SolverGet Function

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Returns information about current settings for Solver. The settings are specified in the Solver Parameters and Solver Options dialog boxes.

Before you use this function, you must establish a reference to the Solver add-in. With a Visual Basic module active, click References on the Tools menu, and then select the Solver.xla check box under Available References. If Solver.xla doesn't appear under Available References, click Browse and open Solver.xla in the \Office\Library subfolder.


SolverGet(TypeNum, SheetName)

TypeNum   Required Integer. A number specifying the type of information you want. The following settings are specified in the Solver Parameters dialog box.

TypeNum Returns
1 The reference in the Set Target Cell box, or the #N/A error value if Solver hasnt been used on the active sheet.
2 A number corresponding to the Equal To option: 1 represents Max, 2 represents Min, and 3 represents Value Of.
3 The value in the Value Of box.
4 The reference (as a multiple reference, if necessary) in the By Changing Cells box.
5 The number of constraints.
6 An array of the left sides of the constraints, in text form.
7 An array of numbers corresponding to the relationships between the left and right sides of the constraints: 1 represents <=, 2 represents =, 3 represents >=, 4 represents int, and 5 represents bin.
8 An array of the right sides of the constraints, in text form.

The following settings are specified in the Solver Options dialog box.

TypeNum Returns
9 The maximum calculation time.
10 The maximum number of iterations.
11 The precision.
12 The integer tolerance value.
13 True if the Assume Linear Model check box is selected; False if its cleared.
14 True if the Show Iteration Results check box is selected; False if its cleared.
15 True if the Use Automatic Scaling check box is selected; False if its cleared.
16 A number corresponding to the type of estimates: 1 represents Tangent, and 2 represents Quadratic.
17 A number corresponding to the type of derivatives: 1 represents Forward, and 2 represents Central.
18 A number corresponding to the type of search: 1 represents Quasi-Newton, and 2 represents Conjugate Gradient.
19 The convergence value.
20 True if the Assume Non-Negative check box is selected.

SheetName   Optional Variant. The name of the sheet that contains the Solver model for which you want information. If SheetName is omitted, this sheet is assumed to be the active sheet.