Update Storage Group Copy Wizard > Introduction Page


Applies to: Exchange Server 2007 SP3, Exchange Server 2007 SP2, Exchange Server 2007 SP1

Use the Update Storage Group Copy wizard from the passive node to perform a seeding of the passive copy of a storage group. This wizard allows you to manually initiate or resynchronize replication for a cluster continuous replication (CCR) or local continuous replication (LCR) storage group copy. Perform this operation in the following situations:

  • You have created a storage group copy in LCR that does not have a baseline database.

  • You have a corrupted database in the CCR or LCR copy.

  • You enabled an LCR copy remotely that previously was backed up and therefore does not have all the logs.

  • You have a CCR or LCR environment and need to get a new baseline database to the passive copy. This situation could be due to corruption, some configuration change, server loss, or invalid baseline database available on the passive copy.

  • You have run an offline defragmentation or repair on the production database.

Before proceeding with this wizard, verify that the correct storage group is listed in the Storage group name field.

Select the Delete any existing log files in target path check box to remove all transaction log files from the passive copy of the storage group before seeding is performed.