Journaling recipient should be hidden
[This topic is intended to address a specific issue called out by the Exchange Server Analyzer Tool. You should apply it only to systems that have had the Exchange Server Analyzer Tool run against them and are experiencing that specific issue. The Exchange Server Analyzer Tool, available as a free download, remotely collects configuration data from each server in the topology and automatically analyzes the data. The resulting report details important configuration issues, potential problems, and nondefault product settings. By following these recommendations, you can achieve better performance, scalability, reliability, and uptime. For more information about the tool or to download the latest versions, see "Microsoft Exchange Analyzers" at]
Topic Last Modified: 2007-01-09
The Microsoft® Exchange Server Analyzer Tool queries the Active Directory® directory service to determine whether the value for the msExchHideFromAddressLists attribute of the journaling recipient object is set to True. A value other than True for this attribute indicates that the journaling recipient for the mailbox store is not hidden from Exchange Server address lists and could become the recipient of non journaling related messages. If the Exchange Server Analyzer finds that the value for the msExchHideFromAddressLists attribute for the journaling recipient object is not set to True, the Exchange Server Analyzer displays a best practice message.
To address this issue for Exchange Server 2003, use the Active Directory Users and Computers tool to hide the journaling recipient mailbox from Exchange Server address lists.
To address this issue for Exchange Server 2007, use the Exchange Management Console to hide the journaling recipient mailbox from Exchange Server address lists.
To hide the nominated journal recipient mailbox from Exchange Server address lists with Exchange Server 2003
Open Active Directory Users and Computers.
In the console tree, expand the domain.
Navigate to the parent container of the recipient that you want to modify**.**
In the details pane, double-click the recipient that you want to modify.
On the Exchange Advanced tab, select the Hide from Exchange address Lists check box.
Click OK.
To hide the nominated journal recipient mailbox from Exchange Server address lists with Exchange Server 2007
Open Exchange Management Console
In the console tree, Navigate to the parent container of the recipient that you want to modify.
In the detail pane, double-click the mailbox object for the designated journaling recipient to display its properties.
On the General tab, select the Hide from Exchange address lists check box.
Click OK.
For more information about how to deploy a journaling solution with Exchange Server 2003, see Journaling with Exchange Server (
For more information about how to deploy a journaling solution with Exchange Server 2007, see Overview of Journaling (