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AlertQuery.GetServiceLevelExceptionAlerts Method

Retrieves service level alerts that match the AlertQueryExpression, with the specified maximum count, index, sorting properties, and computer group association.

 public AlertsCollection GetServiceLevelExceptionAlerts(
    AlertQueryExpression alertQueryExpression,
    Int32 alertCount,
    Int32 alertIndex,
    AlertQuery.SortColumn sortColumn,
    AlertQuery.SortOrder sortOrder,
    String computerGroupName


  • alertQueryExpression
    The alert query to run.
  • alertCount
    The maximum number of items to return from the query. The value must be greater than 0, and less than the value of the AlertsCollection.MaxAlertCount field.
  • alertIndex
    The starting point in the paged collection. If the index is out of bounds, the first element is used.
  • sortColumn
    Sort results by this column name.
  • sortOrder
    The sorting direction.
  • computerGroupName
    Limit results to items associated with this computer group. Use null to include all groups.

Return Value

The matching AlertsCollection.


Exception Type Condition
System.ArgumentNullException A null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) was passed to the method.
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException The alertCount value was not within the accepted range of values.
System.ArgumentException The query's ExpressionOperator property value was QueryExpression.ExpressionOperatorType.Is, but the expression was not null, or the reverse.


Platforms: Requires Windows 2000 Server or later

Version: Requires MOM 2005 or later

Namespace: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom

Assembly: Microsoft.Mom.Sdk (in Microsoft.Mom.Sdk.dll)

See Also

AlertQuery Class | AlertQuery Members | AlertQuery.SortColumn Enumeration | AlertQuery.SortOrder Enumeration