Sample server XML configuration file

The following configuration file installs an update file that is located on an internal share, installs a Full Server with all Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011 components, and creates new databases on the default instance of a SQL Server that is named SQLServer:



<Patch update="true">\\server\share\patchfile.msp</Patch>



<Database create="true"/>

<Reporting URL="https://MyReportingServer/ReportServer"/>


<basecurrency isocurrencycode="USD" currencyname="US Dollar" currencysymbol="$" currencyprecision="2"/>

<Organization>Organization Display Name</Organization>



<WebsiteUrl create="true" port="5555"> </WebsiteUrl>

<InstallDir>c:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics CRM</InstallDir>

<CrmServiceAccount type="DomainUser">




<SandboxServiceAccount type="DomainUser">




<DeploymentServiceAccount type="DomainUser">




<AsyncServiceAccount type="DomainUser">




<SQM optin="true"/>

<muoptin optin="true"/>


<IncomingExchangeServer name="ExchangeServerName"/>





Maintaining the configuration file that has <ServiceAccountLogin> and <ServiceAccountPassword> values specified is a security risk because you are storing a password in plain text. Delete these elements as soon as the configuration file is used to install Microsoft Dynamics CRM Server 2011.