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Standards Support Documentation


Standards Documentation includes implementation of certain standards in specific versions of Exchange Server and Microsoft Outlook; Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint; and Microsoft Internet Explorer. Documentation for extensions to standards implemented in Exchange Server and Microsoft Outlook is not listed below, but is included in the Exchange-Outlook Protocol Documentation set.

Technical Specifications

Exchange-Outlook Standards

Specification Description
[MS-STANOICAL]: Outlook iCalendar Standards Support Specifies the level of support provided by the Outlook iCalendar component for the Internet iCalendar protocol (iCalendar), the iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability protocol (iTIP), and the iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability protocol (iMIP).
[MS-STANOIMAP]: Outlook Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Standards Support Specifies the level of support provided by the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) for Microsoft Outlook 2010 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
[MS-STANOPOP3]: Outlook Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) Standards Support Specifies the level of support provided by the Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) service for Microsoft Outlook 2010 and Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.
[MS-STANXICAL]: Exchange iCalendar Standards Support Specifies the level of support provided by the Exchange iCalendar component for the Internet iCalendar protocol (iCalendar), the iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability protocol (iTIP), and the iCalendar Message-Based Interoperability protocol (iMIP).
[MS-STANXIMAP]: Exchange Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) Standards Support Specifies the level of support provided by the Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.
[MS-STANXPOP3]: Exchange Post Office Protocol Version 3 (POP3) Standards Support Specifies the level of support provided by the Post Office Protocol version 3 (POP3) service for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 and Microsoft Exchange Server 2007.

Word, Excel, and PowerPoint Standards

Specification Description
[MS-CUSTOMUI]: Custom UI XML Markup Specification Specifies the Custom UI XML Markup specification, which contains information about how the 2007 Microsoft Office system implements UI customization in the context of ECMA-376 Office Open XML File Formats [ECMA-376].
[MS-CUSTOMUI2]: Custom UI XML Markup Version 2 Specification Specifies the Custom UI XML Markup, which is used to implement UI customization in the context of the standards for Microsoft Office Open XML file formats as specified in ISO/IEC-29500:2008.
[MS-DOCX]: Word Extensions to the Office Open XML (.docx) File Format Specifies the Word Extensions to the Office Open XML File Format, which includes elements and attributes that extend the XML vocabulary for representing word processing documents as presented in the ISO/IEC-29500 specification.
[MS-ODRAWXML]: Office Drawing Extensions to Office Open XML Structure Specifies extensions to the DrawingML OOXML File Format Structure, which is used in WordprocessingML, SpreadsheetML and PresentationML documents.
[MS-OE376]: Office Implementation Information for ECMA-376 Standard Compliance Specifies information about how Microsoft Office implements ECMA-376 Office Open XML File Formats [ECMA-376], including areas where additional detail may be of benefit to other implementers and areas where the product is known to vary from or extend the specification.
[MS-OFFMACRO]: Office Macro-Enabled File Format Specifies the structures of macro-enabled WordProcessingML, SpreadsheetML, and PresentationML file formats that are either not present in or modified from non-macro-enabled WordProcessingML, SpreadsheetML, and PresentationML file formats.
[MS-OFFMACRO2]: Office Macro-Enabled File Format Version 2 Specifies the structures of macro-enabled WordprocessingML, SpreadsheetML, and PresentationML file formats that are either not present in or modified from non-macro-enabled WordprocessingML, SpreadsheetML, and PresentationML file formats.
[MS-OI29500]: Office Implementation Information for ISO/IEC 29500 Standard Compliance Specifies information about how Microsoft Office implements ISO/IEC-29500 Office Open XML File Formats [ISO/IEC-29500:2008], including areas where additional detail may be of benefit to other implementers and areas where the product is known to vary from or extend the specification.
[MS-OODF]: Office Implementation Information for ODF 1.1 Standard Compliance Specifies implementation information about how Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, and Microsoft Office Word 2007 implement Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.1.
[MS-OODF2]: Office Implementation Information for ODF 1.1 Version 2 Standard Compliance Specifies implementation information about how Microsoft Excel 2010, Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, and Microsoft Word 2010 implement Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) v1.1.
[MS-OODF3]: Office Implementation Information for ODF 1.2 Standards Support Specifies information about how Office implements the OASIS Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) Version 1.2 [ODF1.2].
[MS-PPTX]: PowerPoint (.pptx) Extensions to the Office Open XML File Format Specifies elements and attributes that extend the XML vocabulary for representing PresentationML documents described in ISO/IEC-29500 specification.
[MS-XLSX]: Excel (.xlsx) Extensions to the Office Open XML SpreadsheetML File Format Specifies the Excel (.xlsx) Extensions to the Office Open XML SpreadsheetML File Format, which are extensions to the Office Open XML file formats as described in [ISO/IEC-29500-1]. The extensions are specified using conventions provided by the Office Open XML file formats as described in [ISO/IEC-29500-3].

Internet Explorer Standards

Specification Description
[MS-CSS21]: Internet Explorer Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) 2.1 Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the CSS 2.1 specification, published September 2009. Also includes variations from CSS 1 (where not directly superseded by CSS 2.1) and appendix of W3C test suite failures for CSS.
[MS-CSS21E]: Internet Explorer Extensions to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Level 2 and DOM Level 2 Style Specifications Describes additional attributes, methods, and properties that extend CSS 2.1 and DOM Level 2 Style support in Internet Explorer.
[MS-CSS3COLR]: Internet Explorer CSS3 Color Module Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the CSS3 Color Module specification, published June 2011.
[MS-CSS3MQ]: Internet Explorer Media Queries Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the Media Queries specification.
[MS-CSS3NS]: Internet Explorer CSS3 Namespaces Module Standards Support Document Internet Explorer 9 and later support the CSS3 Namespaces Module specification with no variations or extensions.
[MS-CSS3SEL]: Internet Explorer Selectors Level 3 Standards Support Document Internet Explorer 9 and later support the Selectors Level 3 specification with no variations or extensions.
[MS-DOM1]: Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 1 specification.
[MS-DOM1X]: Microsoft XML Document Object Model (DOM) Level 1 Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 1 specification as implemented by Microsoft XML.
[MS-DOM2C]: Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 2 Core specification.
[MS-DOM2CE]: Internet Explorer Extensions to the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification Describes additional attributes and methods that extend the DOM Level 2 Core support in Internet Explorer.
[MS-DOM2CEX]: Microsoft XML Extensions to the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Specification Describes additional attributes and methods that extend the DOM Level 2 Core support in Microsoft XML.
[MS-DOM2CX]: Microsoft XML Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Core Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 2 Core specification as implemented by Microsoft XML.
[MS-DOM2E]: Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 2 Events specification.
[MS-DOM2EE]: Internet Explorer Extensions to the Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Events Specification Describes additional attributes and methods that extend the DOM Level 2 Events specification.
[MS-DOM2H]: Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 HTML Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 2 HTML specification.
[MS-DOM2S]: Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Style Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 2 Style specification.
[MS-DOM2TR]: Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Traversal and Range Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 2 Traversal and Range specification.
[MS-DOM2V]: Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Level 2 Views Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 2 Views specification.
[MS-DOM3C]: Internet Explorer Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Core Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the DOM Level 3 Core specification.
[MS-ECMA402]: Internet Explorer ECMA-402 ECMAScript Internationalization API Specification Standards Support Document Internet Explorer 11 and later support the ECMA-402 ECMAScript Language Specification with no variations or extensions.
[MS-ELTRAV]: Internet Explorer Element Traversal Standards Support Document Internet Explorer supports the Element Traversal specification with no variations or extensions.
[MS-ES3]: Internet Explorer ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the ECMAScript Language Specification, Third Edition.
[MS-ES3EX]: Microsoft JScript Extensions to the ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification (Third Edition) Describes additional features of Microsoft JScript that extend the ECMAScript Language Specification, Third Edition.
[MS-ES5]: Internet Explorer ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification (Fifth Edition) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification, Fifth Edition.
[MS-ES51]: Internet Explorer ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification (5.1 Edition) Standards Support Internet Explorer 10 and later supports the ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification (5.1 Edition) with no variations.
[MS-ES5EX]: Internet Explorer Extensions to the ECMA-262 ECMAScript Language Specification (Fifth Edition) Describes additional features of Internet Explorer that extend the ECMAScript Language Specification, Fifth Edition.
[MS-HIREST]: Internet Explorer High Resolution Time Standards Support Document Internet Explorer 11 and later supports the High Resolution Time specification with no variations or extensions.
[MS-HTML401]: Internet Explorer HTML 4.01 Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the HTML 4.01 specification. Also includes appendix of W3C test suite failures for HTML.
[MS-HTML401E]: Internet Explorer Extensions to HTML 4.01 and DOM Level 2 HTML Specifications Describes additional elements, attributes, and methods that extend HTML 4.01 and DOM Level 2 HTML support in Internet Explorer.
[MS-ISO10646]: Microsoft Universal Multiple-Octet Coded Character Set (UCS) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the ISO-10646 UCS character set specification.
[MS-ISO8859]: Microsoft 8-bit Single-byte Coded Graphic Character Sets Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the ISO-8859 family of character set specifications.
[MS-JPEG]: Internet Explorer ISO 10918-1 Image Compression and Encoding Standards Support Internet Explorer supports the ISO 10918-1:1994 specification with no variations or extensions.
[MS-NAVTIM]: Internet Explorer Navigation Timing Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the Navigation Timing specification.
[MS-P3P]: Internet Explorer Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the Platform for Privacy Preferences (P3P) specification.
[MS-PAGEVIS]: Internet Explorer Page Visibility Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the Page Visibility specification.
[MS-PICSL]: Internet Explorer PICS Label Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the PICS Label Distribution Label Syntax and Communication Protocols specification.
[MS-PICSRL]: Internet Explorer PICSRules 1.1 Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the PICSRules 1.1 specification.
[MS-PICSRS]: Internet Explorer PICS Rating Services and Systems Version 1.1 Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the PICS Rating Services and Systems Version 1.1 specification.
[MS-PNG]: Internet Explorer Portable Network Graphics (PNG) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the PNG specification.
[MS-RUBY]: Internet Explorer Ruby Annotation Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the Ruby Annotation specification.
[MS-SELAPI1]: Internet Explorer Selectors API Level 1 Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the Selectors API L1 specification.
[MS-SVG]: Internet Explorer Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the SVG 1.1 specification.
[MS-TTML]: Internet Explorer Timed Text Markup Language (TTML) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the TTML 1.0 specification.
[MS-WOFF1]: Internet Explorer WOFF File Format 1.0 Standards Support Document Internet Explorer 11 supports the WOFF File Format 1.0 specification with no variations or extensions.
[MS-XHTML]: Internet Explorer Extensible HyperText Markup Language (XHTML) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XHTML specification.
[MS-XML]: Microsoft Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XML 1.0 (Fourth Edition) as implemented by Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML).
[MS-XMLH]: Internet Explorer XML 1.0 (Fourth Edition) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XML 1.0 (Fourth Edition) as implemented by Internet Explorer 9.
[MS-XMLNS]: Microsoft XML Namespaces Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XML Namespaces as implemented by Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML).
[MS-XMLNSH]: Internet Explorer XML Namespaces 1.0 Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XML Namespaces as implemented by Internet Explorer 9.
[MS-XMLSD]: Microsoft XML Schema (Part 2: Datatypes) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XML Schema Datatypes (XSD) specification.
[MS-XMLSS]: Microsoft XML Schema (Part 1: Structures) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XML Schema Structures specification.
[MS-XMLSTYL]: Microsoft XML Associating Style Sheets with XML Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the Associating Style Sheets with XML Documents specification as implemented by Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML) and Internet Explorer 9.
[MS-XPATH]: Microsoft XML Path Language (XPath) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XPath as implemented by Microsoft XML.
[MS-XSLT]: Microsoft XSL Transformations (XSLT) Standards Support Document Describes variations from and clarifications to the XSLT as implemented by Microsoft XML.