PrtMip Property [Access 2003 VBA Language Reference]

You can use the PrtMip property in Visual Basic to set or return the device mode information specified for a form or report in the Print dialog box.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


The PrtMip property setting is a 28-byte structure that maps to settings on the Margins tab for a form or report in the Page Setup dialog box.

The PrtMip property has the following members.

Member Description
LeftMargin, RightMargin, TopMargin, BottomMargin A Long that specifies the distance between the edge of the page and the item to be printed in twips.
DataOnly A Long that specifies the elements to be printed. When True, prints only the data in a table or query in Datasheet view, form, or report, and suppresses labels, control borders, grid lines, and display graphics such as lines and boxes. When False, prints data, labels, and graphics.
ItemsAcross A Long that specifies the number of columns across for multiple-column reports or labels. This member is equivalent to the value of the Number of Columns box under Grid Settings on the Columns tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
RowSpacing A Long that specifies the horizontal space between detail sections in units of 1/20 of a point.
ColumnSpacing A Long that specifies the vertical space between detail sections in twips.
DefaultSize A Long. When True, uses the size of the detail section in Design view. When False, uses the values specified by the ItemSizeWidth and ItemSizeHeight members.
ItemSizeWidth A Long that specifies the width of the detail section in twips. This member is equivalent to the value of the Width box under Column Size on the Columns tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
ItemSizeHeight A Long that specifies the height of the detail section twips. This member is equivalent to the value of the Height box under Column Size on the Columns tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
ItemLayout A Long that specifies horizontal (1953) or vertical (1954) layout of columns. This member is equivalent to Across, then Down or Down, then Across respectively under Column Layout on the Columns tab of the Page Setup dialog box.
FastPrint Reserved.
Datasheet Reserved.

The PrtMip property setting is read/write in Design view and read-only in other views.


The following PrtMip property example demonstrates how to set up the report with two horizontal columns.

Private Type str_PRTMIP
    strRGB As String * 28
End Type

Private Type type_PRTMIP
    xLeftMargin As Long
    yTopMargin As Long
    xRightMargin As Long
    yBotMargin As Long
    fDataOnly As Long
    xWidth As Long
    yHeight As Long
    fDefaultSize As Long
    cxColumns As Long
    yColumnSpacing As Long
    xRowSpacing As Long
    rItemLayout As Long
    fFastPrint As Long
    fDatasheet As Long
End Type

Public Sub PrtMipCols(ByVal strName As String)

    Dim PrtMipString As str_PRTMIP
    Dim PM As type_PRTMIP
    Dim rpt As Report
    Const PM_HORIZONTALCOLS = 1953
    Const PM_VERTICALCOLS = 1954
    ' Open the report.
    DoCmd.OpenReport strName, acDesign
    Set rpt = Reports(strName)
    PrtMipString.strRGB = rpt.PrtMip
    LSet PM = PrtMipString
    ' Create two columns.
    PM.cxColumns = 2
    ' Set 0.25 inch between rows.
    PM.xRowSpacing = 0.25 * 1440
    ' Set 0.5 inch between columns.
    PM.yColumnSpacing = 0.5 * 1440
    ' Update property.
    LSet PrtMipString = PM
    rpt.PrtMip = PrtMipString.strRGB
    Set rpt = Nothing
End Sub

The next PrtMip property example shows how to set all margins to 1 inch.

Public Sub SetMarginsToDefault(ByVal strName As String)

    Dim PrtMipString As str_PRTMIP
    Dim PM As type_PRTMIP
    Dim rpt As Report
    ' Open the report.
    DoCmd.OpenReport strName, acDesign
    Set rpt = Reports(strName)
    PrtMipString.strRGB = rpt.PrtMip
    LSet PM = PrtMipString
    ' Set margins.
    PM.xLeftMargin = 1 * 1440
    PM.yTopMargin = 1 * 1440
    PM.xRightMargin = 1 * 1440
    PM.yBotMargin = 1 * 1440
    ' Update property.
    LSet PrtMipString = PM
    rpt.PrtMip = PrtMipString.strRGB
    Set rpt = Nothing
End Sub

Applies to | Form Object | Report Object

See Also | PrtDevMode Property | PrtDevNames Property