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FrameworkBase.Setup Method (ForwardeeInfo, byte)

Identifies the connector to MCF, which in turn generates a unique ID value for the connector to use.

 public abstract Guid FrameworkBase.Setup(
  ForwardeeInfo forwardeeInfo,
  byte resolutionState


  • forwardeeInfo
    Contains the name and other information about the connector.
  • resolutionState
    Specifies a resolution state that should match all alerts forwarded to the connector.

Return Value

The connector's registration ID. It is used to identify the connector and is a required argument for most of the FrameworkBase methods.


Exception Type Condition
System.ArgumentNullException This exception is caused by passing one or more null argument values.
System.InvalidOperationException One or more of the arguments are already in use by a connector.


The Setup method will create a new alert resolution state on the MOM server that is used for identifying alerts that should be forwarded. The name of the resolution state is Ticket in [connector name].

To check which resolution states currently in use on a particular MOM configuration group, use the GlobalConfig.ResolutionStates field.

After calling the Setup method and determining the connector's name and ID, you must call Initialize before attempting to collect or send data.

This method overload uses an alias when it is exposed through SOAP messages. If your application manipulates the XML source of the MCF Web Service SOAP messages, you should use the name SetupWithResolutionState when referring to this overload of the Setup method.


Platforms: Requires Windows 2000 Server or later

Version: Requires MOM 2000 SP1 or later

Namespace: Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Mom.Connector

Assembly: MOM.ForeignConnectors.Common.dll

See Also

FrameworkBase Class | FrameworkBase Members | ForwardeeInfo Structure | FrameworkBase.Initialize Method