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Build Menu Options

The build options available from the Build menu are context-sensitive and depend on the objects selected in the Workspace window. For example, the options available for source code files will be different than those available for features, projects, or platforms, depending on the object that you select.

The following table shows the available build options and their descriptions.

Command Description
Generate Platform Headers Generates headers for your platform, based on changes that you have made to your platform. Executes the Sysgen phase of the build process.
Regenerate Platform Headers Regenerates all headers for your platform. Executes the Sysgen phase of the build process. Performs a clean, deleting any files built during a previous Sysgen phase before running a new Sysgen cycle.
Build Platform Builds the final Windows CE binary file, nk.bin. Executes the Sysgen, Release Copy, and Make Image phases of the build process.
Rebuild Platform Builds the final Windows CE binary file, nk.bin. Executes the Sysgen, Release Copy, and Make Image phases of the build process. Performs a clean, deleting files built during a previous platform build, before rebuilding the platform.
Build Selected Feature(s) Executes a build of only the features and projects that you have selected in the FeatureView window.
Make Image Executes the Make Image phase of the build process only.
Clean Executes a removal of intermediate and output files.
Batch Build Executes a build of multiple build configurations.
Stop Build Executes a stop in the build at any point, as soon as the build system reaches the end of the current executing command or the next phase.

The following table shows the build option commands that are available in the FileView window. You can use these commands when you are working with projects.

Command Description
Compile Compiles a project file.
Build project Builds the active project.
Rebuild All Deletes all intermediate and output files, and then builds the active project and all project dependencies.

See Also

Platform Building

 Last updated on Friday, October 08, 2004

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