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Todo App


This project is an experimental release. We hope you try out Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings and provide feedback at

The completed Todo app sample is available here. The sample uses dependency injection, platform-specific services, a SQLite database for storage, modal dialogs, custom images, and many more features. This sample shows how to render a dynamically growing list of Todo items.

To build a simple Todo app, start with the project you've already created in the Build your first app section. All the changes will be in the FirstMobileBlazorBindingsApp project.

  1. Delete the HelloWorld.razor and Counter.razor files.

  2. Add a new class file to the project named TodoItem.cs. In this file, define a new class to represent a Todo Item. Change the code in this class to the following code:

    namespace FirstMobileBlazorBindingsApp
        public class TodoItem
            public string Text { get; set; }
            public bool IsDone { get; set; }
  3. Add a new Razor component to the project by right-clicking on the project, selecting Add / New Item, select Razor component, and naming it TodoApp.razor. Replace the code in the file with the following code:

        <StackLayout Margin="new Thickness(20)">
            @* Entry area *@
            <StackLayout Margin="new Thickness(20)" Orientation="StackOrientation.Horizontal">
                <Entry @bind-Text="newItemText" HorizontalOptions="LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand" />
                <Button Text="Add" OnClick="OnAddItem" />
            @* TodoItem area *@
            @* TODO: This! *@
        string newItemText;
        List<TodoItem> items = new List<TodoItem>();
        void OnAddItem()
            var newTodoItem = new TodoItem
                Text = newItemText,
            // Clear out the text in the Entry textbox
            newItemText = null;
  4. Change the code in App.cs to reference the new TodoApp component instead of HelloWorld:

    host.AddComponent<TodoApp>(parent: MainPage);
  5. If you run the app, you'll see an Entry textbox and an Add button. If you type in text and tap the Add button the text will simply disappear. The Entry component has a two-way binding to the newItemText field by using the Blazor syntax @bind-Text="newItemText". When the Text property of the Entry changes, the newItemText field will be updated, and when the newItemText field is updated the Entry component's Text property will be updated for the next re-render. However, this app is still not useful: you can add items to a todo list but you can't see the todo list itself!

  6. To show individual todo items, add a Razor Component to the project named TodoItemDisplay.razor with the following code:

    <StackLayout Margin="new Thickness(20)" Orientation="StackOrientation.Horizontal">
        <Switch @bind-IsToggled="Item.IsDone" />
        <Label Text="@Item.Text"
            TextDecorations="(Item.IsDone ? TextDecorations.Strikethrough : TextDecorations.None)"
            HorizontalOptions="LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand" />
        [Parameter] public TodoItem Item { get; set; }

    This component defines UI to show an individual TodoItem object. It accepts a TodoItem object via a Blazor component parameter, denoted by the [Parameter] attribute. This enables a calling component to pass in a value. This component uses a two-way binding @bind-IsToggled="Item.IsDone" to change the value of the Item.IsDone property when the Switch component's switch is toggled. When this binding takes place, it will cause the TextDecorations.Strikethrough style to be applied to the Label component when the item is marked as done.

  7. To render the todo list, go to the TodoApp.razor file and replace the text @* TODO: This! *@ with the following code:

            @foreach (var item in items)
                <TodoItemDisplay Item="item" />

    This code uses a C# foreach loop to iterate over the list of todo items and render a TodoItemDisplay component for each one, passing in the current item to the component's Item property: Item="item".

  8. You can now run the app and add todo items and see them rendered in the list below. If you toggle the switch on a given item, the text of that item will have the strikethrough decoration applied:

    Todo App running in the Android Emulator with a few todo items added to the list

Congratulations, you've built a todo app using Experimental Mobile Blazor Bindings that demonstrates how to build custom components with parameters, how to use two-way bindings, and how to loop over items to render a dynamic UI.