Colors Element [Visio 2003 SDK Documentation]

Contains the document's color table.

Each document contains a single color table, which lists the 24 standard colors that are available for application to objects such as shapes, text, and layers in the document.





Element properties

Property Value
Name Colors 
Minimum Occurrences
Maximum Occurrences

Element information

Parent elements


Child elements



The following example is a typical color table for a Microsoft Office Visio document.

  <ColorEntry IX="0" RGB="#000000" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="1" RGB="#FFFFFF" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="2" RGB="#FF0000" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="3" RGB="#00FF00" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="4" RGB="#0000FF" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="5" RGB="#FFFF00" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="6" RGB="#FF00FF" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="7" RGB="#00FFFF" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="8" RGB="#800000" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="9" RGB="#008000" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="10" RGB="#000080" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="11" RGB="#808000" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="12" RGB="#800080" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="13" RGB="#008080" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="14" RGB="#C0C0C0" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="15" RGB="#E6E6E6" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="16" RGB="#CDCDCD" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="17" RGB="#B3B3B3" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="18" RGB="#9A9A9A" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="19" RGB="#808080" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="20" RGB="#666666" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="21" RGB="#4D4D4D" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="22" RGB="#333333" /> 
  <ColorEntry IX="23" RGB="#1A1A1A" /> 

See also

Colors collection