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Constraint Enumeration

Microsoft Robotics Class Reference

Defines the mouse movement constraints in the sim editor

Namespace: Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Engine
Assembly: SimulationCommon (in SimulationCommon.dll) Version: (


public enum Constraint


Member name Value Description
MoveXYZ 0 Translate in X, Y, and Z
MoveXZ 1 Translate in X and Z
MoveX 2 Translate in X
MoveY 3 Translate in Y
MoveZ 4 Translate in Z
RotateXYZ 5 Rotate around X, Y, and Z
RotateX 6 Rotate around X
RotateY 7 Rotate around Y
RotateZ 8 Rotate around Z

See Also

Microsoft.Robotics.Simulation.Engine Namespace