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Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Query namespace


  Class Description
Public class AlertCollection Applies to: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 search
Represents a collection of SearchAlert objects for a specified SPSite.
Public class AlertInfo Obsolete. Applies to: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 search
Represents information about a search alert.
Public class AlertManagerInfo Represents the Search alert information for a Search service application.
Public class AllNoiseQueryException Represents the exception that is thrown when a search query's terms are all noise words.
Public class ClientStringCollection
Public class CookieCredentials Represents an object that contains the credentials used to connect to federated search locations that are configured to use cookie-based authentication.
Public class ExportImportManager
Public class FormsCredentials Represents an object that contains the credentials used to connect to federated search locations that are configured to use forms authentication.
Public class HighlightedString Represents the hit-highlighted summary.
Public class InactiveSourceQueriedException
Public class InternalQueryErrorException
Public class InvalidPropertyException Represents the exception that is thrown when the search query contains a property that is not valid.
Public class KeywordInformation Applies to: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 search
Contains information about a keyword.
Public class KeywordQuery Represents a search query that uses the SharePoint Server 2013 keyword syntax. This syntax may contain either the Keyword Query Language (KQL) or FAST Query Language (FQL). For information about constructing keyword queries, see the Building search queries in SharePoint 2013.
Public class KeywordQueryProperties Represents the properties for a search query using the Keyword syntax.
Public class KeywordQueryPropertiesType_Client
Public class KnownTableTypes Represents some special known values for TableType.
Public class Location Represents a federated location.
Public class LocationList Contains a list of federated locations.
Public class OpenSearchRuntime Implementation of runtime which performs a search against OpenSearch federated locations.
Public class PageImpressionConstants
Public class PageImpressionInfo
Public class PagingCookie Client-side state cookie that tracks the number of results filtered out by security trimming.
Public class PersonalResultSuggestion
Public class PluggableAccessCheckException Represents the exception that is thrown when application access is denied by the LDAP Pluggable Authentication Provider.
Public class PopularQueriesExportResults Represents a set of popular queries as retrieved by the GetPopularQueries() method.
Public class PopularQuery Represents a popular query. Used by the GetPopularQueries() and ImportPopularQueries() methods.
Public class PrioritizedLocationList Represents a class that returns the top result from the highest priority location.
Public class PropertyBag Represents the base class for generic versions of a property bag.
Public class PropertyBag<T>
Public class PropertyConstraint Represents a property constraint and a set of constraining values.
Public class PropertyConstraintCollection Represents a collection of PropertyConstraint objects.
Public class PropertyInformation Provides information about a managed property.
Public class Query Represents the base class for executing search queries by using the SharePoint Server 2013 query object model, and defines the properties and methods that are used by the KeywordQuery class.
Public class QueryClientTypeManager
Public class QueryClientTypeMapping Mapping between client types and throttling tiers
Public class QueryContainsOnlyExcludedTermsException Represents the exception that is thrown when the search query contains only excluded terms.
Public class QueryEmptyException
Public class QueryInfo Represents the query log data for a single click-through for a Search query.
Public class QueryLogImmediacyInfo
Public class QueryLogPageClick
Public class QueryLogPageImpression
Public class QueryLogPageImpressionBlock
Public class QueryLogPageImpressionResult
Public class QueryLogSettings
Public class QueryMalformedException Represents the exception that is thrown when a search query is not formed correctly.
Public class QueryManager Executes the query and returns the search results.
Public class QueryParameterSpecification
Public class QueryPersonalizationData Represents information about the user who is executing a Search query.
Public class QueryProperties Represents the properties for a search query.
Public class QueryPropertyOutOfRangeException
Public class QueryPropertyValue
Public class QueryService Obsolete. To access the Search Query Web service and its methods, use the websvcSearch class instead.
Public class QuerySuggestionQuery
Public class QuerySuggestionResults
Public class QueryThrottledException
Public class QueryTransformInvalidPropertyException Exception thrown when query transformation fails because invalid query property values are set
Public class QueryUtility
Public class RankingLabeling Executes queries against a search server.
Public class RankingModelNotFoundException Represents an error that occurs when the specified ranking model is not found.
Public class ReadOnlySource Represents a source in which are permitted only read operations.
Public class RemoteSharepointException
Public class RemoteSharepointException.RemoteSharePointExceptionInfo
Public class ReorderingRule
Public class ReorderingRuleCollection Represents a collection of reordering rules.
Public class ResultTable Represents a distinct collection of search results returned for a query.
Public class ResultTableCollection Represents a collection of ResultTable objects.
Public class ScopeInformation Provides information about a search scope.
Public class ScopeNotFoundException Represents the exception that is thrown when the scope name specified for a search query does not exist.
Public class SearchAlert Represents an alert, which generates a notification when new content is added to the content index that matches a specified search term.
Public class SearcherInfo Represents the searcher information for the Search query.
Public class SearchExecutor Runs queries against a search server.This class was introduced in SharePoint 2013 to run search specific features, like search queries, against the backend.
Public class SearchQueryException Provides the base class for SharePoint Enterprise Search query exceptions.
Public class SearchServiceApplicationInfo Represents information about the search service application.
Public class SearchServiceNotFoundException Represents the exception that is thrown when the search service is unavailable.
Public class SharePointSearchRuntime Implementation of runtime which performs a search against SharePoint sites.
Public class Sort Defines how search results are sorted.
Public class SortCollection Represents a collection of Sort structures.
Public class TooComplexQueryException Represents an exception that is thrown when there are too many results for this query.
Public class UnSupportedTopologyException Represents the exception that is thrown when a query has been sent to an unsupported server topology.


  Structure Description
Public structure ResultDefinition Provides the information about a keyword definition in the search results.


  Interface Description
Public interface ILocationRuntime Defines the properties and methods that support connecting to a federated location.
Public interface IPropertyCollection Represents a set of properties; every property is a key/value pair where the key is a string and the value is an object.
Public interface IQueryClientTypeOperations
Public interface IReadOnlyPropertyCollection Represents a set of properties; every property is a key/value pair, where the key is a string and the value is an object.
Public interface IRefinableRuntime Defines a reference to the refinement manager that configures the query refinement calculation and merges the refinement filters.
Public interface ISearchAdminServiceApplication
Public interface ISearchHealthMonitoringServiceApplication
Public interface ISecurityTrimmer2 Obsolete. Defines the methods that perform dynamic access checks of items to display in query Search results.
Public interface ISecurityTrimmerPost The ISecurityTrimmerPost interface must be implemented if you want to hook into the query processing component, to perform dynamic access checks of documents, to be displayed in search results at query time.
Public interface ISecurityTrimmerPre The ISecurityTrimmerPre interface must be implemented by security trimmers that apply before search queries are evaluated, since a pre-trimmer will return additional claims to be encoded as security filters.This trimmer is an alternative to custom claims providers.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ResultCallback Represents the callback method to be executed when an asynchronous search query request to a federated location is completed.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AlertChangeType Applies to: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 search
Represents the types of changes for which a search alert is generated.
Public enumeration CollapsingStatus Applies to: Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 search
Defines whether duplicate results are collapsed for SharePoint Enterprise Search queries results.
Public enumeration KeywordInclusion Defines whether the query shall return results that contain all or any of the specified search terms.
Public enumeration QueryAuthenticationType Defines the query authentication types supported in SharePoint Enterprise Search.
Public enumeration QueryHint Represents possible values for Hint.
Public enumeration QueryLogClickType
Public enumeration QueryLogClientType Specifies the place from which the Search query is sent.
Public enumeration QueryLogPageImpressionBlock.ExtNovelDupe
Public enumeration QueryLogType Specifies the type of the event that query logging records.
Public enumeration QueryPropertyValueType Specifies the type value for the property; each type has a specific index value.
Public enumeration RemoteSharepointException.RemoteSharePointExceptionType
Public enumeration ReorderingRuleMatchType
Public enumeration ResubmitFlag Applies to: Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint
Specifies the criteria for automatically resubmitting a query that yielded no results. Each member value indicates an action to be taken if no hits are found. By combining these values you indicate that multiple modifications shall be performed. The effect of an automatic resubmit is that the query is modified and automatically re-evaluated prior to returning the result to the client.
Public enumeration ResultType Obsolete. Specifies the type of search results to return for a SharePoint Server search query.
Public enumeration SearchProvider Specifies the search provider used.
Public enumeration SimilarType Applies to: Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint
A flag that specifies the type of similar documents to find in a Find Similar query. For details, see Find Similar.
Public enumeration SortDirection Defines the sort direction values for ordering search results.
Public enumeration SpellcheckMode Applies to: Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint
Flag specifying how spelling corrections and suggestions are handled for a query. For details, see Linguistic Query Features.