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VisualEntityProperties Enumeration

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

Visual entity properties

Namespace: Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Engine
Assembly: SimulationEngine (in SimulationEngine.dll) Version: (


public enum VisualEntityProperties


Member name Value Description
None 0 No properties
UsesAlphaBlending 1 Uses alpha blending
DisableRendering 2 Skip rendering
InitializedWithState 4 The entity was reconstructed from XML
DoCompletePhysicsShapeUpdate 8 Update pose for all physics shapes that are part of the physics Entity instance
Ground 16 This is a ground entity
DisableBackfaceCulling 32 Render both front and back faces rather than only front
CullCounterClockwise 64 Render only front faces rather than back
DisableViewFrustumCulling 128 Is view frustum culling disabled?
TexturesPending 256 The mesh requires textures but they have not yet been loaded

See Also

Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Engine Namespace