and Resolve messages.
[MS-WSTEP]: WS-Trust X.509v3 Token Enrollment Extensions Specifies the WS-Trust X.509v3 Token Enrollment Extensions, also known as WSTEP. The protocol defines the message formats and server behavior for the purposes of certificate enrollment.
[MS-WSTIM]: WS-Transfer: Identity Management Operations for Directory Access Extensions Specifies the WS-Transfer: Identity Management Operations for Directory Access Extensions, a set of extensions to the WS-Transfer protocol [WXFR] for representing the protocol operations commonly used for directory access in identity management protocols.
[MS-WSUSAR]: Windows Server Update Services: Administrative API Remoting Protocol (WSUSAR) Specifies the Windows Server Update Services: Administrative API Remoting Protocol (WSUSAR), which enables communication between the Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) management API and a WSUS server.
[MS-WSUSSS]: Windows Update Services: Server-Server Protocol Specifies the Windows Update Services: Server-Server Protocol, which enables a hierarchically organized collection of servers to synchronize metadata and content associated with software updates over the Internet by using SOAP and HTTP protocols.
[MS-WUSP]: Windows Update Services: Client-Server Protocol Specifies the Windows Update Services: Client-Server Protocol, which enables machines to discover and download software updates over the Internet using the SOAP and HTTP protocols.
[MS-XCA]: Xpress Compression Algorithm Specifies the two variants of the Xpress Compression Algorithm, LZ77+Huffmann and plain LZ77, and their respective decompression algorithms. This algorithm efficiently compresses data that contains repeated byte sequences. It is not designed to compress image, audio, or video data. Between the trade-offs of compressed size and CPU cost, it heavily emphasizes low CPU cost.
[MS-XCEP]: X.509 Certificate Enrollment Policy Protocol Specifies the X.509 Certificate Enrollment Policy Protocol. This protocol defines the interactions between a requesting client and a responding server for the exchange of a certificate enrollment policy, which is the collection of certificate templates and certificate issuers available to the requestor for X.509 certificate enrollment.
[MS-XLOGIN]: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) AUTH LOGIN Extension Specifies the AUTH LOGIN extension to the SMTP Protocol, which supports a simple, base 64-encoded authentication mechanism.
[MS-XOPP]: XML-binary Optimized Packaging (XOP) Profile Specifies the XML-binary Optimized Packaging (XOP) Profile, which provides extensions that enable more efficient implementations of [XML-XOP] to be built by requiring certain ordering of the MIME parts in the XOP package.