Building the Run-Time Libraries
The following procedure shows you how to build your own copies of the C run-time library files.
To build your own copies of the C run-time library files
If you have not already done so, perform a custom install of Visual C++ and install the CRT source directory.
Set the VCTOOLS environment variable to be set to the Vc directory. For example, on the command line type:
set VCTOOLS=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC
Set environment variable LLP64=1 if you want to build for IA64 or LLP64=2 if you want to build for X64.
Change directories to vc\crt\src and run BLDNT.CMD if you are on Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, or Windows Vista.
The CRT rebuild produces customized versions of CRT DLLs and corresponding import .lib files. To avoid conflicts with the existing, registered DLLs, the build process creates files with different names, using prefix sample instead of msvc. The following table shows the correspondence between the files produced by the CRT rebuild process and the CRT files installed by Visual C++:
New file |
CRT file equivalent |
_sample_.dll |
msvcr90.dll |
sample_p.dll |
msvcp90.dll |
_sampld_.dll |
msvcr90d.dll |
sampld_p.dll |
msvcp90d.dll |
_sample_.lib |
msvcr90.lib |
sample_p.lib |
msvcp90.lib |
_sampld_.lib |
msvcr90d.lib |
sampld_p.lib |
msvcp90d.lib |
You cannot build the CRT using a 64-bit native toolset.