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Word Enumerated Constants

This topic provides a list of all enumerated constants in the Microsoft Word object model.


Constant Value
wdAlertsAll -1
wdAlertsMessageBox -2
wdAlertsNone 0


Constant Value
wdAnimationBlinkingBackground 2
wdAnimationLasVegasLights 1
wdAnimationMarchingBlackAnts 4
wdAnimationMarchingRedAnts 5
wdAnimationNone 0
wdAnimationShimmer 6
wdAnimationSparkleText 3


Constant Value
wdNumeralArabic 0
wdNumeralContext 2
wdNumeralHindi 1
wdNumeralSystem 3


Constant Value
wdBoth 3
wdFinalYaa 2
wdInitialAlef 1
wdNone 0


Constant Value
wdIcons 1
wdTiled 0


Constant Value
wdAutoFitContent 1
wdAutoFitFixed 0
wdAutoFitWindow 2


Constant Value
wdAutoClose 3
wdAutoExec 0
wdAutoExit 4
wdAutoNew 1
wdAutoOpen 2
wdAutoSync 5


Constant Value
wdAutoVersionOff 0
wdAutoVersionOnClose 1


Constant Value
wdBaselineAlignAuto 4
wdBaselineAlignBaseline 2
wdBaselineAlignCenter 1
wdBaselineAlignFarEast50 3
wdBaselineAlignTop 0


Constant Value
wdSortByLocation 1
wdSortByName 0


Constant Value
wdBorderDistanceFromPageEdge 1
wdBorderDistanceFromText 0


Constant Value
wdBorderBottom -3
wdBorderDiagonalDown -7
wdBorderDiagonalUp -8
wdBorderHorizontal -5
wdBorderLeft -2
wdBorderRight -4
wdBorderTop -1
wdBorderVertical -6


Constant Value
wdColumnBreak 8
wdLineBreak 6
wdLineBreakClearLeft 9
wdLineBreakClearRight 10
wdPageBreak 7
wdSectionBreakContinuous 3
wdSectionBreakEvenPage 4
wdSectionBreakNextPage 2
wdSectionBreakOddPage 5
wdTextWrappingBreak 11


Constant Value
wdBrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer5 1
wdBrowserLevelMicrosoftInternetExplorer6 2
wdBrowserLevelV4 0


Constant Value
wdBrowseComment 3
wdBrowseEdit 10
wdBrowseEndnote 5
wdBrowseField 6
wdBrowseFind 11
wdBrowseFootnote 4
wdBrowseGoTo 12
wdBrowseGraphic 8
wdBrowseHeading 9
wdBrowsePage 1
wdBrowseSection 2
wdBrowseTable 7


Constant Value
wdPropertyAppName 9
wdPropertyAuthor 3
wdPropertyBytes 22
wdPropertyCategory 18
wdPropertyCharacters 16
wdPropertyCharsWSpaces 30
wdPropertyComments 5
wdPropertyCompany 21
wdPropertyFormat 19
wdPropertyHiddenSlides 27
wdPropertyHyperlinkBase 29
wdPropertyKeywords 4
wdPropertyLastAuthor 7
wdPropertyLines 23
wdPropertyManager 20
wdPropertyMMClips 28
wdPropertyNotes 26
wdPropertyPages 14
wdPropertyParas 24
wdPropertyRevision 8
wdPropertySecurity 17
wdPropertySlides 25
wdPropertySubject 2
wdPropertyTemplate 6
wdPropertyTimeCreated 11
wdPropertyTimeLastPrinted 10
wdPropertyTimeLastSaved 12
wdPropertyTitle 1
wdPropertyVBATotalEdit 13
wdPropertyWords 15


Constant Value
wdStyleBlockQuotation -85
wdStyleBodyText -67
wdStyleBodyText2 -81
wdStyleBodyText3 -82
wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent -78
wdStyleBodyTextFirstIndent2 -79
wdStyleBodyTextIndent -68
wdStyleBodyTextIndent2 -83
wdStyleBodyTextIndent3 -84
wdStyleCaption -35
wdStyleClosing -64
wdStyleCommentReference -40
wdStyleCommentText -31
wdStyleDate -77
wdStyleDefaultParagraphFont -66
wdStyleEmphasis -89
wdStyleEndnoteReference -43
wdStyleEndnoteText -44
wdStyleEnvelopeAddress -37
wdStyleEnvelopeReturn -38
wdStyleFooter -33
wdStyleFootnoteReference -39
wdStyleFootnoteText -30
wdStyleHeader -32
wdStyleHeading1 -2
wdStyleHeading2 -3
wdStyleHeading3 -4
wdStyleHeading4 -5
wdStyleHeading5 -6
wdStyleHeading6 -7
wdStyleHeading7 -8
wdStyleHeading8 -9
wdStyleHeading9 -10
wdStyleHtmlAcronym -96
wdStyleHtmlAddress -97
wdStyleHtmlCite -98
wdStyleHtmlCode -99
wdStyleHtmlDfn -100
wdStyleHtmlKbd -101
wdStyleHtmlNormal -95
wdStyleHtmlPre -102
wdStyleHtmlSamp -103
wdStyleHtmlTt -104
wdStyleHtmlVar -105
wdStyleHyperlink -86
wdStyleHyperlinkFollowed -87
wdStyleIndex1 -11
wdStyleIndex2 -12
wdStyleIndex3 -13
wdStyleIndex4 -14
wdStyleIndex5 -15
wdStyleIndex6 -16
wdStyleIndex7 -17
wdStyleIndex8 -18
wdStyleIndex9 -19
wdStyleIndexHeading -34
wdStyleLineNumber -41
wdStyleList -48
wdStyleList2 -51
wdStyleList3 -52
wdStyleList4 -53
wdStyleList5 -54
wdStyleListBullet -49
wdStyleListBullet2 -55
wdStyleListBullet3 -56
wdStyleListBullet4 -57
wdStyleListBullet5 -58
wdStyleListContinue -69
wdStyleListContinue2 -70
wdStyleListContinue3 -71
wdStyleListContinue4 -72
wdStyleListContinue5 -73
wdStyleListNumber -50
wdStyleListNumber2 -59
wdStyleListNumber3 -60
wdStyleListNumber4 -61
wdStyleListNumber5 -62
wdStyleMacroText -46
wdStyleMessageHeader -74
wdStyleNavPane -90
wdStyleNormal -1
wdStyleNormalIndent -29
wdStyleNormalTable -106
wdStyleNoteHeading -80
wdStylePageNumber -42
wdStylePlainText -91
wdStyleSalutation -76
wdStyleSignature -65
wdStyleStrong -88
wdStyleSubtitle -75
wdStyleTableOfAuthorities -45
wdStyleTableOfFigures -36
wdStyleTitle -63
wdStyleTOAHeading -47
wdStyleTOC1 -20
wdStyleTOC2 -21
wdStyleTOC3 -22
wdStyleTOC4 -23
wdStyleTOC5 -24
wdStyleTOC6 -25
wdStyleTOC7 -26
wdStyleTOC8 -27
wdStyleTOC9 -28


Constant Value
wdCalendarArabic 1
wdCalendarChina 3
wdCalendarHebrew 2
wdCalendarJapan 4
wdCalendarKorean 6
wdCalendarSakaEra 7
wdCalendarThai 5
wdCalendarWestern 0


Constant Value
wdCalendarTypeBidi 99
wdCalendarTypeGregorian 100


Constant Value
wdCaptionEquation -3
wdCaptionFigure -1
wdCaptionTable -2


Constant Value
wdCaptionNumberStyleArabic 0
wdCaptionNumberStyleArabicFullWidth 14
wdCaptionNumberStyleArabicLetter1 46
wdCaptionNumberStyleArabicLetter2 48
wdCaptionNumberStyleChosung 25
wdCaptionNumberStyleGanada 24
wdCaptionNumberStyleHanjaRead 41
wdCaptionNumberStyleHanjaReadDigit 42
wdCaptionNumberStyleHebrewLetter1 45
wdCaptionNumberStyleHebrewLetter2 47
wdCaptionNumberStyleHindiArabic 51
wdCaptionNumberStyleHindiCardinalText 52
wdCaptionNumberStyleHindiLetter1 49
wdCaptionNumberStyleHindiLetter2 50
wdCaptionNumberStyleKanji 10
wdCaptionNumberStyleKanjiDigit 11
wdCaptionNumberStyleKanjiTraditional 16
wdCaptionNumberStyleLowercaseLetter 4
wdCaptionNumberStyleLowercaseRoman 2
wdCaptionNumberStyleNumberInCircle 18
wdCaptionNumberStyleSimpChinNum2 38
wdCaptionNumberStyleSimpChinNum3 39
wdCaptionNumberStyleThaiArabic 54
wdCaptionNumberStyleThaiCardinalText 55
wdCaptionNumberStyleThaiLetter 53
wdCaptionNumberStyleTradChinNum2 34
wdCaptionNumberStyleTradChinNum3 35
wdCaptionNumberStyleUppercaseLetter 3
wdCaptionNumberStyleUppercaseRoman 1
wdCaptionNumberStyleVietCardinalText 56
wdCaptionNumberStyleZodiac1 30
wdCaptionNumberStyleZodiac2 31


Constant Value
wdCaptionPositionAbove 0
wdCaptionPositionBelow 1


Constant Value
wdCellAlignVerticalBottom 3
wdCellAlignVerticalCenter 1
wdCellAlignVerticalTop 0


Constant Value
wdFullWidth 7
wdHalfWidth 6
wdHiragana 9
wdKatakana 8
wdLowerCase 0
wdNextCase -1
wdTitleSentence 4
wdTitleWord 2
wdToggleCase 5
wdUpperCase 1


Constant Value
wdWidthFullWidth 7
wdWidthHalfWidth 6


Constant Value
wdAlwaysConvert 1
wdAskToConvert 3
wdAskToNotConvert 2
wdNeverConvert 0


Constant Value
wdCollapseEnd 0
wdCollapseStart 1


Constant Value
wdColorAqua 13421619
wdColorAutomatic -16777216
wdColorBlack 0
wdColorBlue 16711680
wdColorBlueGray 10053222
wdColorBrightGreen 65280
wdColorBrown 13209
wdColorDarkBlue 8388608
wdColorDarkGreen 13056
wdColorDarkRed 128
wdColorDarkTeal 6697728
wdColorDarkYellow 32896
wdColorGold 52479
wdColorGray05 15987699
wdColorGray10 15132390
wdColorGray125 14737632
wdColorGray15 14277081
wdColorGray20 13421772
wdColorGray25 12632256
wdColorGray30 11776947
wdColorGray35 10921638
wdColorGray375 10526880
wdColorGray40 10066329
wdColorGray45 9211020
wdColorGray50 8421504
wdColorGray55 7566195
wdColorGray60 6710886
wdColorGray625 6316128
wdColorGray65 5855577
wdColorGray70 5000268
wdColorGray75 4210752
wdColorGray80 3355443
wdColorGray85 2500134
wdColorGray875 2105376
wdColorGray90 1644825
wdColorGray95 789516
wdColorGreen 32768
wdColorIndigo 10040115
wdColorLavender 16751052
wdColorLightBlue 16737843
wdColorLightGreen 13434828
wdColorLightOrange 39423
wdColorLightTurquoise 16777164
wdColorLightYellow 10092543
wdColorLime 52377
wdColorOliveGreen 13107
wdColorOrange 26367
wdColorPaleBlue 16764057
wdColorPink 16711935
wdColorPlum 6697881
wdColorRed 255
wdColorRose 13408767
wdColorSeaGreen 6723891
wdColorSkyBlue 16763904
wdColorTan 10079487
wdColorTeal 8421376
wdColorTurquoise 16776960
wdColorViolet 8388736
wdColorWhite 16777215
wdColorYellow 65535


Constant Value
wdAuto 0
wdBlack 1
wdBlue 2
wdBrightGreen 4
wdByAuthor -1
wdDarkBlue 9
wdDarkRed 13
wdDarkYellow 14
wdGray25 16
wdGray50 15
wdGreen 11
wdNoHighlight 0
wdPink 5
wdRed 6
wdTeal 10
wdTurquoise 3
wdViolet 12
wdWhite 8
wdYellow 7


Constant Value
wdCompareTargetCurrent 1
wdCompareTargetNew 2
wdCompareTargetSelected 0


Constant Value
wdAlignTablesRowByRow 39
wdApplyBreakingRules 46
wdAutospaceLikeWW7 38
wdConvMailMergeEsc 6
wdDontAdjustLineHeightInTable 36
wdDontBalanceSingleByteDoubleByteWidth 16
wdDontBreakWrappedTables 43
wdDontSnapTextToGridInTableWithObjects 44
wdDontULTrailSpace 15
wdDontUseAsianBreakRulesInGrid 48
wdDontUseHTMLParagraphAutoSpacing 35
wdDontWrapTextWithPunctuation 47
wdExactOnTop 28
wdExpandShiftReturn 14
wdFootnoteLayoutLikeWW8 34
wdForgetLastTabAlignment 37
wdGrowAutofit 50
wdLayoutRawTableWidth 40
wdLayoutTableRowsApart 41
wdLeaveBackslashAlone 13
wdLineWrapLikeWord6 32
wdMWSmallCaps 22
wdNoColumnBalance 5
wdNoExtraLineSpacing 23
wdNoLeading 20
wdNoSpaceForUL 21
wdNoSpaceRaiseLower 2
wdNoTabHangIndent 1
wdOrigWordTableRules 9
wdPrintBodyTextBeforeHeader 19
wdPrintColBlack 3
wdSelectFieldWithFirstOrLastCharacter 45
wdShapeLayoutLikeWW8 33
wdShowBreaksInFrames 11
wdSpacingInWholePoints 18
wdSubFontBySize 25
wdSuppressBottomSpacing 29
wdSuppressSpBfAfterPgBrk 7
wdSuppressTopSpacing 8
wdSuppressTopSpacingMac5 17
wdSwapBordersFacingPages 12
wdTransparentMetafiles 10
wdTruncateFontHeight 24
wdUsePrinterMetrics 26
wdUseWord2002TableStyleRules 49
wdUseWord97LineBreakingRules 42
wdWPJustification 31
wdWPSpaceWidth 30
wdWrapTrailSpaces 4
wdWW6BorderRules 27


Constant Value
wdEvenColumnBanding 7
wdEvenRowBanding 3
wdFirstColumn 4
wdFirstRow 0
wdLastColumn 5
wdLastRow 1
wdNECell 8
wdNWCell 9
wdOddColumnBanding 6
wdOddRowBanding 2
wdSECell 10
wdSWCell 11


Constant Value
wdAutoPosition 0
wdBackward -1073741823
wdCreatorCode 1297307460
wdFirst 1
wdForward 1073741823
wdToggle 9999998
wdUndefined 9999999


Constant Value
wdContinueDisabled 0
wdContinueList 2
wdResetList 1


Constant Value
wdArgentina 54
wdBrazil 55
wdCanada 2
wdChile 56
wdChina 86
wdDenmark 45
wdFinland 358
wdFrance 33
wdGermany 49
wdIceland 354
wdItaly 39
wdJapan 81
wdKorea 82
wdLatinAmerica 3
wdMexico 52
wdNetherlands 31
wdNorway 47
wdPeru 51
wdSpain 34
wdSweden 46
wdTaiwan 886
wdUK 44
wdUS 1
wdVenezuela 58


Constant Value
wdCursorMovementLogical 0
wdCursorMovementVisual 1


Constant Value
wdCursorIBeam 1
wdCursorNormal 2
wdCursorNorthwestArrow 3
wdCursorWait 0


Constant Value
wdCustomLabelA4 2
wdCustomLabelA4LS 3
wdCustomLabelA5 4
wdCustomLabelA5LS 5
wdCustomLabelB4JIS 13
wdCustomLabelB5 6
wdCustomLabelFanfold 8
wdCustomLabelHigaki 11
wdCustomLabelHigakiLS 12
wdCustomLabelLetter 0
wdCustomLabelLetterLS 1
wdCustomLabelMini 7
wdCustomLabelVertHalfSheet 9
wdCustomLabelVertHalfSheetLS 10


Constant Value
wdDateLanguageBidi 10
wdDateLanguageLatin 1033


Constant Value
wdAutoRecoverPath 5
wdBorderArtPath 19
wdCurrentFolderPath 14
wdDocumentsPath 0
wdGraphicsFiltersPath 10
wdPicturesPath 1
wdProgramPath 9
wdProofingToolsPath 12
wdStartupPath 8
wdStyleGalleryPath 15
wdTempFilePath 13
wdTextConvertersPath 11
wdToolsPath 6
wdTutorialPath 7
wdUserOptionsPath 4
wdUserTemplatesPath 2
wdWorkgroupTemplatesPath 3


Constant Value
wdWord10ListBehavior 2
wdWord8ListBehavior 0
wdWord9ListBehavior 1


Constant Value
wdWord8TableBehavior 0
wdWord9TableBehavior 1


Constant Value
wdDeleteCellsEntireColumn 3
wdDeleteCellsEntireRow 2
wdDeleteCellsShiftLeft 0
wdDeleteCellsShiftUp 1


Constant Value
wdDeletedTextMarkBold 5
wdDeletedTextMarkCaret 2
wdDeletedTextMarkColorOnly 9
wdDeletedTextMarkDoubleUnderline 8
wdDeletedTextMarkHidden 0
wdDeletedTextMarkItalic 6
wdDeletedTextMarkNone 4
wdDeletedTextMarkPound 3
wdDeletedTextMarkStrikeThrough 1
wdDeletedTextMarkUnderline 7


Constant Value
wdDiacriticColorBidi 0
wdDiacriticColorLatin 1


Constant Value
wdGrammar 1
wdHangulHanjaConversion 8
wdHangulHanjaConversionCustom 9
wdHyphenation 3
wdSpelling 0
wdSpellingComplete 4
wdSpellingCustom 5
wdSpellingLegal 6
wdSpellingMedical 7
wdThesaurus 2


Constant Value
wd70 0
wd70FE 1
wd80 2


Constant Value
wdLeftToRight 0
wdRightToLeft 1


Constant Value
wdDocumentEmail 2
wdDocumentLetter 1
wdDocumentNotSpecified 0


Constant Value
wdDocument 1
wdEmailMessage 0
wdWebPage 2


Constant Value
wdTypeDocument 0
wdTypeFrameset 2
wdTypeTemplate 1


Constant Value
wdDocumentViewLtr 1
wdDocumentViewRtl 0


Constant Value
wdDropMargin 2
wdDropNone 0
wdDropNormal 1


Constant Value
wdAutomaticUpdate 3
wdCancelPublisher 0
wdChangeAttributes 5
wdManualUpdate 4
wdOpenSource 7
wdSelectPublisher 2
wdSendPublisher 1
wdUpdateSubscriber 6


Constant Value
wdPublisher 0
wdSubscriber 1


Constant Value
wdEditorCurrent -6
wdEditorEditors -5
wdEditorEveryone -1
wdEditorOwners -4


Constant Value
wdEmailHTMLFidelityHigh 3
wdEmailHTMLFidelityLow 1
wdEmailHTMLFidelityMedium 2


Constant Value
wdEmphasisMarkNone 0
wdEmphasisMarkOverComma 2
wdEmphasisMarkOverSolidCircle 1
wdEmphasisMarkOverWhiteCircle 3
wdEmphasisMarkUnderSolidCircle 4


Constant Value
wdCancelDisabled 0
wdCancelInterrupt 1


Constant Value
wdEncloseStyleLarge 2
wdEncloseStyleNone 0
wdEncloseStyleSmall 1


Constant Value
wdEnclosureCircle 0
wdEnclosureDiamond 3
wdEnclosureSquare 1
wdEnclosureTriangle 2


Constant Value
wdEndOfDocument 1
wdEndOfSection 0


Constant Value
wdCenterClockwise 7
wdCenterLandscape 4
wdCenterPortrait 1
wdLeftClockwise 6
wdLeftLandscape 3
wdLeftPortrait 0
wdRightClockwise 8
wdRightLandscape 5
wdRightPortrait 2


Constant Value
wdLineBreakJapanese 1041
wdLineBreakKorean 1042
wdLineBreakSimplifiedChinese 2052
wdLineBreakTraditionalChinese 1028


Constant Value
wdFarEastLineBreakLevelCustom 2
wdFarEastLineBreakLevelNormal 0
wdFarEastLineBreakLevelStrict 1


Constant Value
wdFieldKindCold 3
wdFieldKindHot 1
wdFieldKindNone 0
wdFieldKindWarm 2


Constant Value
wdFieldShadingAlways 1
wdFieldShadingNever 0
wdFieldShadingWhenSelected 2


Constant Value
wdFieldAddin 81
wdFieldAddressBlock 93
wdFieldAdvance 84
wdFieldAsk 38
wdFieldAuthor 17
wdFieldAutoNum 54
wdFieldAutoNumLegal 53
wdFieldAutoNumOutline 52
wdFieldAutoText 79
wdFieldAutoTextList 89
wdFieldBarCode 63
wdFieldBidiOutline 92
wdFieldComments 19
wdFieldCompare 80
wdFieldCreateDate 21
wdFieldData 40
wdFieldDatabase 78
wdFieldDate 31
wdFieldDDE 45
wdFieldDDEAuto 46
wdFieldDocProperty 85
wdFieldDocVariable 64
wdFieldEditTime 25
wdFieldEmbed 58
wdFieldEmpty -1
wdFieldExpression 34
wdFieldFileName 29
wdFieldFileSize 69
wdFieldFillIn 39
wdFieldFootnoteRef 5
wdFieldFormCheckBox 71
wdFieldFormDropDown 83
wdFieldFormTextInput 70
wdFieldFormula 49
wdFieldGlossary 47
wdFieldGoToButton 50
wdFieldGreetingLine 94
wdFieldHTMLActiveX 91
wdFieldHyperlink 88
wdFieldIf 7
wdFieldImport 55
wdFieldInclude 36
wdFieldIncludePicture 67
wdFieldIncludeText 68
wdFieldIndex 8
wdFieldIndexEntry 4
wdFieldInfo 14
wdFieldKeyWord 18
wdFieldLastSavedBy 20
wdFieldLink 56
wdFieldListNum 90
wdFieldMacroButton 51
wdFieldMergeField 59
wdFieldMergeRec 44
wdFieldMergeSeq 75
wdFieldNext 41
wdFieldNextIf 42
wdFieldNoteRef 72
wdFieldNumChars 28
wdFieldNumPages 26
wdFieldNumWords 27
wdFieldOCX 87
wdFieldPage 33
wdFieldPageRef 37
wdFieldPrint 48
wdFieldPrintDate 23
wdFieldPrivate 77
wdFieldQuote 35
wdFieldRef 3
wdFieldRefDoc 11
wdFieldRevisionNum 24
wdFieldSaveDate 22
wdFieldSection 65
wdFieldSectionPages 66
wdFieldSequence 12
wdFieldSet 6
wdFieldShape 95
wdFieldSkipIf 43
wdFieldStyleRef 10
wdFieldSubject 16
wdFieldSubscriber 82
wdFieldSymbol 57
wdFieldTemplate 30
wdFieldTime 32
wdFieldTitle 15
wdFieldTOA 73
wdFieldTOAEntry 74
wdFieldTOC 13
wdFieldTOCEntry 9
wdFieldUserAddress 62
wdFieldUserInitials 61
wdFieldUserName 60


Constant Value
wdMatchAnyCharacter 65599
wdMatchAnyDigit 65567
wdMatchAnyLetter 65583
wdMatchCaretCharacter 11
wdMatchColumnBreak 14
wdMatchCommentMark 5
wdMatchEmDash 8212
wdMatchEnDash 8211
wdMatchEndnoteMark 65555
wdMatchField 19
wdMatchFootnoteMark 65554
wdMatchGraphic 1
wdMatchManualLineBreak 65551
wdMatchManualPageBreak 65564
wdMatchNonbreakingHyphen 30
wdMatchNonbreakingSpace 160
wdMatchOptionalHyphen 31
wdMatchParagraphMark 65551
wdMatchSectionBreak 65580
wdMatchTabCharacter 9
wdMatchWhiteSpace 65655


Constant Value
wdFindAsk 2
wdFindContinue 1
wdFindStop 0


Constant Value
wdFlowLtr 0
wdFlowRtl 1


Constant Value
wdFontBiasDefault 0
wdFontBiasDontCare 255
wdFontBiasFareast 1


Constant Value
wdBeneathText 1
wdBottomOfPage 0


Constant Value
wdFrameBottom -999997
wdFrameCenter -999995
wdFrameInside -999994
wdFrameLeft -999998
wdFrameOutside -999993
wdFrameRight -999996
wdFrameTop -999999


Constant Value
wdFramesetNewFrameAbove 0
wdFramesetNewFrameBelow 1
wdFramesetNewFrameLeft 3
wdFramesetNewFrameRight 2


Constant Value
wdFramesetSizeTypeFixed 1
wdFramesetSizeTypePercent 0
wdFramesetSizeTypeRelative 2


Constant Value
wdFramesetTypeFrame 1
wdFramesetTypeFrameset 0


Constant Value
wdFrameAtLeast 1
wdFrameAuto 0
wdFrameExact 2


Constant Value
wdGoToAbsolute 1
wdGoToFirst 1
wdGoToLast -1
wdGoToNext 2
wdGoToPrevious 3
wdGoToRelative 2


Constant Value
wdGoToBookmark -1
wdGoToComment 6
wdGoToEndnote 5
wdGoToEquation 10
wdGoToField 7
wdGoToFootnote 4
wdGoToGrammaticalError 14
wdGoToGraphic 8
wdGoToHeading 11
wdGoToLine 3
wdGoToObject 9
wdGoToPage 1
wdGoToPercent 12
wdGoToProofreadingError 15
wdGoToSection 0
wdGoToSpellingError 13
wdGoToTable 2


Constant Value
wdGutterPosLeft 0
wdGutterPosRight 2
wdGutterPosTop 1


Constant Value
wdGutterStyleBidi 2
wdGutterStyleLatin -10


Constant Value
wdHeaderFooterEvenPages 3
wdHeaderFooterFirstPage 2
wdHeaderFooterPrimary 1


Constant Value
wdHeadingSeparatorBlankLine 1
wdHeadingSeparatorLetter 2
wdHeadingSeparatorLetterFull 4
wdHeadingSeparatorLetterLow 3
wdHeadingSeparatorNone 0


Constant Value
wdFullScript 0
wdMixedAuthorizedScript 3
wdMixedScript 2
wdPartialScript 1


Constant Value
wdHelp 0
wdHelpAbout 1
wdHelpActiveWindow 2
wdHelpContents 3
wdHelpExamplesAndDemos 4
wdHelpHWP 13
wdHelpIchitaro 11
wdHelpIndex 5
wdHelpKeyboard 6
wdHelpPE2 12
wdHelpPSSHelp 7
wdHelpQuickPreview 8
wdHelpSearch 9
wdHelpUsingHelp 10


Constant Value
wdAutoDetectHighAnsiFarEast 2
wdHighAnsiIsFarEast 0
wdHighAnsiIsHighAnsi 1


Constant Value
wdHorizontalInVerticalFitInLine 1
wdHorizontalInVerticalNone 0
wdHorizontalInVerticalResizeLine 2


Constant Value
wdHorizontalLineAlignCenter 1
wdHorizontalLineAlignLeft 0
wdHorizontalLineAlignRight 2


Constant Value
wdHorizontalLineFixedWidth -2
wdHorizontalLinePercentWidth -1


Constant Value
wdIMEModeAlpha 8
wdIMEModeAlphaFull 7
wdIMEModeHangul 10
wdIMEModeHangulFull 9
wdIMEModeHiragana 4
wdIMEModeKatakana 5
wdIMEModeKatakanaHalf 6
wdIMEModeNoControl 0
wdIMEModeOff 2
wdIMEModeOn 1


Constant Value
wdIndexFilterAiueo 1
wdIndexFilterAkasatana 2
wdIndexFilterChosung 3
wdIndexFilterFull 6
wdIndexFilterLow 4
wdIndexFilterMedium 5
wdIndexFilterNone 0


Constant Value
wdIndexBulleted 4
wdIndexClassic 1
wdIndexFancy 2
wdIndexFormal 5
wdIndexModern 3
wdIndexSimple 6
wdIndexTemplate 0


Constant Value
wdIndexSortByStroke 0
wdIndexSortBySyllable 1


Constant Value
wdIndexIndent 0
wdIndexRunin 1


Constant Value
wdActiveEndAdjustedPageNumber 1
wdActiveEndPageNumber 3
wdActiveEndSectionNumber 2
wdAtEndOfRowMarker 31
wdCapsLock 21
wdEndOfRangeColumnNumber 17
wdEndOfRangeRowNumber 14
wdFirstCharacterColumnNumber 9
wdFirstCharacterLineNumber 10
wdFrameIsSelected 11
wdHeaderFooterType 33
wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToPage 5
wdHorizontalPositionRelativeToTextBoundary 7
wdInClipboard 38
wdInCommentPane 26
wdInEndnote 36
wdInFootnote 35
wdInFootnoteEndnotePane 25
wdInHeaderFooter 28
wdInMasterDocument 34
wdInWordMail 37
wdMaximumNumberOfColumns 18
wdMaximumNumberOfRows 15
wdNumberOfPagesInDocument 4
wdNumLock 22
wdOverType 23
wdReferenceOfType 32
wdRevisionMarking 24
wdSelectionMode 20
wdStartOfRangeColumnNumber 16
wdStartOfRangeRowNumber 13
wdVerticalPositionRelativeToPage 6
wdVerticalPositionRelativeToTextBoundary 8
wdWithInTable 12
wdZoomPercentage 19


Constant Value
wdInlineShapeEmbeddedOLEObject 1
wdInlineShapeHorizontalLine 6
wdInlineShapeLinkedOLEObject 2
wdInlineShapeLinkedPicture 4
wdInlineShapeLinkedPictureHorizontalLine 8
wdInlineShapeOLEControlObject 5
wdInlineShapeOWSAnchor 11
wdInlineShapePicture 3
wdInlineShapePictureBullet 9
wdInlineShapePictureHorizontalLine 7
wdInlineShapeScriptAnchor 10


Constant Value
wdInsertCellsEntireColumn 3
wdInsertCellsEntireRow 2
wdInsertCellsShiftDown 1
wdInsertCellsShiftRight 0


Constant Value
wdInsertedTextMarkBold 1
wdInsertedTextMarkColorOnly 5
wdInsertedTextMarkDoubleUnderline 4
wdInsertedTextMarkItalic 2
wdInsertedTextMarkNone 0
wdInsertedTextMarkStrikeThrough 6
wdInsertedTextMarkUnderline 3


Constant Value
wd24HourClock 21
wdCurrencyCode 20
wdDateSeparator 25
wdDecimalSeparator 18
wdInternationalAM 22
wdInternationalPM 23
wdListSeparator 17
wdProductLanguageID 26
wdThousandsSeparator 19
wdTimeSeparator 24


Constant Value
wdJustificationModeCompress 1
wdJustificationModeCompressKana 2
wdJustificationModeExpand 0


Constant Value
wdKanaHiragana 9
wdKanaKatakana 8


Constant Value
wdKey0 48
wdKey1 49
wdKey2 50
wdKey3 51
wdKey4 52
wdKey5 53
wdKey6 54
wdKey7 55
wdKey8 56
wdKey9 57
wdKeyA 65
wdKeyAlt 1024
wdKeyB 66
wdKeyBackSingleQuote 192
wdKeyBackSlash 220
wdKeyBackspace 8
wdKeyC 67
wdKeyCloseSquareBrace 221
wdKeyComma 188
wdKeyCommand 512
wdKeyControl 512
wdKeyD 68
wdKeyDelete 46
wdKeyE 69
wdKeyEnd 35
wdKeyEquals 187
wdKeyEsc 27
wdKeyF 70
wdKeyF1 112
wdKeyF10 121
wdKeyF11 122
wdKeyF12 123
wdKeyF13 124
wdKeyF14 125
wdKeyF15 126
wdKeyF16 127
wdKeyF2 113
wdKeyF3 114
wdKeyF4 115
wdKeyF5 116
wdKeyF6 117
wdKeyF7 118
wdKeyF8 119
wdKeyF9 120
wdKeyG 71
wdKeyH 72
wdKeyHome 36
wdKeyHyphen 189
wdKeyI 73
wdKeyInsert 45
wdKeyJ 74
wdKeyK 75
wdKeyL 76
wdKeyM 77
wdKeyN 78
wdKeyNumeric0 96
wdKeyNumeric1 97
wdKeyNumeric2 98
wdKeyNumeric3 99
wdKeyNumeric4 100
wdKeyNumeric5 101
wdKeyNumeric5Special 12
wdKeyNumeric6 102
wdKeyNumeric7 103
wdKeyNumeric8 104
wdKeyNumeric9 105
wdKeyNumericAdd 107
wdKeyNumericDecimal 110
wdKeyNumericDivide 111
wdKeyNumericMultiply 106
wdKeyNumericSubtract 109
wdKeyO 79
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Constant Value
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Constant Value
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