Request object

The Request object is used to represent a resource request.


 var request = new Request(input,init); 


The Request object has these types of members:

  • Methods
  • Properties


The Request object has these methods.

Method Description

Takes a Response or Request stream and returns a promise for an ArrayBuffer object.


Takes a Response or Request stream and returns a promise for a Blob object.


Creates a copy of the current Request object.


Takes a Response or Request stream and returns a promise for an object containing JSON data.


Takes a Response or Request stream and returns a promise for a USVString object.



The Request object has these properties.

Property Access type Description



Determines if the body is non-null and its stream is distributed.



Contains the cache mode of the request.



Contains the credentials mode of the request.



Contains the destination of the request.



Contains the Headers object of the request.



Contains the integrity metadata of the request.


Returns true if Request's keepalive flag is set.



Contains the HTTP verb to use for the request.



Contains the mode of the request.



Contains the redirect mode of the request.



Contains the referrer of the request.



Contains the referrer policy of the request.



Contains the type of the request.



Contains the URL of the request.


Standards information


The Request constructor includes the following parameters:

Parameter Type Description
input RequestInfo Defines the resource that will be fetched. The RequestInfo type can either be a Request object or a USVString specifying the URL of the resource.
init RequestInit Optional. Specifies custom settings as defined in the RequestInit dictionary.


Dictionary of RequestInit members:

Dictionary Member Type Description
method ByteString The method of the request.
headers HeaderInit A headers object to be added to the request.
body BodyInit A body to be added to the request.
referrer USVString The referrer of the request.
referrerPolicy ReferrerPolicy The referrer policy of the request.
mode RequestMode The mode of the request.
credentials RequestCredentials The credentials of the request.
cache RequestCache The cache mode of the request.
redirect RequestRedirect The redirect mode of the request.
integrity DOMString The integrity metadata of the request.
window any Can only be set to null.
keepalive boolean If a request's keepalive flag is set.


ReferrerPolicy enumeration:

Value Description
"" No policy set.
"no-referrer" Specifies that no referrer information is to be sent along with requests made from a particular request client to any origin. The header will be omitted entirely.
"no-referrer-when-downgrade" Sends a full URL along with requests from TLS-protected environment settings object to a a priori authenticated URL, and requests from request clients which are not TLS-protected to any origin.
"origin-only" Specifies that only the ASCII serialization of the origin of the request client is sent as referrer information when making both same-origin requests and cross-origin requests from a particular request client.
"origin-when-cross-origin" Specifies that a full URL, stripped for use as a referrer, is sent as referrer information when making same-origin requests from a particular request client, and only the ASCII serialization of the origin of the request client is sent as referrer information when making cross-origin requests from a particular request client.
"unsafe-url" Specifies that a full URL, stripped for use as a referrer, is sent along with both cross-origin requests and same-origin requests made from a particular request client.


RequestType enumeration:

Value Description
"" The destination will be "document", "", "object", or "embed".
"audio" The destination will be "media".
"font" The destination will be "font".
"image" The destination will be "image".
"script" The destination will be "script", "serviceworker", "sharedworker", or "worker".
"style" The destination will be "style".
"track" The destination will be "media".
"video" The destination will be "media".


RequestDestination enumeration:

Value Description
"" The request's feature will be either navigator.sendBeacon(), EventSource, HTML's ping="", fetch(), XMLHttpRequest, WebSocket API, Cache API, HTML's download="", or "Save Link As…" UI.
"document" The request's feature will either be an iframe element, frame element, or HTML's navigate algorithm.
"sharedworker" The request's destination is a SharedWorker.
"subresource" The request's destination is "font", "image", "manifest", "media", "script", "style", "xslt", or the empty string.
"unknown" The request's destination may or may not be a navigation request.
"worker" The request's feature is a Worker.


RequestMode enumeration:

Value Description
"navigate" Credentials mode is assumed to be "include" and fetch does not currently account for other values.
"same-origin" Requests will only be allowed for destinations same-origin with the origin. CORS will not be attempted and any request requiring CORS will result in an error.
"no-cors" will request the resource without enforcing the CORS protocol but will result in an OPAQUE filtered response resulting in some response properties not being available.
"cors" standard http request using the CORS protocol for Cross origin requests


RequestCredentials enumeration:

Value Description
"omit" Never send cookies. The default value.
"same-origin" Only send cookies if being sent to a URL of the same origin.
"include" Always send cookies.


RequestCache enumeration:

Value Description
"default" Fetch will inspect the HTTP cache on the way to the network. If there is a fresh response it will be used. If there is a stale response a conditional request will be created, and a normal request otherwise. It then updates the HTTP cache with the response.
"no-store" Fetch behaves as if there is no HTTP cache at all.
"reload" Fetch behaves as if there is no HTTP cache on the way to the network. Ergo, it creates a normal request and updates the HTTP cache with the response.
"no-cache" Fetch creates a conditional request if there is a response in the HTTP cache and a normal request otherwise. It then updates the HTTP cache with the response.
"force-cache" Fetch uses any response in the HTTP cache matching the request, not paying attention to staleness. If there was no response, it creates a normal request updates the HTTP cache with the response. If header list contains a header whose name is one of `If-Modified-Since`, `If-None-Match`, `If-Unmodified-Since`, `If-Match`, and `If-Range`, fetch will set cache mode to "no-store" if it is "default".


RequestRedirect enumeration:

Value Description
"follow" Any redirect will be followed.
"error" Any redirect will result in a Network Error response.
"manual" Any redirect will return a response with the appropriate status code and headers, but the redirect will not be followed.