WdBuiltInProperty Enumeration
Word Developer Reference |
Specifies a built-in document property.
Name | Value | Description |
wdPropertyAppName | 9 | Name of application. |
wdPropertyAuthor | 3 | Author. |
wdPropertyBytes | 22 | Byte count. |
wdPropertyCategory | 18 | Category. |
wdPropertyCharacters | 16 | Character count. |
wdPropertyCharsWSpaces | 30 | Character count with spaces. |
wdPropertyComments | 5 | Comments. |
wdPropertyCompany | 21 | Company. |
wdPropertyFormat | 19 | Not supported. |
wdPropertyHiddenSlides | 27 | Not supported. |
wdPropertyHyperlinkBase | 29 | Not supported. |
wdPropertyKeywords | 4 | Keywords. |
wdPropertyLastAuthor | 7 | Last author. |
wdPropertyLines | 23 | Line count. |
wdPropertyManager | 20 | Manager. |
wdPropertyMMClips | 28 | Not supported. |
wdPropertyNotes | 26 | Notes. |
wdPropertyPages | 14 | Page count. |
wdPropertyParas | 24 | Paragraph count. |
wdPropertyRevision | 8 | Revision number. |
wdPropertySecurity | 17 | Security setting. |
wdPropertySlides | 25 | Not supported. |
wdPropertySubject | 2 | Subject. |
wdPropertyTemplate | 6 | Template name. |
wdPropertyTimeCreated | 11 | Time created. |
wdPropertyTimeLastPrinted | 10 | Time last printed. |
wdPropertyTimeLastSaved | 12 | Time last saved. |
wdPropertyTitle | 1 | Title. |
wdPropertyVBATotalEdit | 13 | Number of edits to VBA project. |
wdPropertyWords | 15 | Word count. |
Used with the BuiltInDocumentProperties collection of the Document or Template object.