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CalloutFormat.Border Property

Publisher Developer Reference

Returns or sets an MsoTriState constant indicating whether the text in the specified callout is surrounded by a border. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a CalloutFormat object.

Return Value


The Border property value can be one of the MsoTriState constants declared in the Microsoft Office type library.


This example adds an oval to the active publication and a callout that points to the oval. The callout text will have a border, but not a vertical accent bar that separates the text from the callout line.

Visual Basic for Applications
  With ActiveDocument.Pages(1).Shapes
    ' Add an oval.
    .AddShape Type:=msoShapeOval, _
        Left:=180, Top:=200, Width:=280, Height:=130
' Add a callout.
With .AddCallout(Type:=msoCalloutTwo, _
        Left:=420, Top:=170, Width:=170, Height:=40)

    ' Add text to the callout.
    .TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "This is an oval"

    ' Add an accent bar to the callout.
    With .Callout
        .Accent = msoFalse
        .<strong>Border</strong> = msoTrue
    End With
End With

End With

See Also