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TextureLoader.FillTexture(Texture,TextureShader) Method (Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D)

Uses a user-provided function or a compiled high-level shader language (HLSL) function to fill each texel of each mip level of a given texture.


Visual Basic Public Shared Sub FillTexture( _
    ByVal texture As Texture, _
    ByVal textureShader As TextureShader _
C# public static void FillTexture(
    Texture texture,
    TextureShader textureShader
C++ public:
static void FillTexture(
JScript public static function FillTexture(
    texture : Texture,
    textureShader : TextureShader


texture Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Texture
A Texture object that represents the filled texture.
textureShader Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.TextureShader
A TextureShader object that contains the compiled HLSL function. This can be created using ShaderLoader.CompileShader, ShaderLoader.CompileShaderFromStream, or ShaderLoader.CompileShaderFromFile.


If the param_GraphicsStream_compiledCode parameter is used, the HLSL function must contain the following semantics:

  • One input parameter must use a POSITION semantic.
  • One input parameter must use a PSIZE semantic.
  • The function must return a parameter that uses the COLOR semantic.

The following is a C# code example of such an HLSL function:

[C#]float4 TextureGradientFill(
  float2 vTexCoord : POSITION, 
  float2 vTexelSize : PSIZE) : COLOR 
    float r,g, b, xSq,ySq, a;
    xSq = 2.f*vTexCoord.x-1.f; xSq *= xSq;
    ySq = 2.f*vTexCoord.y-1.f; ySq *= ySq;
    a = sqrt(xSq+ySq);
    if (a > 1.0f) {
        a = 1.0f-(a-1.0f);
    else if (a < 0.2f) {
        a = 0.2f;
    r = 1-vTexCoord.x;
    g = 1-vTexCoord.y;
    b = vTexCoord.x;
    return float4(r, g, b, a);


Note that the input parameters can be in any order, but both input semantics must be represented.



The method call is invalid. For example, a method's parameter might contain an invalid value.


This device does not support the queried technique.