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RemoveItem Method (ModHFGrid)

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Removes a row from a ModHFGrid at run time. This property does not support named arguments.


object.RemoveItem(index, number)

The RemoveItem method syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to the ModHFGrid Control object.
index An integer representing the row within the ModHFGrid to remove. For the first row, index=0.
number A Long value that specifies the band from which to remove the row.


This method deletes the entire row specified. To clear data without removing the rows, use the Clear method.

If the BandDisplay property is set to horizontal and the ModHFGrid is bound to a hierarchical Recordset, number is required. If the BandDisplay property is set to vertical, number is required only if the band is ambiguous.

When removing a row within a band that contains child records, the child records are removed automatically.

See Also

Clear Method (ModHFGrid) | ModHFGrid Control