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.NET Framework Protocols Documentation


.NET Framework Protocol Documentation includes protocols that are implemented in an instance of the .NET Framework that are used to communicate with another instance of the .NET Framework.

Overview and Reference Materials


Specification Description
[MS-DOCO]: Windows Protocols Documentation Roadmap Provides an overview of the Windows protocols documentation set. It provides a high-level roadmap for finding and navigating the documentation set and describes the content for each type of document.
[MS-NETOD]: Microsoft .NET Framework Protocols Overview Document Provides an overview of the .NET Framework protocols that map to the .NET Framework distributed technologies that enable network communications. This includes the protocols implemented in the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Windows Communication Foundation (WCF), identity and directory services, data access, ASP.NET, and .NET Remoting technologies of the .NET Framework.
[MS-WMOD]: Windows Management Protocols Overview Provides an overview of the functionality and relationship of the Windows Management protocols, which are specified in [MS-WMI], [MS-WSMAN], [MS-WSMV], and [MS-PSRP]. The Windows Management protocols provide the ability to control settings and to collect data for a set of client and server computers. These protocols enable a computer to query another system or computer and to perform administrative operations to monitor, troubleshoot, and conduct hardware and software inventories in remote computers. The Windows Management Instrumentation Encoding Version 1.0 [MS-WMIO] is an integral part of the capabilities of the Windows Management Instrumentation Protocol; it specifies a binary data encoding format that is used by this protocol for network communication.
[MS-WPO]: Windows Protocols Overview Provides a conceptual overview of the protocols implemented in Windows and a roadmap to their protocol specifications. It provides conceptual background on Windows concepts and relationships across technology-specific protocol sets as appropriate.

Technical Specifications

Specification Description
[MC-CSDL]: Conceptual Schema Definition File Format Specifies the Conceptual Schema Definition File Format, which defines some well-known primitive types, such as Edm.String, that are used as the building blocks for structural types like Entity Types and Complex Types.
[MC-NBFS]: .NET Binary Format: SOAP Data Structure Specifies the SOAP data structure for the .NET Binary Format for XML. This structure uses the XML data structure format [MC-NBFX], but specifies the set of strings to which a producer and consumer can refer.
[MC-NBFSE]: .NET Binary Format: SOAP Extension Specifies the SOAP extension for the .NET Binary Format for XML. This SOAP extension is a new format built by extending the format specified in [MC-NBFS]; it provides a context under which strings may be transmitted once and referred to by subsequent documents in order to reduce the size of the documents.
[MC-NBFX]: .NET Binary Format: XML Data Structure Specifies the XML data structure for the .NET Binary Format for XML. This format can represent many XML documents, as specified in [XML1.0]. The purpose of the format is to reduce the processing costs associated with XML documents by encoding an XML document in fewer bytes than the same document encoded in UTF-8, as specified in [RFC2279].
[MC-NETCEX]: .NET Context Exchange Protocol Specification Specifies the .NET Context Exchange Protocol, which defines a message syntax for identifying context that is shared between a client and a server, and a protocol for establishing that context.
[MC-NMF]: .NET Message Framing Protocol Specification Specifies the .NET Message Framing Protocol, which defines a mechanism for framing messages. While this is primarily aimed at framing SOAP messages, the protocol can be used to frame other message types as well.
[MC-NPR]: .NET Packet Routing Protocol Specification Specifies the .NET Packet Routing Protocol, which defines a SOAP message header to indicate that a message can safely be treated as a packet or datagram.
[MC-PRCH]: Peer Channel Protocol Specification Specifies the Peer Channel Protocol, which is used for broadcasting messages over a virtual network of cooperating nodes.
[MC-PRCR]: Peer Channel Custom Resolver Protocol Specification Specifies the Peer Channel Custom Resolver Protocol, which is used for storage and retrieval of endpoint information of clients with access to a known service.
[MS-ASP]: ASP.NET State Server Protocol Specification Specifies the ASP.NET State Server Protocol, which is a contract for transmitting session state data between a client and a state server.
[MS-IOI]: IManagedObject Interface Protocol Specification Specifies the IManagedObject Interface Protocol. The IManagedObject interface is a COM interface used by the common language runtime (CLR) to identify managed objects (objects created by the CLR) that are exported for interoperability with the Component Object Model (COM).
[MS-MQQP]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager to Queue Manager Protocol Specification Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager to Queue Manager Protocol, an RPC-based protocol used by the queue manager and runtime library to read and purge messages from a remote queue.
[MS-MQRR]: Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Remote Read Protocol Specification Specifies the Message Queuing (MSMQ): Queue Manager Remote Read Protocol, an RPC-based protocol that is used by MSMQ clients to read or reject a message from a queue, move a message between queues, and purge messages from a queue.
[MS-NETTR]: .NET Tracing Protocol Specification Specifies the .NET Tracing Protocol, which provides a method for correlating call traces in a .NET remoting application.
[MS-NMFMB]: .NET Message Framing MSMQ Binding Protocol Specification Specifies the .NET Message Framing MSMQ Binding Protocol, which defines how the mechanism described in [MC-NMF] for framing messages over any transport protocol can be applied over Message Queue (MSMQ). This protocol specification also defines how to indicate the use of .NET Message Framing over MSMQ as a SOAP transport in Web Services Description Language (WSDL).
[MS-NMFTB] .NET Message Framing TCP Binding Protocol Specification Specifies how the .NET Message Framing Protocol [MC-NMF] is bound to a TCP connection, including the initiation of the stream by using the net.tcp URI scheme and the application of .NET Message Framing over TCP as a SOAP transport in WSDL.
[MS-NNS]: .NET NegotiateStream Protocol Specification Specifies the .NET NegotiateStream Protocol, which provides mutually authenticated and confidential communication over a TCP connection. It uses the Simple and Protected GSS-API Negotiation mechanism (SPNEGO) for security services (authentication, key derivation, and data encryption and decryption).
[MS-NRBF]: .NET Remoting: Binary Format Data Structure Specifies the .NET Remoting: Binary Format Data Structure protocol, which defines a set of structures for representing object graph or method invocation information as an octet stream.
[MS-NRLS]: .NET Remoting: Lifetime Services Extension Specifies the .NET Remoting: Lifetime Services Extension, which adds lifetime and remote activation capabilities to the .NET Remoting Core Protocol (specified in [MS-NRTP]).
[MS-NRTP]: .NET Remoting: Core Protocol Specification Specifies the .NET Remoting: Core Protocol, a mechanism by which a calling program can invoke a method in a different address space over the network. Arguments are passed along as part of the invocation message, and return values are sent in the response.
[MS-OAUT]: OLE Automation Protocol Specification Specifies the OLE Automation Protocol, which uses DCOM as its transport layer and provides support for an additional set of types as well as for a late-bound calling mechanism.
[MS-ODATA]: Open Data Protocol (OData) Specification Specifies the Open Data (OData) Protocol. This protocol enables applications to expose data, by using common Web technologies, and by means of a data service that can be consumed by clients within corporate networks and across the Internet.
[MS-SMTPNTLM]: NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Extension Specifies the NT LAN Manager (NTLM) Authentication: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Extension, which uses NT LAN Manager (NTLM) authentication (as specified in [MS-NLMP]) by the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) to facilitate client authentication to a Windows SMTP server.
[MS-SWSB]: SOAP Over WebSocket Protocol Binding Specification Specifies the SOAP over WebSocket Protocol Binding, a binding of SOAP to the WebSocket protocol (as defined in [DRAFT-WSP]), including a WSDL transport URI and supported message exchange patterns (MEPs). It specifies how messages defined by a higher-layer protocol are formed and framed for transport over [DRAFT-WSP]. This specification also defines a WebSocket subprotocol.
[MS-THCH]: Tracing HTTP Correlation Header Protocol Specification Specifies the Tracing HTTP Correlation Header, which is used to enable correlation between client and server-side traces.
[MS-WFIM]: Workflow Instance Management Protocol Specification Specifies the Workflow Instance Management Protocol, which defines a set of SOAP messages for the management of workflow instances, such as suspending, resuming, or canceling an instance.
[MS-WSPOL]: Web Services: Policy Assertions and WSDL Extensions Specifies a collection of Web service policy assertions, which define domain-specific behavior for the interaction between two Web service entities.
[MS-WSRVCAT]: WS-AtomicTransaction (WS-AT) Version 1.0 Protocol Extensions Specifies the WS-AtomicTransaction (WS-AT) Version 1.0 Protocol Extensions, which extends the WS-AtomicTransaction protocol by enabling WS-AtomicTransaction initiators, participants, and coordinators to participate in transactions coordinated by OleTx transaction managers.
[MS-WSRVCRM]: WS-ReliableMessaging Protocol: Advanced Flow Control Extension Specifies the WS-ReliableMessaging Protocol: Advanced Flow Control Extension, which is an advanced message flow control extension to the Web Services Reliable Messaging Protocol [WSRM1-0] [WSRM1-1].
[MS-WSRVCRR]: WS-ReliableMessaging Protocol: Reliable Request-Reply Extension Specifies the WS-ReliableMessaging Protocol: Reliable Request-Reply Extension. This extension assumes the use of duplex underlying protocols in order to provide support for applications designed to interact using a request-response message exchange pattern. The request-reply extension enables these applications to communicate reliably over transfer protocols that support only SOAP Request-Response.
[MS-WSTC]: WS-Discovery: Termination Criteria Protocol Extensions Specifies the WS-Discovery: Termination Criteria Protocol Extensions. This extends the WS-Discovery protocol for sending and receiving termination criteria as part of WS-Discovery Probe and Resolve messages.