Using MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM
Applies To: System Center Data Protection Manager 2007
MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM is a command-line script that lets you migrate DPM data for a data source – replica volumes and recovery point volumes – across disks. Such a migration might be necessary when your disk is full and cannot expand, your disk is due for replacement, or disk errors show up.
MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM is used to migrate DPM volumes whereas Migrate-Datasource is used to migrate protected computer volumes.
Depending on how you have configured your environment, this could mean one of more of the following scenarios for moving data source data:
DPM disk to DPM disk
Data source to DPM disk
Data source to custom volume
The MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM script moves all data for a data source or disk to the new disk or volume. After migration is complete, the original disk from where the data was migrated is not chosen for hosting any new backups. You must retain your old disks until all recovery points on them expire. After the recovery points expire, DPM automatically deallocates the replicas and recovery point volumes on these disks.
All backup schedules continue to apply and protection of the data source continues as before.
After migrating the replica of a data source that has secondary protection enabled, you must start the Modify Protection Group wizard on the secondary DPM server, select the same data source, and complete the wizard. This reconfigures secondary backups to run from the new replica volume on the primary DPM server.
MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM.ps1 [-DPMServerName] <string> [-Source] <disk[]> [-Destination] <disk[]>
MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM.ps1 [-DPMServerName] <string> [-Source] <data source> [-Destination] <disk[]>
MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM.ps1 [-DPMServerName] <string> [-Source] <data source> [-Destination] <DPM server volume[]>
Parameter | Description |
DPMServerName |
Name of the DPM server for which you want to migrate data. |
Source |
The location from which the data must be moved. This can be either a DPM disk (use Get-DPMDisk to retrieve the disk) or a DPM data source (use Get-Datasource to retrieve the data source). The source can be a set of disks. |
Destination |
The location to which the data must be moved. |
The numbering for the disk array starts with 0.
The following examples show how the script works.
Example 1: Disk D1 contains the replica and recovery points for the data source DS1.
Disk | Replica | Recovery Point |
D1 |
R1 |
RP1 |
To do a disk to disk migration of the volumes on D1 to another disk D2, do the following:
$disk = Get-DPMDisk –DPMServerName DPMTestServer
./MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM.ps1 –DPMServerName DPMTestServer –Source $disk[0] –Destination $disk[1]
This results in the following:
Disk | Replica | Recovery Point |
D1 |
R1 |
RP1 |
D2 |
R1’ |
RP1’ |
You need to retain D1 for the retention range of the latest recovery point on it, usually one month. After the latest recovery point expires, DPM will deallocate the replicas and recovery points on disk D1 automatically.
Example 2: Disk D1 contains the replica of the data source DS1 and the recovery point for data source DS2. Disk 2 contains the replica of DS2 and the recovery point for DS1.
Disk | Replica | Recovery Point |
D1 |
R1 |
RP2 |
D2 |
R2 |
RP1 |
If you do a DPM disk to DPM disk migration to a third disk (Disk 3), this disk will have four volumes, replicas and recovery points for DS1 and DS2.
$disk = Get-DPMDisk –DPMServerName DPMTestServer
./MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM.ps1 –DPMServerName DPMTestServer –Source $disk[0] –Destination $disk[2]
This results in the following:
Disk | Replica | Recovery Point |
D1 |
R1 |
RP2 |
D2 |
R2 |
RP1 |
D3 |
R1’ and R2’ |
RP1’ and RP2’ |
This happens because DPM cannot move just a replica or a recovery point, it will always move them in pairs, hence even though the command only moves the volumes from D1, DPM will move also the related replica and recovery point.
Example 3: Disk D1 contains the replica of the data source DS1 and the recovery point for data source DS2. Disk D2 contains the replica of DS2 and the recovery point for DS1.
Disk | Replica | Recovery Point |
D1 |
R1 |
RP2 |
D2 |
R2 |
RP1 |
If you choose to migrate only the data for DS1 to a third disk (Disk 3), this disk will have two volumes, the replica and recovery point for DS1.
$pg = Get-ProtectionGroup DPMTestServer
$ds = Get-Datasource $pg[0]
$disk = Get-DPMDisk –DPMServerName DPMTestServer
./MigrateDatasourceDataFromDPM.ps1 –DPMServerName DPMTestServer –Source $ds[0] –Destination $disk[2]
Disk | Replica | Recovery Point |
D1 |
R1 |
RP2 |
D2 |
R2 |
RP1 |
D3 |
R1’ |
RP1’ |