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Read book excerpts from the Elsevier book, Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming: Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators.

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The following chapters are excerpts from Microsoft Outlook 2007 Programming: Jumpstart for Power Users and Administrators, from Elsevier (ISBN 978-1-55558-346-0, copyright Elsevier 2008, all rights reserved):

About the Book

Microsoft Office Outlook is the most widely-used and programmable e-mail application. In this book, Sue Mosher introduces the key concepts to readers who want to program Outlook by using Visual Basic for Applications, custom Outlook forms, and external scripts (no previous coding experience or development tools are required).

For those who manage Outlook installations, this book demonstrates how to use new features in the Outlook 2007 programming model. For example, it shows how to build scripts that can create rules and views, or manage categories.

Power users will discover how to enhance and extend Outlook 2007 by creating custom features that, for example, process incoming mail or extract key information.

Although this book is directed primarily to the nonprofessional programmer (system administrators, network administrators, power users, and so on), it also provides a quick guide to Outlook programming basics for the professional developer who wants to study Outlook integration. The book uses practical, real-world examples that address common issues and provide solutions with functional code samples. In addition, it details dozens of new programming objects including views, rules, categories, and searches.

Discover how to:

  • Use new controls to design, create, and customize form regions.

  • Programmatically create rules and custom views.

  • Change the format of a message.

  • Create complex HTML-format messages that include hyperlinks and pictures.

  • Automatically add a Bcc: recipient to all outgoing messages or create a contact for each recipient in the To: field.

  • Reply to a message and include the file attachments from the original message in the reply.

  • Add a new custom toolbar and populate it with controls.

  • Show or hide the navigation pane and control what module to display.

  • Use a Word mail merge to build a contact report.

  • Print invoices and other reports that combine data from two different folders.

About the Author

Sue Mosher is the author of several books on Microsoft Outlook. She has written hundreds of articles on the subject, and created several Web sites devoted to helping Outlook users, administrators, and developers. Microsoft has recognized Sue with a Most Valuable Professional award every year since 1994. Sue currently lives in Arlington, Virginia, and is President of Turtleflock LLC.