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BorderArtFormat.StretchPictures Property (Publisher)

True to stretch the picture art making up the specified BorderArt to fit the shape to which it is applied. Read/write Boolean. .


expression .StretchPictures

expression A variable that represents a BorderArtFormat object.

Return Value



Returns "Permission Denied" if BorderArt has not been applied to the specified object.

Corresponds to the Don't stretch pictures and Stretch pictures to fit controls on the BorderArt dialog box.


The following example tests for the existence of BorderArt on each shape for each page of the active document. If BorderArt exists, it is set so that it can be stretched.

Sub StretchBorderArt() 
 Dim anyPage As Page 
 Dim anyShape As Shape 
 For Each anyPage in ActiveDocument.Pages 
 For Each anyShape in anyPage.Shapes 
 With anyShape.BorderArt 
 If .Exists = True Then 
 .StretchPictures = True 
 End If 
 End With 
 Next anyShape 
 Next anyPage 
End Sub

See Also


BorderArtFormat Object Members

BorderArtFormat Object