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Check Portal Configuration Settings

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You should verify and modify where necessary the authentication and authorization settings for the ESB management Portal, and the general configuration settings including the portal database connections strings. The following sections contain details of the default settings and recommendations for modifying them to suit your environment.

Portal Authentication Settings

The ESBAdmin database contains the UDDI information required by the portal. Two roles control access to the database:

  • ESBPortal. This role provides standard access level for portal users. By default, this role includes members of the BizTalk Application Users group.
  • ESBPortalAdmin. This role provides elevated access level for portal administrators. By default, this role includes members of the BizTalk Server Administrators group.

Portal Authorization Settings

The default authorization group for standard access to the portal is <local_machine>\BizTalk Application Users. You can change this to a domain-level group, or to another account, by editing the Web.config file for the portal. The following is the default setting.

  <allow roles="BizTalk Application Users" />
  <allow roles="BizTalk Server Administrators" />
  <deny users="*" />

To specify a domain-level account, change the value of the <allow> element, as shown here.

  <allow roles="<your-domain-name>\BizTalk Application Users" />
  <allow roles="<your-domain-name>\BizTalk Server Administrators" />
  <deny users="*" />

The default authorization group for administrative access to the portal is <local_machine>\BizTalk Server Administrators. You can change this to a domain-level group, or to another account, by editing the Web.config file for the portal. The following is the default setting.

  <allow roles="BizTalk Server Administrators" />
  <deny roles="BizTalk Application Users" />

To specify a domain-level account, change the value of the <allow> element, as shown here.

  <allow roles="<your-domain-name>\BizTalk Server Administrators" />
  <deny roles="BizTalk Application Users" />

Portal Configuration Settings

The Web.config file for the portal contains a range of settings for the ESB Management Portal. These include the following:

  • The configuration of the Enterprise Library Exception Handling Application Block and Logging Application Block that the portal uses
  • The <connectionStrings> section containing the database connection strings
  • The <appSettings> section containing details of the alert severity thresholds and images, and the settings for the Dundas Chart control
  • The <httpHandlers> section containing declarations of the handlers for the Dundas Chart control
  • The <Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Portal.Properties.Settings> custom configuration section, containing connection settings for the UDDI Web service and the BizTalk Operations Web service

You must ensure that the following sections contain valid values for successful operation of the ESB Management Portal:

  • The connection string for the EsbExceptionDb database. This is located in the <connectionStrings> section and has the following default value.

    <add name="EsbExceptionDb" 
         connectionString="Network Library=dbmssocn; Data Source=.;
                          Initial Catalog=EsbExceptionDb;
                          Integrated Security=True"
         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  • The connection string for the ESBAdmin database. This is located in the <connectionStrings> section and has the following default value.

    <add name="AdminDatabaseServer" 
         connectionString="Network Library=dbmssocn; Data Source=.;
                          Initial Catalog=ESBAdmin;
                          Integrated Security=True"
         providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />
  • The URL of the UDDI Web service. This is located in the <Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Portal.Properties.Settings> section within the <applicationSettings> section and has the following default value.

    <setting name="Microsoft_Practices_ESB_Portal_UDDIService_UDDIService"
  • The URL of the BizTalk Operations Web service. This is located in the <Microsoft.Practices.ESB.Portal.Properties.Settings> section within the <applicationSettings> section and has the following default value.

    <setting name="Microsoft_Practices_ESB_Portal_BizTalkOperationsService_Operations" 

Now continue to the next task: Install the ESB Management Portal Alert Service.