IEdmModel Interface
Defines a semantic representation of an EDM model.
Namespace: Microsoft.Data.Edm
Assembly: Microsoft.Data.Edm (in Microsoft.Data.Edm.dll)
Public Interface IEdmModel _
Inherits IEdmElement
Dim instance As IEdmModel
public interface IEdmModel : IEdmElement
public interface class IEdmModel : IEdmElement
type IEdmModel =
interface IEdmElement
public interface IEdmModel extends IEdmElement
The IEdmModel type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
DirectValueAnnotationsManager | Gets the model's annotations manager. | |
ReferencedModels | Gets the collection of models referred to by this model. | |
SchemaElements | Gets the collection of schema elements that are contained in this model. | |
VocabularyAnnotations | Gets the collection of vocabulary annotations that are contained in this model. |
Name | Description | |
FindDeclaredEntityContainer | Searches for an entity container with the given name in this model and returns null if no such entity container exists. | |
FindDeclaredFunctions | Searches for functions with the given name in this model and returns an empty enumerable if no such function exists. | |
FindDeclaredType | Searches for a type with the given name in this model and returns null if no such type exists. | |
FindDeclaredValueTerm | Searches for a value term with the given name in this model and returns null if no such value term exists. | |
FindDeclaredVocabularyAnnotations | Searches for vocabulary annotations specified by this model. | |
FindDirectlyDerivedTypes | Finds a list of types that derive directly from the supplied type. |
Extension Methods
Name | Description | |
DirectValueAnnotations | Gets the direct value annotations for an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
EntityContainers | Gets the entity containers belonging to this model. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
Errors | Gets the errors, if any, that belong to this element or elements that this element contains. For example errors for a structural type include the errors of the type itself and errors of its declared properties. The method does not analyze elements referenced by this element. For example errors of a property do not include errors from its type. (Defined by ValidationExtensionMethods.) | |
FindAllDerivedTypes | Finds a list of types that derive from the supplied type directly or indirectly, and across models. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindEntityContainer | Searches for an entity container with the given name in this model and all referenced models and returns null if no such entity container exists. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindFunctions | Searches for functions with the given name in this model and all referenced models and returns an empty enumerable if no such functions exist. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindType | Searches for a type with the given name in this model and all referenced models and returns null if no such type exists. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindValueTerm | Searches for a value term with the given name in this model and all referenced models and returns null if no such value term exists. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindVocabularyAnnotations(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable) | Overloaded. Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations defined in a specific model and models referenced by that model. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindVocabularyAnnotations<T>(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, IEdmTerm) | Overloaded. Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations that bind a particular term. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindVocabularyAnnotations<T>(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, String) | Overloaded. Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations that bind a particular term. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindVocabularyAnnotations<T>(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, IEdmTerm, String) | Overloaded. Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations that bind a particular term. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindVocabularyAnnotations<T>(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, String, String) | Overloaded. Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations that bind a particular term. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
FindVocabularyAnnotationsIncludingInheritedAnnotations | Gets an annotatable element's vocabulary annotations defined in a specific model and models referenced by that model. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAnnotationValue(IEdmElement, String, String) | Overloaded. Gets an annotation value corresponding to the given namespace and name provided. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAnnotationValue<T>(IEdmElement) | Overloaded. Gets an annotation value from an annotatable element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAnnotationValue<T>(IEdmElement, String, String) | Overloaded. Gets an annotation value corresponding to the given namespace and name provided. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAnnotationValues | Retrieves a set of annotation values. For each requested value, returns null if no annotation with the given name exists for the given element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAssociationAnnotations | Gets the annotations associated with the association serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAssociationEndName | Gets the name used for the association end serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAssociationFullName | Gets the fully-qualified name used for the association serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAssociationName | Gets the name used for the association serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAssociationNamespace | Gets the namespace used for the association serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAssociationSetAnnotations | Gets the annotations associated with the association serialized for a navigation target of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetAssociationSetName | Gets the name used for the association set serialized for a navigation property of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetDataServiceVersion | Gets the version used for the data service of a navigation property of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetDocumentation | Gets documentation for a specified element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetEdmVersion | Gets the EDM version with the specified model. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetEdmxVersion | Gets the version used for the edmx of a navigation property of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetMaxDataServiceVersion | Gets the version of the maximum data service for a navigation property of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetNamespaceAlias | Gets the serialization alias for a given namespace. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetNamespacePrefixMappings | Gets the prefix mappings of the namespace for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
GetPropertyValue(IEdmStructuredValue, IEdmProperty, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a property of a term type that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetPropertyValue(IEdmStructuredValue, IEdmProperty, String, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a property of a term type that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetPropertyValue<T>(IEdmStructuredValue, IEdmProperty, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a property of a term type that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetPropertyValue<T>(IEdmStructuredValue, IEdmProperty, String, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a property of a term type that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue(IEdmStructuredValue, String, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue(IEdmStructuredValue, IEdmValueTerm, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, String, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, IEdmValueTerm, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue(IEdmStructuredValue, String, String, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue(IEdmStructuredValue, IEdmValueTerm, String, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, String, String, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, IEdmValueTerm, String, EdmExpressionEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the IEdmValue of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue<T>(IEdmStructuredValue, String, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue<T>(IEdmStructuredValue, IEdmValueTerm, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue<T>(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, String, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue<T>(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, IEdmValueTerm, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue<T>(IEdmStructuredValue, String, String, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue<T>(IEdmStructuredValue, IEdmValueTerm, String, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to the type of a value. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue<T>(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, String, String, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
GetTermValue<T>(IEdmVocabularyAnnotatable, IEdmValueTerm, String, EdmToClrEvaluator) | Overloaded. Gets the CLR value of a vocabulary term that has been applied to an element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
IsBad | Indicates whether this element contains errors returned by the Errors(IEdmElement) method. (Defined by ValidationExtensionMethods.) | |
Location | Gets the location of the specified item. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
SchemaElementsAcrossModels | Gets all schema elements from the model, and models referenced by it. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAnnotationValue(IEdmElement, String, String, Object) | Overloaded. Sets an annotation value for an EDM element. If the value is null, no annotation is added and an existing annotation with the same name is removed. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAnnotationValue<T>(IEdmElement, T) | Overloaded. Sets an annotation value on an annotatable element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAnnotationValues | Sets a set of annotation values. If a supplied value is null, no annotation is added and an existing annotation with the same name is removed. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAssociationAnnotations | Sets the annotations for the association serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAssociationEndName | Sets the name used for the association end serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAssociationName | Sets the name used for the association serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAssociationNamespace | Sets the namespace used for the association serialized for a navigation property. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAssociationSetAnnotations | Sets the annotations for the association set serialized for a navigation target of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetAssociationSetName | Sets the name used for the association set serialized for a navigation property of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetDataServiceVersion | Sets the version used for the data service of a navigation property of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetDocumentation | Sets documentation for a specified element. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
SetEdmVersion | Sets the EDM version with the specified model and version. (Defined by ExtensionMethods.) | |
SetEdmxVersion | Sets the version used for the edmx of a navigation property of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetMaxDataServiceVersion | Sets the version of the maximum data service for a navigation property of an entity set. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetNamespaceAlias | Sets the serialization alias for a given namespace (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
SetNamespacePrefixMappings | Sets an annotation on the IEdmModel to notify the serializer of preferred prefix mappings for xml namespaces. (Defined by SerializationExtensionMethods.) | |
TryWriteCsdl(XmlWriter, IEnumerable<EdmError>%) | Overloaded. Outputs a CSDL artifact to the provided writer. (Defined by CsdlWriter.) | |
TryWriteCsdl(Func<String, XmlWriter>, IEnumerable<EdmError>%) | Overloaded. Outputs a CSDL artifact to the provided writers. (Defined by CsdlWriter.) | |
Validate(IEnumerable<EdmError>%) | Overloaded. Validates the IEdmModel and all of its properties using the current version of the model. If the model has no version, IEdmModel is used. (Defined by EdmValidator.) | |
Validate(Version, IEnumerable<EdmError>%) | Overloaded. Validates the IEdmModel and all of its properties given certain version. (Defined by EdmValidator.) | |
Validate(ValidationRuleSet, IEnumerable<EdmError>%) | Overloaded. Validates the IEdmModel and all of its properties given certain version. (Defined by EdmValidator.) |
This interface, and all interfaces reachable from it, preserve certain invariants: -- The backing implementation of an element can be loaded or created on demand. -- No direct element mutation occurs through the interfaces.